Pan Suisui is collecting wind in the mountains.

A cool car suddenly stopped in front of him.

She looked at the car in front of her with some doubts, wondering why someone would come looking for her as a poor and unknown painter.

Until a person got off the car.

Looking at her mother, who had become a little strange before her, she suddenly felt that she had only been gone for a few months, and her mother's face seemed as if it had been a lifetime away.

Pan Ruting got out of the car generously and calmly, not as embarrassed as when she left.

On the contrary, Pan Suisui was a little dazed by his high spirits at this time.

She just felt that her heart sank, her mother should have given up on the previous things when she came back this time, right?

Another person got out of the car.

Pan Suisui stared at the strange face in a daze, the woman's pretty face and fair skin made Pan Suisui feel ashamed.

She has been a drifting painter for so long recently, and her skin has darkened a lot.

Pan Ruting stepped forward and enthusiastically introduced, "Suisui, this is your sister, Meng Wanqiu."

She said lazily, with a tireless voice, "I don't have this younger sister. If you continue to be obsessed with it, please don't come to me again."

Pan Ruting did not expect her daughter to treat her so coldly after being away for so many days.

Meng Wanqiu at the side glanced at Pan Suisui indifferently.

She was dragged here at will.

Pan Ruting is the stepmother her father found for her.

She didn't have much affection for this stepmother, but she just wanted to see what it was that made Pan Ruting obsessed all this time.

Pan Suisui looked at the deep smile in Meng Wanqiu's eyes and felt mocking.

She also guessed more or less what her mother was doing recently.

It's just that he doesn't want to admit it.

Pan Suisui sighed, put away her things and walked towards her hut.

Pan Ruting watched her daughter leave angrily, but she didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, she is her own daughter, so she will accept this matter sooner or later.Pan Ruting yelled to Pan Suisui's back, "Mom, when you figure it out, come to me, I'm in Mengshi."

Meng Wanqiu chuckled lightly.

The Meng family belongs to her and her father, so what does it have to do with Pan Ruting.

"You can deliver something to Zhou's family." Pan Ruting looked at Meng Wanqiu and said.

Meng Wanqiu raised her eyebrows and nodded slightly.

Before coming here, I had heard how close Zhou Chengyan and Qiao Ai are.

She wanted to see if the two were really that good.

After all, she is a young girl, and she also fantasizes about having such a sweet love.

As for hatred.

That was Pan Ruting's business, so what did it have to do with her?

The news of Meng's strong presence in City B was widely publicized.

Qiao Ai also noticed the Meng family who settled in this time with great momentum.

However, she vaguely felt that this incident was somewhat familiar.

It was as if Pan Ruting brought Pan Suisui to City B.

The Meng family held a dinner party, and Qiao Ai recognized it at a glance, and it was Pan Ruting who was entertaining the guests.

However, the so-called daughter around her has changed to another candidate.

From the conversations of other guests, she knew that the girl was Meng Wanqiu.

And Meng Wanqiu looked at her from time to time throughout the banquet.

Qiao Ai felt a little baffled, and became inexplicably wary of Meng Wanqiu.

There must be no good things to follow this woman, Pan Ruting.

Qiao Ai was pregnant and inconvenient to stay longer, and left the dinner party after learning the identity of the other party.

Zhou Chengyan still had something to do in the company, so he dealt with it first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qiao Ai arrived home, Meng Wanqiu arrived with things in a big way.

When Qiao Ai saw that the person who came to visit was Meng Wanqiu, she became suspicious.

Meng Wanqiu came to the door very politely with presents, making it difficult for Qiao Ai to chase her away.

The two sat in the living room relatively silent.

Qiao Ai didn't want to say anything to Meng Wanqiu, she didn't even want to enter the house.

After all, they don't know each other well, do they?

What's more, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

Meng Wanqiu followed Pan Ruting, making people feel that she came to visit with malicious intentions.

But the living room where Meng Wanqiu was sitting was not in the slightest embarrassed, instead she looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

On the contrary, Qiao Ai became vigilant.

The news of her pregnancy has not been disclosed, but fortunately, all the things for babies and young children have been moved to the warehouse yesterday.

However, in the next second, Meng Wanqiu spoke.

"I heard that Miss Qiao is pregnant?"

Qiao Ai turned her head to look at Meng Wanqiu curiously, and asked without admitting or denying, "Where did you hear that?"

Meng Wanqiu looked at Qiao Ai calmly on the sofa, and said confidently.

"After all, my Meng family also has a certain influence in City B. Besides, there are a few people in City B who don't recognize Ms. Qiao. It doesn't seem to be difficult to know something that you haven't hidden."

Qiao Ai also knew that Meng Wanqiu paid close attention to her information, so she didn't deny it, and said with a faint smile, "Huh? Then what's the matter with Miss Meng coming today?"

Meng Wanqiu pursed her lips, "It's nothing, I just came to condolences on behalf of my mother. After all, we are relatives, and we should wish each other well."


It really taints the word.

She never admitted that Pan Ruting was her relative.

Qiao Ai felt that Meng Wanqiu was unexpectedly thick-skinned.

However, Qiao Ai felt that Meng Wanqiu was not as scheming as imagined, but rather open-minded.

It's so frank that people can't figure it out.

Meng Wanqiu's initiative to show her kindness is really suspicious.

not to mention……

There is no need for this at all, is there?

Qiao Ai sat a little further away from Meng Wanqiu, and said with a smirk,

"I don't think Ms. Meng and I will have any intersections in the future. What's more, you and I don't have any relatives when we first came to City B. If there were, Pan Ruting would have already severed ties with our Gu family. You don't have to climb this relative."

Meng Wanqiu didn't mind her remarks at all when the time came, she still kept a decent smile on her face and looked at Qiao Ai.

She really likes Qiao Ai's carefree character.

However, Pan Ruting's instructions still need to be followed.

She just came to see how smart Qiao Ai is.

"Miss Qiao, you don't have to mind, I'm really just here to visit."

At this time, Qiao Ai really admired Meng Wanqiu's mentality of not taking everything to heart.

But she can't.

Now that she is pregnant with a precious child, she can't make any mistakes.

Meng Wanqiu smiled lightly, and said as if she was trying to make ends meet, "I'm already here, so why do you mind? I don't want to hit the smiling face, let alone this time I'm sincere."

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