Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 489 Showing you something good

In fact, what Luo Jingyao wanted to talk to Qiao Ai was really cooperation. Luo Jingjing just happened to give him an opportunity to chat about work and maintain her ignorant personality.

As soon as he went out the next day, Luo Jingyao noticed that someone was following him.

As for who this person is, there is no need to guess too much, he didn't expose it, and just let Luo Jingjing follow her all the way to the agreed place.

The second floor of the coffee shop decorated in a duplex style has an excellent view. Luo Jingjing went straight to the second floor after entering, found a hidden corner and stared at the two people who were sitting by the window downstairs.

Qiao Ai always felt that something was wrong with Luo Jingyao today, so he stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon, and looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean by the news yesterday? Can't you let anyone down?"

Luo Jingyao didn't answer, just said: "With Zhou Chengyan here, don't worry about it so much."

After he finished speaking, he didn't give Qiao Ai a chance to continue asking, and directly talked about the cooperation between the two parties. Although he still looked lazy, his words were so clear that no fault could be found.

Luo Jingjing, who was sitting on the second floor, couldn't hear what the two of them were talking about. She just felt that they had a good chat, but they never crossed the distance.

This made her anxious, so she simply found a tricky angle to take a photo of Qiao Ai and Luo Jingyao's "intimate" group photo, and immediately left the coffee shop with her spoils.

The last time Luo Jingjing was "invited" out of the company by Zhou Chengyan's secretary, there was no way for Luo Jingjing to sneak into the Zhou family again, and she had to find another way to see him.

Fortunately, the Zhou family has recently reached a cooperation with the Luo family, and it has become much easier for her to get part of Zhou Chengyan's itinerary, so that as soon as Zhou Chengyan arrived at the parking lot, she found an unexpected visitor standing beside her car.

The driver must have been dismissed by her in some way, and there were only the two of them in the huge parking lot for a while.

Zhou Chengyan has always hated pestering people the most, and he would call security when he took out his mobile phone.

Luo Jingjing, who didn't want to be seen at all, was anxious and angry, and naturally she didn't want to show off, and handed over the mobile phone with the screen on, "Don't rush me away, I came here specially to show you something good .”

On the screen was a photo of Qiao Ai and Luo Jingyao in the coffee shop.

In the picture, Luo Jingyao is standing up and bowing his head to whisper something in Qiao Ai's ear, which is indeed ambiguous from the perspective of shooting the photo.

Seeing that Zhou Chengyan was indifferent, she moved the phone forward again, "You will definitely thank me after reading it, a flirtatious woman like Qiao Ai is not worthy of you at all, you might as well separate from her as soon as possible..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhou Chengyan took a few steps closer, and pinched Luo Jingjing's chin so hard that she could not speak, "Let me hear another insult to my wife from you, and I promise you will not be able to speak again."

He has no principle of not hitting women, as long as someone dares to hurt Qiao Ai, he doesn't mind teaching him a lesson himself.

Luo Jingjing, whose jaw was about to dislocate from the pain, was about to shed tears. She looked at the expressionless Zhou Chengyan in horror. She clearly wanted to ask for mercy, but she didn't make a sound when she was terrified.

There were footsteps not far away, and Zhou Chengyan shook off Luo Jingjing with disgust, "Leave me in my business from now on."

He took out the handkerchief in his pocket, wiped his hands slowly, threw the handkerchief into the trash can without looking at him, and got into the driver's seat before Luo Jingjing recovered.

In the empty parking lot, the sound of cars passing by was very clear.

It was the first time in Luo Jingjing's life that she was so disliked by someone, and when she regained her senses, she vented all her anger on the phone. The phone, which had a cracked screen, was trampled down several times and declared scrapped immediately.

Passers-by who saw this couldn't help but take a second look, and she immediately gave her a hard look, "What are you looking at?!"

Luo Jingjing, who was still angry, got into her car angrily, put the key in, stepped on the accelerator hard, and only heard the roar of the eye-catching sports car and rushed out.

It's true that this kind of car looks good, but it doesn't really give full play to its advantages in crowded urban areas.

However, Luo Jingjing, who was angry, couldn't control so much at this time, the yardage on the dashboard continued to rise, and the car finally drove out of the underground parking lot, and collided head-on with a car in just one turn.

Thanks to her stepping on the brakes at the last moment, a more serious accident was not caused.

Looking at the situation in front of her, Luo Jingjing really had a headache. She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. She took out a wad of cash from her wallet and handed it to the man who looked like the driver. "Take it to repair the car. Is this enough?"

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, she couldn't help but sneered, "I don't think it's enough, do you want to take this opportunity to blackmail me?"

The driver looked embarrassed and didn't move for a while.

At this time, Lin Wanyi got out of the car, with a gentle smile on her face, "I thought you looked familiar when I was in the car, are you the daughter of the Luo family? I didn't expect to see you here .”

Luo Jingjing didn't expect that this collision would bring out an acquaintance, she looked at her half-believingly, "You are?"

Lin Wanyi signaled the driver to go first, and walked slowly in front of Luo Jingjing, "I'm Lin Wanyi, Gu Qiming's wife. I hugged you when you were a child. It's normal that you don't know me now."

When she heard that it was the Gu family, Luo Jingjing's expression turned slightly subtle.

She didn't forget that Qiao Ai was also from the Gu family.

Lin Wanyi seemed completely unaware of her guard against her, and asked very kindly: "The last time I heard people talking about it, they all said that you were still studying abroad, why did you come here today?"

It's okay if you don't say anything, but Luo Jingjing will inevitably think of sad things again, and her guard is a little weaker, "Come here to find someone."

Lin Wanyi followed her words and said, "It seems that... this trip was not very happy to find someone. It also shows that we are destined to meet today. How about I treat you to dinner?"

The other party had a gentle attitude, and Luo Jingjing really needed someone to vent her inner distress, so she agreed without thinking too much.

The driver quickly drove another car over, and the two damaged cars were also called to be towed away for repairs.

Lin Wanyi was deep in her thoughts, but on the surface she pretended to be watertight, she revealed Luo Jingjing's secrets with a few words during the banquet, and she guessed that the person Miss Luo had her eyes on was probably Zhou Chengyan.

She pretended not to know, and comforted the heartbroken Luo Jingjing in a gentle voice, "Actually, don't be too sad, there is always another way."

Luo Jingjing, who was not reconciled at all, immediately became excited when she heard her say that, and raised her head suddenly, "What can I do?"

A dark smile flashed in Lin Wanyi's eyes, "It's said that women chase men's interlayer gauze, you can find a way to cook this uncooked rice, and wait until the dust settles before cultivating the relationship?"

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