Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 435: Son and Daughter

"I dreamed that you were setting up a tent—" Qiao Ai said while quickly thinking about the plots in the dream just now, picking out unimportant plots.

"What are you doing with the tent?" Zhou Chengyan's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he raised his eyebrows at Qiao Ai, the meaning was self-evident.

"What's the point of pitching a tent? We're camping, and you're in charge of pitching the tent."

"Oh, okay. Then what were you mumbling about just now?" At that time, the two of them were intertwining lips and teeth, and Qiao Ai seemed a little anxious, Zhou Chengyan couldn't hear clearly.

"What? Talk about you! I said let's not be seen by the children!"

Thinking of Zhou Chengyan's mind-boggling appearance in the dream just now, Qiao Ai looked at the person in reality with reproach, complaining.

"Oh? What are we doing? Are you still afraid of being seen by the children?" He finally pulled him out. Zhou Chengyan grinned, revealing a row of snow-white teeth, and his eyebrows and eyes were endlessly provocative.

Qiao Ai was speechless, and only realized it at this time, but in the end she couldn't escape the trap of the man in front of her, so she reached out and punched the man lightly, "Hmph, what's more! I won't let him go in my dream—"

Zhou Chengyan finally couldn't hold it back anymore, he laughed loudly and said, "I knew that in my wife's dream, my husband's wish could be fulfilled, so I wouldn't rush to kiss you awake. You know, my husband has been wronged for many days."

Although Zhou Chengyan took care of her every step of the way these days, since she was pregnant, for the sake of her and the baby, he really didn't touch her, and it was really hard for him.

So, Qiao Ai's little hand on the man's shoulder turned to caressing his angry face, and comforted him: "I know you are good, for the sake of our son, you will be wronged for a while longer."

"Son? When did you go for an examination? How do you know it's your son?" Zhou Chengyan was at a loss. He didn't seem to have left Qiao Ai for a moment. Why didn't he know when she went to the hospital.

"Uh—well, the dream just now was a bit too real, I almost couldn't tell the difference, I haven't been to the hospital, I haven't had an examination, it's just that I was a son in the dream just now—"

Qiao Ai felt embarrassed, as if she wished she was pregnant with a son.

"Let me just say, if we want to have a daughter, we must have a daughter, who is as good and beautiful as you."

Hearing Qiao Ai say that she only saw it in a dream, Zhou Chengyan seemed a little relaxed.

People said that the son was his mother's little lover in her previous life, and he didn't want Qiao Ai's little lover to compete with him.

And if it's a daughter, it's different. The daughter is the little lover of father's previous life. At that time, he can pamper the lover of this life and the little lover of the previous life together.

Thinking about it felt sweet, and Zhou Chengyan was almost amused by his own imaginings.

Qiao Ai frowned and looked at Zhou Chengyan, "Do you not like your son?"

The scene in the dream reappeared in his mind, and Da Zhou Chengyan seemed to be disgusted with Xiao Zhou Chengyan.

Qiao Ai has reason to believe that what appeared in the dream is well-founded.

"No. As long as it is born by my wife, I like both sons and daughters."

Zhou Chengyan hurriedly said it, and nodded emphatically in order to conceal his guilty conscience.

"Hmph, anyway, in the dream, you were very good to my son." Qiao Ai curled her lips, but she couldn't compare the things in her dream with others.

It turns out that his wife's dream and reality are the same, and Zhou Chengyan believes more and more that he and Qiao Ai have a good understanding.

"Gulu Gulu"——

A discordant voice broke the conversation between the two people.

Zhou Chengyan and Qiao Ai looked at her stomach that was already protesting from hunger, and blinked at each other.

Well, this concludes a conversation sparked by a dream.

Next, it's time to solve the real problems.

At this moment, Qiao Ai's drowsiness was completely gone, so Zhou Chengyan slowly helped her up from the sofa, and then went to the restaurant for dinner.

Well, Qiao Ai hasn't tasted Zhou Chengyan's craftsmanship for a long time since she went to live in Gu's residence.

In addition, today I am so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back, so eating it is even more overwhelming.

Seeing Qiao Ai's appearance of feasting, Zhou Chengyan looked at her with arms crossed in satisfaction.

Cooking for one's beloved, and then watching her eat cleanly, the sense of accomplishment seems to be more satisfying than the company's profit of several million.

"Why don't you eat, husband?"

Qiao Ai ate until her breasts and ribs were stretched, and then she stopped in satisfaction. Seeing that Zhou Chengyan didn't move her chopsticks at all, she couldn't help asking curiously, could it be that seeing her eating and drinking, could he eat? Go to dinner?

"Wife, do you know what it means to be beautiful and delicious? It is a kind of enjoyment to see my wife eating. I don't want to miss it." Zhou Chengyan playfully flattered Qiao Ai.

"Visual enjoyment can't replace taste enjoyment. Well, today my husband is moving and cooking, and it's quite hard work, why don't I feed you?"

Her husband has been taking care of her so tirelessly, and Qiao Ai is not stupid. Of course, she also knows that when the time is right, she should give her benefits.

So, she walked around the dining table, sat next to Zhou Chengyan, picked up the untouched bowl in front of him, picked up the spoon, and started feeding him.

What kind of treatment did you receive today!
Zhou Chengyan was flattered, but naturally opened his mouth, and cooperated honestly with Qiao Ai.

"Not to mention, the food my wife feeds is delicious."

Zhou Chengyan smacked his lips while drinking porridge, his sense of happiness was really enviable.

Knowing that it's flattering, but who doesn't like people saying good things.

Qiao Ai smiled brightly.

Because she was full of wine and food, and just had a short sleep, her little face was flushed and pink at the moment, which was very lovely.

"Eat quickly, you won't be able to block your mouth after eating."

Although it was a very common word, it sounded so sweet to Zhou Chengyan's ears. My wife obviously felt sorry for him.

So, he didn't speak anymore, but honestly put his hands on the table without moving, and asked Qiao Ai to feed him a bowl of porridge.

Both of them were full, so Zhou Chengyan went to prepare Qiao Ai's bath water, let her take a bath comfortably, and helped her to sleep before taking a cold shower by himself.

Yes, took a cold shower.

Only Zhou Chengyan knows that he almost misfired several times today, and if he doesn't cool himself down, he will sleep with such a warm and soft wife for a while, and he can't do anything, he must die of aggrievedness!

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