Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 398: The designer is you

Although Gu Youyou didn't quite understand what Lin Wanyi meant, but looking at her eyes, she probably wanted her to agree to go on a blind date, so she reluctantly agreed.

Taking advantage of the time when Mrs. Gu went upstairs to get things, Gu Youyou asked Lin Wanyi sullenly, "Auntie, can't you see that this is a bad idea that Qiao Ai encouraged Zhou Chengyan to come up with?
She was trying to annoy me on purpose.

It's fine for grandma to be with her, but why are you also with her? "

Lin Wanyi smiled, looked around inadvertently, saw that there was no one there, and said: "You child, you are too sincere.

You have to know that now you are weak at home, and my support alone is not enough, and you need more backup forces.

While I was young, I found a good man who could help me when I was in trouble. What's wrong? "

"No, auntie. You don't know, those sons and daughters can't get into my eyes at all, I don't like them." Gu Youyou really didn't know where she got the confidence to say such a thing.

Although Lin Wanyi came back late, through recent observations, she already roughly knew Gu Youyou's thoughts on Zhou Chengyan.

It's also expected that Gu Youyou is so overconfident.

However, if she continues to be so persistent, with her little IQ, she will be eliminated by others in a few strokes.

That would be no fun.

Lin Wanyi smiled, "How do you know you won't find something you like if you don't go and have a look? You can't hang yourself on a tree."

Gu Youyou knew that Lin Wanyi was probably the only one in the entire Gu family who could speak to her.

Moreover, Gu Youyou felt that it made sense.

Anyway, she has nothing to do now, so she should go out to relax.

Thinking of this, Gu Youyou's gloomy face suddenly cleared up.

It happened that Mrs. Gu also came down from the stairs, so she ran over and hugged Mrs. Gu, and grandma long and grandma shortly coaxed her up.

The old lady Gu was also very happy when she saw that Gu Youyou had changed her sex, so the three of them drove to the blind date appointment together in the car.

But this time, they left happily and returned disappointed.

Today's blind date partner, apart from the old lady Gu who searched her brains and came up with an "honesty" to describe him, she couldn't find a good word to describe him.

Gu Youyou was so angry that she was like a smoker.

Lin Wanyi tried her best to comfort her, and kept persuading her not to be afraid of being late for a good meal, so she was finally comforted.

At Qiao Ai's place, she concentrates on raising the baby at home and preparing the design draft.

Zhou Chengyan sent someone to buy her a new mobile phone, which turned out to have been lost in the kidnapping incident.

As soon as the new mobile phone is activated, all kinds of information ding dong ding dong keep pouring in.

The most of them are Lu Shenxing's.

"Where did your private jet fly to? I'm here, but you haven't arrived yet?"

"Did your husband elope with you?"

"What about people?"

"I can't even get through the phone—what's going on?"

"Okay, I heard that you have experienced a life-and-death calamity. The so-called surviving a catastrophe must have a future blessing. From then on, your life will be open, hahahaha..."

"As for the design draft, please feel free to communicate."


Looking at Lu Shenxing's short messages, one after another, as if he was talking to himself, Qiao Ai couldn't find it funny.

After the smile, there are endless emotions.

This friend who is also a teacher and brother suddenly appeared in her life and gave her so much care and help without asking for anything in return, which made her unable to express her gratitude.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Ai edited a long message, briefly describing what happened recently, and also explained that he was working hard on the design draft, telling him that everything was going well, and reassuring him.

Then click send.


Soon, I received a reply from Lu Shenxing.

"Fortunately, my mobile phone keeps going online at night, and I don't turn it off. Otherwise, I won't be able to interact with you in time. Don't gossip too much, as long as you are well. I will go back and see you when I have a chance. I'll go to sleep if I have nothing to do—"

A few quick words.

Qiao Ai immediately responded with a "yes".

After looking at the phone for a while, and replying to some messages from people who cared about her, Qiao Ai put the phone down.

Looking up, Zhou Chengyan was sitting on the sofa staring at her intently, with a pair of thick black eyes that were bottomless.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked.

"It's nothing. I just think you are so beautiful when you concentrate!"

Just now Zhou Chengyan saw Qiao Ai looking at the phone seriously, with a smile on his face, a grateful expression on his face, and a serious look on his face, which really made him never get tired of watching it.

Qiao Ai smiled sweetly, "I also think your affectionate look is so handsome!"

"Are we two trying to flatter each other?" Zhou Chengyan's lips curled up slightly.

"Husband and wife need to maintain a proper interaction, so that it can be interesting." Qiao Ai raised an eyebrow.

"But verbal interaction is not enough—" Zhou Chengyan had a bitter face, since he knew that Qiao Ai was pregnant, he hadn't touched his wife for a long time.


Well, Qiao Ai knew what Zhou Chengyan was thinking again.

"But, you also know that at this time the baby is—"

"I understand!" Before Qiao Ai finished speaking, Zhou Chengyan said righteously.

Then he got up suddenly, took a big long-legged step, and walked to Qiao Ai, "Let's go, let's go for a walk, and we can't stay indoors all the time, you and the child need fresh air."

"Okay." Qiao Ai also got up happily, "Where are you going?"

"After you were pregnant, grandpa moved all his precious flowers, birds, fish and insects to the garden. Let's go there and have a look."

Zhou Chengyan knew that Mr. Gu had a flower room in the garden, and he planned to study and build one in his own home in the future.

It was the first time for Qiao Ai to come to Mr. Gu's flower room.

As soon as you enter the door, you can feel a fresh fragrance coming from your nostrils, which is refreshing.

When you walk in, you can see that the flower room is really not small. It is not only filled with all kinds of precious flowers, but also planted with many tropical plants. It is like entering a botanical garden.

Moreover, although it is a flower room, there are actually a lot of birds and fish in it.

The birds were chirping in the cage, and the sound was melodious.

And in some small artificial landscapes, all kinds of fish swim around freely, so uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect that Grandpa's flower room turned out to be full of holes." Qiao Ai couldn't help sighing.

"Well, did you become fascinated as soon as I saw you?" Zhou Chengyan knew that Qiao Ai would like it.

"That's not true. I love this place so much. It's like living in a paradise." Qiao Ai didn't expect that a person like Grandpa, who is not good at words, would have such a delicate mind.

"How about building one in our house after we go home? You are the designer."

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