At this time, Qiao Ai also realized that he was not in his own luxury private jet at all, but in a helicopter, and the huge roar came from the propeller outside!

Unexpectedly, the first time I took a helicopter in my life, I was tied up!
Qiao Ai's heart suddenly fell to the bottom. Of course, it is not an ordinary person who can traffic people internationally. From this, it can be seen that his current situation is really not optimistic!
She heard the word "overseas" in the words of the man with gold-rimmed glasses. Could it be that she is currently being sent abroad?
That's not good!

However, the more this kind of moment is, the less you can panic. Taking advantage of the fact that the group of people are all focused on the man with gold-rimmed glasses and haven't noticed her, Qiao Ai decided to pretend to be unconscious first, so she quickly closed her eyes. Eye.

As long as she hasn't woken up, the attention of those people should not be on her, and she can take this opportunity to calm down and think of a solution.

Qiao Ai, who closed her eyes, heard that the man with gold spectacles had finished the phone call, and could hear extreme excitement from his laughter when he hung up the phone.

"Brother, what's the matter? You mean there's good news?"

A male duck voice seemed to ask impatiently.

"Good news, great news, hahahaha..."

The man with gold spectacles danced and happily replied.

Several other people urged together impatiently, "Tell me quickly, brother, what do you mean?"

"Yes, yes, please tell me."

"Have you encountered a big problem?"

The man with the gold rim glasses laughed again, "That's right! We have indeed encountered a big problem.

I really didn't expect that the woman we got today is really valuable..."

Although he couldn't see it, Qiao Ai knew that a bunch of greedy eyes were looking at him after hearing the words of the man with golden glasses.

Did they discover their identities and know that they are Zhou Chengyan's wife?

Although I don't know what this group of people will do next, they must remain calm no matter what.

Qiao Ai knew that the more they said they were valuable, the higher their security would be at present.

The man with gold glasses got up and left for a while, probably to go to the helicopter pilot, because the noise was too loud, Qiao Ai could only vaguely hear what he said about which way to fly.

Probably after the confession was finished, the man with gold spectacles returned to his seat, coughed twice, and then slowly began to say: "Now there are two groups of people paying a high price for this woman.

The first group is the one who contacted us first. You have seen the money he gave, which is indeed a lot. According to his request, he will take this woman abroad and sell it to any place in Africa. As long as you don’t let her Just come back this girl. "

"Then there's another group? Brother, how much do they pay? What's the request?"

Not allowing Qiao Ai to think about it, those few people immediately asked the next question.

Through the tone of these people, Qiao Ai could imagine that their eyes should be shining green.

"That group is ruthless, just let them get rid of it without leaving any traces."

At this moment, the tone of the man with gold rimmed glasses was tinged with ruthlessness, and he said every word.

Qiao Ai was shocked, but she couldn't see any changes in her body, as if she was in a deep coma.

This is who has such hatred for himself, wants to put himself to death!

"Get rid of it? Brother, what do you think? We have always been human trafficking. Except for their suicide, we have never had blood on our hands."

The voice of a drake.

"There's no blood, that's because the chips aren't high enough."

The man with gold spectacles let out a hey hey, "This group paid three times the price of the first group!"

"Three times! I'll go! The first group gave a lot, plus these three times! Our one ticket will earn more than last year!" Another voice shouted.

"Brother, this thing can be done. It's worth it! If you do this girl directly, you can explain it to the first group. Anyway, his request will never let this girl come back, so she won't be able to come back. ! Haha, it’s a good deal to collect money from the two and do the same thing!”

I thought that what Gong Yasheng said just now meant that he didn't want to kill people, but it turned out that he just didn't meet anyone who was willing to pay a high price.

As the saying goes, money can make ghosts turn millstones, which is absolutely true.

As long as there is enough money, these vicious people will immediately show their true colors.

Listening to the unscrupulous laughter of those people, knowing that they are still immersed in the world of money and unable to extricate themselves, Qiao Ai took this opportunity to quickly sort out her thoughts.

It's been long enough since I was taken captive by them.

During this period of time, Zhou Chengyan must have discovered her sudden disappearance long ago, so he must be in the process of taking urgent measures to find her now.

Although it can be said that Zhou Chengyan has all hands and eyes in his own country, and there is almost nothing he can't do, but now that he is being sent abroad, and he is still in the sky, it will definitely make it more difficult for Zhou Chengyan to rescue her——

Just thinking of this, the fuselage suddenly shook violently, and Qiao Ai also shook back and forth a few times. Fortunately, she closed her eyes and felt a little out of the sky, so she didn't scream out of fright.

"What's going on?" The questioning voice of the man with gold-rimmed glasses came from next to his ear.

"In the valley ahead, there is a strong air current causing the turbulence. It's okay."

The answer must be the helicopter pilot.

"Valley? Aren't we going to Africa to solve it?" Duck asked wonderingly.

"Since we can get rid of it directly, we don't have to go so far to Africa, which takes energy and money. Just stop on the mountain in front and solve it.

This is also what the group of people just proposed, asking us to make a quick decision so as not to have long nights and dreams. "

Did not go abroad?
This is really great news for Qiao Ai.

Hearing this, Qiao Ai's heart became calmer.

Because, when she followed suit due to the turbulence of the plane just now, the coolness on her chest suddenly reminded her: there is a positioning device specially customized for her by Zhou Chengyan in her necklace pendant.

Zhou Chengyan said that the world is sinister, so he bought a high-tech positioning device specially for Qiao Ai to put it in her necklace pendant, and said it was her amulet.

At that time, Qiao Ai still laughed at Zhou Chengyan for making a fuss out of a molehill, and said that she was not the head of state, political leader, underground worker, spy or something like that, should I be so exaggerated.

Now it seems that Zhou Chengyan is still planning for a rainy day.

This also explains why Zhou Chengyan has always been able to strategize in everything he does, winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

With this positioning device, Zhou Chengyan must have discovered her whereabouts a long time ago, and he should be on his way to rescue her now.

Of course, she can't sit still, she must find a way to get out when the time is right.

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