Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 344: Guess who is spreading rumors

"You also know?" Zhou Chengyan was a little surprised. He originally called to ask how the housekeeping service was.

Of course, Zhou Chengyan already knew about the rumors about him and Qiao Ai, and he was already working on solving them.Originally, he thought that Qiao Ai was resting at home and would not be exposed to all these disturbances from the outside world, and he didn't want Qiao Ai to worry, so he didn't intend to tell her.

"Yeah! I don't know." Qiao Ai said angrily, and then chatted with Zhou Chengyan on the phone about the ins and outs of the matter.

"It turned out to be like this." Zhou Chengyan didn't expect that a domestic service would cause so many troubles, so he quickly tried to coax Qiao Ai, "Okay, wife, I understand. It's all my fault, and it's all because of me that I let you You have suffered innocent injustice, don't worry, your husband will definitely return your innocence."

"I am not afraid of the shadow slanting. I am naturally not worried about this. Besides, I have already explained it clearly at the game site that day. What I am worried about now is the person behind the scenes. What is the purpose of this person? Is it aimed at you or me? ?” Joey said.

"The most urgent thing now is to use evidence to suppress these rumors on the Internet and in the market. This Xia Yi has already copied the video of that day and posted it on various websites. I believe the effect will be seen soon. And the behind this People, Xia Yi is investigating, my wife doesn't need to worry." Zhou Chengyan told Qiao Ai about the progress of the matter.

It turned out that Zhou Chengyan was already making moves, and the stone stuck in Qiao Ai's heart slowly fell down. Zhou Chengyan persuaded Qiao Ai a few more words, and the two hung up the phone.

When Zhou Chengyan came back in the evening, the video that was posted online to prove Qiao Ai's innocence had already worked, but Qiao Ai still found a puzzling expression on Zhou Chengyan's face.

"What's the matter? Is the matter very difficult? There is a lot of power behind it? They deliberately trick you?" Qiao Ai had never seen Zhou Chengyan's expression before, and she was very worried, and asked a series of questions directly.

Zhou Chengyan shook his head, "That's not true."

"Then what's the matter with the helplessness on your face?" Qiao Ai looked anxious at Zhou Chengyan.

Zhou Chengyan slowly sat on the sofa with his arms around Qiao Ai's shoulders, and then slowly said, "It is Mrs. Gu who is spreading rumors."

"What? Madam Gu?" Qiao Ai stared at Zhou Chengyan with wide eyes.

Zhou Chengyan seemed to have expected Qiao Ai's reaction, and shrugged at her, which means you know why I have such a helpless expression.

"Why did she do this?" Qiao Ai seemed to be talking to herself, but also seemed to be asking Zhou Chengyan.

"Don't worry," Zhou Chengyan knew that Qiao Ai was feeling uncomfortable, and started the persuasion mode, "She treated us like this because of Gu Youyou. Gu Youyou must have said something bad about us in front of her old man, and Gu Youyou The old lady is obedient to her, that's why she is like this. Otherwise, according to our investigation, old lady Gu is not a person who likes to make enemies, nor is she a person who likes to tell tales. "

It made sense, Qiao Ai nodded emphatically, agreeing with Zhou Chengyan's words very much.

Moreover, Mrs. Gu still doesn't know that Gu Youyou is not her granddaughter at all, but Qiao Ai is very likely to be her granddaughter.

Therefore, Gu Youyou will only believe Gu Youyou if she speaks ill of Qiao Ai in Mrs. Gu's ear with ulterior motives.

Qiao Ai pondered for a while, then raised her head to meet Zhou Chengyan's concerned eyes, and said as if she had made up her mind: "I want to go to Gu's house to meet Mrs. Gu in person and explain this matter clearly."

"Are you sure?" Zhou Chengyan looked at Qiao Ai with black eyes.

"Sure." Qiao Ai nodded emphatically.

Now that Qiao Ai has an idea, Zhou Chengyan naturally fully supports it.

So, the next day, he arranged for someone to formally send a greeting card to Mrs. Gu, then bought a lot of valuable nutritional products, and accompanied Qiao Ai to visit Gu's house openly.

Not counting the time that Qiao Ai was kidnapped by Mrs. Gu to go to the old house of the Gu family, this is the first time Qiao Ai officially entered the gate of the Gu family.

Looking at this deep house compound, Qiao Ai inevitably felt a little complicated.

When the results of the paternity test between herself and the Gu family come out, the truth will be revealed to the world, and everything will be known about her mother's background.

Zhou Chengyan hugged Qiao Ai, watched her staring at the gate of Gu's family in a daze, knew that she was thinking of her mother again, so he whispered in her ear: "Don't worry, we will find out soon."

Qiao Ai smiled at Zhou Chengyan, did not speak, and walked in with him.

In the living room, the old lady Gu was full of hair, sitting upright in the middle, staring at Zhou Chengyan and Qiao Ai with an expressionless face.

"Hello, Mrs. Gu. Ai Ai and I are here for the first time. These gifts are not a respect." Zhou Chengyan spoke first, and at the same time put the big bags in his hand into the living room.

When Qiao Ai saw Mrs. Gu again, she felt a little more intimacy in her heart than last time.

Such a graceful old lady is very likely to be her own grandmother, the most amiable and respectable person in the world who has a blood relationship with her after removing her mother.

Qiao Ai's heart was full of ups and downs, and his face naturally showed an expression of expecting to be close. He smiled brightly, and said to Zhou Chengyan: "Hello, Mrs. Gu."

"Mr. Zhou, you are too polite." Mrs. Gu only smiled at Zhou Chengyan, her eyes did not look at Qiao Ai at all, and she did not get up, then pointed to the sofa next to her, "Two guests, please sit down .”

Zhou Chengyan and Qiao Ai looked at each other, he gave her a comforting look, said nothing, bowed slightly to the old lady Gu, and sat down next to each other.

Zhou Chengyan seemingly inadvertently took Qiao Ai's small hand and held it in his big hand, extremely gentle.

Qiao Ai understood that Zhou Chengyan was encouraging her.

Qiao Ai could deeply understand Madam Gu's indifference towards her, if it wasn't for Zhou Chengyan who was always by her side to help her deal with her feelings of nowhere to rest, Qiao Ai felt that she might not be able to sit here any longer.

"Mrs. Gu, hello, we have come to visit your residence specially this time to explain something to you." Qiao Ai calmed down and said softly.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Mrs. Gu's expression was indifferent.

Qiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief, and said lightly, "It's about the rumors from the outside world that I, Qiao Ai Hong Xing, had an affair, had a private meeting with someone, and caused a bad influence on the banquet."

"That's your business, I can't seem to explain it to me." Mrs. Gu pretended that it had nothing to do with her.

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