Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 305: Still Interesting

It was his wife's arrogant expression that eased Zhou Chengyan's frozen face, "You should have told me about this on the day of the primary election, so that you won't run into her again today."

For Zhou Chengyan, it was easy for Zhou Chengyan to prevent her from participating in the competition. "That's not necessary. You've also seen that she has such aptitude that I really can't compete with me. I'm not afraid of her. I met her a few times, except I didn't expect her to be so despicable and shameless that she ruined my design draft. It didn't take advantage either. So you don't need to intervene." Qiao Ai said, making a gesture and clapping her hands, as if she wanted to wipe Jia Tiantian off like dust, with the expression that an old lady can handle her. "My wife is too capable, my husband has no chance to show it." Zhou Chengyan shook his head pretending to be disappointed. "You just need to avoid attracting bees and butterflies—"

Qiao Ai gave Zhou Chengyan a sideways look, and Zhou Chengyan took advantage of the situation to hurry up to her face, his eyes shining, "Is my wife jealous?" He can't take it too seriously if he tries to show his presence in front of his eyes, can he?Qiao Ai had an expression of wanting to laugh but suppressed it, "Anyway, I'm upset." Being unhappy means that you care about yourself. Zhou Chengyan loves to hear this, and he immediately feels good, "Don't worry, wife. My husband is only you in this life. Yes, absolutely only your fate. If you encounter such a dirty villain in the future, tell your husband directly, and he will get rid of them all, leaving no hidden dangers."

"I can't blame you entirely, who made you look so angry. However, as your wife, I'm not a vegetarian, so these monsters and goblins are not a problem, and I will naturally find you when I need you. Seeing that from the moment she entered the door, someone was flattering and courteous to make her happy, Qiao Ai's mood that made Jia Tiantian unhappy has long since dissipated.

"Okay, wife, obey orders at any time." Zhou Chengyan heard that Qiao Ai's anger subsided, and quickly played by ear, "Honey, let's go to dinner. I specially found a table in the best hotel in City B for you today. Promotion celebration." Looking at his watch, it was indeed already lunch time, so Qiao Ai followed Zhou Chengyan to the hotel for dinner.

This is a five-star hotel, and it seems that the business is quite good, with people coming and going.Zhou Chengyan booked a small VIP room.Because it was the first time here, Zhou Chengyan asked the waiter to recommend some of their special dishes. Qiao Ai sounded good, nodded and said: "That's all." The waiter: "Okay, please wait a moment. The dishes will be served soon Come up."

After finishing speaking, he exited the private room.While waiting for the food, Qiao Ai thought of her mother's life experience again. She had been in City B for several days and hadn't started to investigate yet. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her mother, and suddenly became depressed.Seeing Qiao Ai's face suddenly clouded with gloom, Zhou Chengyan keenly sensed her thoughts, "Did you think about your mother again?"

Qiao Ai pursed her lips and said nothing, expressing her acquiescence. "This matter is not that simple. There are few clues and a long time. It cannot be accomplished overnight. You should not put too much thought on it. Focus on the game first. The most important thing for you right now is This design competition is your long-cherished wish to be able to show your strengths in the design industry. In this, no one can help you, only you can rely on yourself, so you can't be distracted. As for other things, I have everything, you can Never mind."

Zhou Chengyan's words were sincere and heartfelt, and Qiao Ai was very pleased to hear that.With two bangs, the waiter gently knocked on the door, then pushed the trolley in, and began to serve the dishes, while introducing the names and characteristics of the dishes.

At this moment, Zhou Chengyan's phone rang suddenly.Picking up the phone and looking at it, Zhou Chengyan connected. "Where is it?" Before Zhou Chengyan could speak, Li Sinian's lazy voice came from over there. "City B." Zhou Chengyan didn't say a word. "City B?!" On the phone, Li Sinian yelled as if he had stepped on a landmine, "You didn't even notify me when you came to City B, are you still acting like a brother?" "What's wrong?" Zhou Chengyan It still maintains a short and concise style. "It's okay if you don't look for me, I can't look for you yet." Li Sinian was almost annoyed, "I have been assigned to City B by you for so long, and you don't come to see me, and you don't care about my life or death. I didn't even say hello—" "This last dish is the most distinctive signature dish of our hotel—" Then
When Zhou Chengyan was on the phone, the waiter here did not stop serving the dishes, but introduced the dishes to Qiao Ai one by one as always. Although the voice was a little softer, it was probably heard by Li Sinian on the other end of the phone It's here, so——"—Wait, where are you?" Li Sinian suddenly changed the topic, "Hilton Hotel?" line can be heard."

Zhou Chengyan was almost laughed at by him. "It's not interesting, it's not interesting, it's not interesting. Say important things three times!" Li Sinian complained on the phone, "Did the food just come, wait for me, I just haven't had lunch yet, I'll be there right away .Which room are you in? Who are you with?" Li Sinian asked in a hurry, and he was chattering on the phone as if he was packing up, and it seemed that he would fly over in the next second. "With Joey."

Zhou Chengyan curled his lips, I'll beat you if you dare to come, kid, you're looking for teeth all over the place.Sure enough, the other end of the phone suddenly stopped, and there was a few seconds of silence. "Qiao Ai——have you come to City B?" Then, Li Sinian suddenly lowered his voice and asked with some hesitation. "Yes." The corners of Zhou Chengyan's lips rose, "She came to participate in the jewelry design competition. The primary selection has passed, and she got the promotion certificate today. My husband and I came here to celebrate."

When speaking, someone deliberately emphasized the tone of the words "husband and wife specially". "Ah-oh-really?" The other side seemed to be stuck, and then he smoothed his tongue, "Then congratulations. My cousin is very powerful. If you don't make a move, it will be a blockbuster. You guys Since the husband and wife made a special trip to celebrate, then I will not be this big light bulb. Another day, another day I invite you husband and wife, one is to welcome you, and the other is to congratulate my cousin. Then I will not bother, Eat and drink well, eat well." After speaking, Li Sinian honestly hung up the phone without waiting for Zhou Chengyan to say anything else.Zhou Chengyan smiled, it was quite interesting!

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