Thinking of Xu Xinyao's envy when she saw her clothes and bags, Gu Youyou was full of disdain in her heart: "Think about it, it's just a small favor for me, you can find it after you're done." An excuse to resign, and start over in a new place. The world is so big, can she, Qiao Ai, keep you from getting along in the entire design circle?"

"When you get the money, you can cure your mother's illness, live a life of enjoyment from now on, and even don't have to run around for life for the rest of your life. Do you really want to miss such a good opportunity?"

Xu Xinyao clenched her lower lip.

That's right, compared to what Gu Youyou asked her to do, winning 500 million is as easy as falling from the sky.

With Mr. Qiao's trust in her now, she will definitely succeed.

money, conscience...

These two balances in her heart are precarious.

Gu Youyou continued: "You have to think about it, without you, I might not be able to find someone else."

A little bit of sweat broke out on Xu Xinyao's forehead, as long as she nods her head, she no longer has to open her eyes every morning and worry about making a living, and can live the life she wants.


Gu Youyou raised her chin proudly, she had already guessed Xu Xinyao's answer.

Just now she refused so without hesitation, but now she just said a few more words, wouldn't she be unable to resist the temptation?

Heh, as expected, Qiao Ai is optimistic about the person, but like Qiao Ai, he is cheap in his bones!

"I refuse!" Xu Xinyao gritted his teeth and said these three words.

"It's fine if you agree, you..." Gu Youyou, who realized what she said, looked furious, "How dare you play me?!"

"I never said I would agree to you." Once this decision was made, Xu Xinyao felt that he could even breathe a lot easier: "You put forward conditions, and I have the right to refuse."

She looked at Gu Youyou's gloomy face, and continued: "Because you are sister Shen Yue's friend, I won't tell this matter. But don't think about finding someone else to help you with this matter, I will remind President Joe to pay attention."

She said, turned and returned to her room, and closed the door in front of Gu Youyou.

"Bastard!" Gu Youyou raised her leg and kicked the door hard, causing the door to tremble.

Xu Xinyao quickly opened the door, and she frowned: "Also, if you continue to smash things in my house like this, then you can clean it yourself, or just move out."

"You!" Gu Youyou pointed at her angrily, but Xu Xinyao had already closed the door again, no matter what she was doing, she ignored her.


Gu Youyou's eyes were red, and she roared loudly!

Qiao Ai, what kind of ecstasy powder did you give these people to make them so devoted to you!

She raised her leg in extreme resentment and unwillingness, and kicked to the side coffee table.


The coffee table was motionless, Gu Youyou fell to the ground, clutching her feet that were red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and cried out in pain one after another: "My feet, my feet!"


Three days later, the verdicts of Qiao Chongjiang, Uncle Wang and Cao Jingwen came out.

Qiao Chongjiang demanded too much money and the circumstances were too bad, so he was sentenced to 20 years.

According to his age, this sentence is enough for him to die of old age in prison.

Uncle Wang and Cao Jingwen were sentenced to three years in prison because they voluntarily surrendered.

Under Cao Jingwen's pleading, Qiao Ai found a relationship and let him and Lele meet in a coffee shop.

"Dad, you look so handsome today." As soon as Lele saw Cao Jingwen, she threw herself into his arms, hugged him nostalgicly, and asked expectantly, "Can you stay with me for a few days this time?" ?”

Cao Jingwen's eyes were a little red, he smiled and leaned down, and said softly: "Dad has encountered some problems at work, and he needs to go on a business trip for about three years. When Dad comes back, he can be with you every day."

"Three years?" Lele's face disappeared, and he was so shocked by the news that he was almost crying: "Why did it take so long, then you will call me and hang up a video with me?"

The smile on the corner of Cao Jingwen's mouth froze, and then he said bitterly: "Father will be very busy at work, so busy that he may not even have time to sleep, so there is probably no way..."

"Of course." A female voice interrupted him, and Qiao Ai came over: "No matter how busy you are on the phone with Lele every day, there is still time to hang up the video."

Lele grabbed Cao Jingwen's clothes tightly: "Really? Then I have to make one hour of phone calls every day, and then hang up for three hours of video!"

Cao Jingwen looked at Qiao Ai in shock.

Qiao Ai handed him two tissues, motioned him to wipe away Lele's tears, and said with a half-smile: "Don't look at me like that, I don't want to be an unscrupulous boss."

Cao Jingwen smiled gratefully at Qiao Ai, lowered his head, and raised his hand to gently hook Gou Lele's nose: "Little greedy ghost, I hang up videos with you for so long every day, don't you want Dad to sleep?"

"Then dad, you sleep, I watch you sleep..."

Qiao Ai found another table and sat down, leaving this quiet space for the father and son.

The music in the shop was melodious, and Qiao Ai sipped his coffee while looking at the scenery outside the window.

After an unknown amount of time, a person suddenly sat down in front of him.

Qiao Ai came back to his senses: "Aren't you going to stay with him for a while longer?"

Cao Jingwen shook his head, and said in a low voice: "If you accompany me again, you will always have to leave."

"Mr. Qiao." Cao Jingwen said solemnly, "Thank you, I didn't expect you to give me a chance..." Let him call Lele every day, accompany him in another way, and watch him grow .

"You don't need to thank me, I wouldn't have said that without Lele." Qiao Ai put down the coffee in her hand: "Since you are so reluctant to part with him, why did you do it for the tiger in the first place?"

Cao Jingwen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Wang...he has always disagreed with my marriage with Lele's mother, and has been suppressing me in the company for so many years. Later you came and promoted me, but because he was fired, he hated me even more. I know It's not an exaggeration to say that the things he did for Qiao Chongjiang were revenge, but only in this way, he would agree to our marriage, and I really want to give their mother and son a legitimate home."

Qiao Ai lowered her eyes: "Forget it, things have already happened, and it is necessary to say so much. Don't worry, I will help you take care of their mother and child in the past three years."

Cao Jingwen got up, bowed deeply to Qiao Ai, and solemnly said again: "Mr. Qiao, thank you."

Qiao Ai led Lele, and sent Cao Jingwen, who seemed to be on a business trip, in a suit and leather shoes. He would come back soon, looked at him and smiled at Lele, and started the car.

But only Qiao Ai and him know that this car is not driving to the airport, but a cage where he will pay for what he has done.

Lele shouted loudly: "Dad, come back early, I will miss you!"

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