Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 228: Severing the relationship between father and daughter

But now she doesn't have a backer she can rely on with confidence, and behind Qiao Ai there is Zhou Chengyan...

Before everything is settled, there is still a turning point.

She doesn't have the capital to bet recklessly now.

Qiao Chongjiang hinted: "Lulu, you don't have to be afraid, what Qiao Ai has done to you all this time, just say it!"

Qiao Lu bit her lower lip tightly.

If such a good opportunity slipped away in vain, she would really not be reconciled.

"Lulu?" Qiao Chongjiang pressed Qiao Lu's hand harder and urged.

Qiao Lu suddenly became cruel.

She finally opened her mouth: "I will fall, I don't think my sister actually did it on purpose..."

Qiao Chongjiang's complexion changed suddenly, and he said harshly, "What do you mean by not doing it on purpose? It's clear on the video that she pushed you away on purpose!"

Qiao Lu made up her mind with great difficulty. The most difficult part has already been said, and she spoke the next words much more smoothly: "Maybe it's just that my sister didn't control her strength well, that's why..."

She clutched her stomach and moaned in pain: " stomach hurts..."

Qiao Chongjiang was so angry that he wanted to strangle this daughter to death!

Was she brainwashed by the donkey, or was she also brainwashed by Qiao Ai?

Otherwise, based on their usual incompatible appearance, how could she speak for Qiao Ai at this time.

But he is still running the live broadcast now. In order to maintain his good father's personality, Qiao Chongjiang can only temporarily leave the ward with gloomy eyes and ask the doctor to examine Qiao Ai.

But he was still not reconciled in his heart, so he went outside and talked about Qiao Lu's previous personality with a vicissitudes of life, and attributed all the reasons for her current temperament change to Qiao Ai's private persecution of Qiao Lu.

Suddenly someone started swiping on the bullet screen——

Come and see everyone, Qiao Ai finally responded!

Seeing this barrage, Qiao Chongjiang's complexion changed slightly. Following the link in the comment, he saw Qiao Ai's response.

Qiao Ai: "There is a saying in the ancients: family ugliness should not be publicized, and I always believe that the clean will be clean and the dirty will be dirty, so I have never responded to the comments on the Internet. But I didn't expect it to cause such a big sensation. It has already caused an impact on society, and here, I want to say sorry to everyone for not dealing with this matter immediately at the beginning.

Regarding the incident of me pushing Qiao Lu down, the camera installed at the entrance of our company has captured everything, and everyone can clearly see whether I pushed her down.

In addition, I have received Mr. Qiao Chongjiang's statement of severing the father-daughter relationship with me. Frankly speaking, this is also my wish. I hope you can go to the court with me to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Thanks again to many enthusiastic people for their attention to this matter. You let me see that there are always enthusiastic people in this world who have goodwill, sympathize with the weak, and care about the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Finally, some people who have ulterior motives and use everyone's sympathy on the Internet to maliciously slander and deliberately slander, I will definitely investigate this to the end! "

The picture below is a surveillance video. After zooming in, it can be clearly seen that Qiao Ai just wanted to pull out his arm at that time, and did not push Qiao Lu.

It was Qiao Lu who tilted her foot, fell to the ground, and almost had a miscarriage.

Qiao Chongjiang's fingers trembled slightly.

The comments under this message scrolled almost quickly.

At the beginning, she came over immediately after receiving the news, but she didn't even read what Qiao Ai sent, and ran over to scold people.

Gradually, some people raised doubts.

——"I thought this incident was premeditated from the beginning, think about it, if Qiao Ai really wanted to target Qiao Lu, why would he take such a big risk in front of others, go back and close the door, what happened to us How could an outsider know?

——The above is right, think about it, the news about the nurse was completely stirred up by the navy who spoke for Qiao Ai... Wow!Think carefully!

At the beginning, these words were only said by Ling Xing and others, but soon, some people gradually realized that something was wrong, and they became suspicious.

Qiao Ai frowned slightly, and looked at the comments on the Internet: "You didn't find the navy companies that led us to the rhythm at the beginning, did you?"

"No." The public relations manager couldn't hide his excitement and said, "How could I still cooperate with them after something like this happened, I had to settle for the next best thing and find a few mediocre ones, but I didn't expect them to be as good as they are! "

The PR manager nodded: "Then shall we focus on Qiao Chongjiang next?" Otherwise, according to his previous virtues, maybe he will continue to do something.

Qiao Ai's eyes moved slightly, "Do you know where he is now?"

The PR manager glanced at the phone: "Should be still in the hospital, just now I saw him trying to convince Qiao Lu that you pushed her down. Are you going to send someone to send him back to the nursing home?"

"No." Qiao Ai flatly refused.

Now that things are making such a big fuss, Qiao Chongjiang must not disappear suddenly.

But he also understands that with what he did before, he will never let him go, and he can do anything if he is desperate.

Qiao Ai pondered for a while: "Find someone to watch him first. Just don't let him do anything he shouldn't do."


Qiao Ai took a deep breath, and finally had time to take out her mobile phone and call Zhou Chengyan.

"Is the matter resolved?" Zhou Chengyan's magnetic voice rang in Qiao Ai's ear.

"Most of it has been resolved." Qiao Ai's tense mind unconsciously relaxed most of it, and told him about her next plan: "It's just that Qiao Chongjiang's matter is really tricky."

Qiao Ai no longer wanted to admit that that man was his father.

"The examples he accused me of being unfilial, in fact, as long as I show that he failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, it would be fine if he was unkind first, but..."

Qiao Ai paused.

Zhou Chengyan knew that Qiao Ai didn't want her scars to be known.

There are some people in this world who can't wait to tell the whole world even if they have suffered a little grievance, so that people can care about her.

But there are also some people, no matter how hard and tired they are, they don't want to show the wounds of the past to others.Because they know that even if they say it, no one will feel sorry for them. Instead, they still have to accept those strange eyes of sympathy and pity. Their arrogant character does not allow them to do that.

Qiao Chongjiang obviously also discovered this, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

Qiao Ai took a deep breath and skipped the unfinished sentence just now: "The words he said are true or false, as long as I can show the evidence of the corruption of those shareholders, I can make his other words lose credibility But such things as financial statements are the company's secrets, and it is impossible to put them in front of people."

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