"Mr. Qiao, you seem to be in a good mood today." The assistant saw that the corners of Qiao Ai's brows and mouth were full of smiles this morning, knowing that Qiao Ai didn't have so many rules, and asked with a smile: "Did something good happen?"

When Qiao Ai raised her hand, she fiddled with her cuff as if nothing had happened, revealing the bracelet on her wrist, and then said with a smile: "There's nothing good about it."

The assistant exclaimed: "Is this the bracelet that Zhou Shao gave you? It's so beautiful and unique."

Qiao Ai nodded reservedly, and pretended to be indifferent: "Where did he give it to you? We participated in an event during dinner yesterday. We accidentally cooperated too tacitly, and we got such a gadget."

The secretary who came to deliver the documents to Qiao Ai happened to hear the last sentence, looked over curiously, and exclaimed in a low voice after seeing the bracelet: "Mr. Qiao, can I take a closer look at your bracelet?"

"Of course." Qiao Ai stretched her hand forward a little.

After seeing the whole picture of the bracelet, the secretary's eyes suddenly became eager: "Mr. Qiao, did you win this bracelet from the most famous couple's restaurant in City A last night?"

Her tone was extremely excited: "The video of you and Zhou Shao's game interaction was posted on the Internet last night, and netizens even gave you and Zhou Shao the title of 'the most tacit couple of the year', but because the lights on the scene were too dark, As a result, the pixels are too low to see faces clearly, and everyone is curious about your identities."

She couldn't hide her complacent tone again: "I thought it was you at first sight, but I didn't dare to admit it, I didn't expect it to be true!"

The assistant's eyes also changed: "Are there still videos online?"

"Of course." The secretary said: "You can go and see it after get off work. Mr. Qiao and Mr. Zhou really have a tacit understanding, especially Mr. Zhou. As long as Mr. Qiao looks at him, he can understand the meaning, and there are them The sweet kiss after winning the game, the torture to death of a single..."

Qiao Ai knocked on the table unbearably, interrupted the secretary, and put on a serious face: "During working hours, stop chatting and go to work quickly."

The secretary and the assistant smiled at each other, and teased in a drawn-out tone: "Yes, Mr. Qiao."

After the two left the office, Qiao Ai took out her mobile phone and saw the video in the secretary's mouth in the most prominent position at a glance.

Qiao Ai turned the volume of the phone to the lowest level before clicking on the video.

Although everything that happened last night is still vivid in my mind, from my own perspective and from the perspective of a bystander, they are two completely different experiences.

When she saw the two put on bracelets for each other and kissed each other for the third time, Qiao Ai silently covered her face.

The pixels of the video are indeed very low, and the facial features of the people inside can only be barely seen.

But if you are someone who is familiar with the two, you can recognize them with a few more glances.

Thinking that many people who know her and Zhou Chengyan will see this video, such as grandma, Gu Shengnan...

Qiao Ai's face was about to burn.

Otherwise, spend some money and suppress this news.

Qiao Ai asked herself that she wasn't thick-skinned enough, and she really couldn't calmly face the intimacy of the two being seen by the whole country.

But picking up the phone, Qiao Ai's fingers were uncontrollable, and he clicked on the play again, so addicted to watching the video again.

Next, Qiao Ai's mind was full of, "Keeping this video is a disaster, so hurry up and find a way to delete it!" ’, looping the video handily but honestly.

As a result, in the afternoon, when the secretary came to Qiao Ai to ask her to approve the completed documents, Qiao Ai discovered that she hadn't made any progress in her work all day.

Busy turned off the phone, ready to start work.

"Besides these, is there anything else?"

The secretary nodded solemnly: "Mr. Qiao, although the amount embezzled by those shareholders before has been made up, but I found out two days ago that Qiao's funds were extremely tight for a period of time, so they used cheap zircon, Instead of diamonds, moissanite was sold to customers."

"What?!" Qiao Ai's face changed drastically: "Can you find the exact list of customers?"

The secretary said solemnly: "Now the diamond counterfeiting industry is quite developed, and it has reached the point where fakes are confused with real ones. Some don't borrow special equipment, and they can't even tell the real ones from the fakes at all. In addition, they sell real and fake diamonds together, so there is really no way to identify specific customers. "

Qiao Ai tapped her fingers on the table, wishing to bring those old guys back to Uncle Wang and beat them up.

They can do this kind of self-defeating stupid thing!

"No customer has discovered the problem yet, but once it is revealed, the consequences will be disastrous. Mr. Qiao, what should we do?"

Qiao Ai's fingers snapped, "If it's not a specific customer, then you can find out when the batch of mixed fakes left the factory and started selling!"

Qiao Ai bit her tone heavily, and repeated word by word: "I want an exact time. Also, you have to be careful not to let others know about this matter."

"Yes." The secretary also knew the seriousness of the matter. After answering seriously, he worried again: "But what should we do even if we find out the specific date? If we can't handle it well and let customers find out that our store sells fake products, then we His reputation was completely ruined."

"This matter..." Qiao Ai's face turned cold: "Who is outside the door, come in!"

The secretary's face also changed slightly.

The door was gently pushed open, and Qiao Lu's figure appeared outside the door.

The clothes on her body looked very low-key. She lowered her head and walked in. She must have looked like two people before, and said timidly: "Sister, I wanted to knock on the door and come in, but I heard you talking about something, so Just waiting outside the door, is it still disturbing you?"

Qiao Ai passed her and called an assistant, with a gloomy expression: "Without my order, who would have allowed you to let someone to the door of my office?"

The fact that there are counterfeit goods among the goods sold by Qiao's is a secret that must not be revealed until it is handled properly.

The assistant bowed repeatedly and apologized: "I'm sorry Mr. Qiao, because of her status, I thought... I'm really sorry."

Qiao Lu also hurriedly said: "I told her that I wanted to come and bring you some food for my sister, and she let me come here. Don't worry, sister, I didn't hear anything about what you talked about just now."

Qiao Ai's face was frosty: "When did you come here?"

Qiao Lu thought for a while, then said uncertainly, "About... 3 minutes ago."

The assistant nodded apprehensively, proving that she was telling the truth.

Qiao Ai thought about it for a while, and she was still a little confident about the sound insulation of her office, and Qiao Lu didn't hear anything.

But her expression still didn't soften: "I don't want to see similar things happen again in the future."

"Yes." The assistant nodded cautiously.

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