"Then can I order one for him?"

"No." The waiter refused with a smile.

Qiao Ai said depressedly: "Is this also a restaurant practice?"

The waiter smiled and nodded.

Qiao Ai had no choice but to ask, "Why don't we switch?"

"You don't like black pepper flavored food." Zhou Chengyan pushed his plate towards Qiao Ai: "If you can't finish eating, share half with me."

Qiao Ai felt that this was also a solution. When she was about to cut it, she suddenly found that half of the steak in front of her was tender and delicious beef, and the other half was covered with blue veins.

Qiao Ai gestured with a knife and fork, cut off the piece of beef covered with blue veins, just about to insert the other half of the steak into Zhou Chengyan's dinner plate, a fork had already inserted the half of the beef covered with blue veins gone.

Qiao Ai hurriedly said: "What are you doing? That one is mine, this one is yours..."

"Can you cut this half?" Zhou Chengyan has already seen that this is the restaurant's deliberate routine.

But he was still pleased by Qiao Ai's behavior of caring about him.

Qiao Ai said stubbornly: "Then...then I like to eat that kind of taste, can't I?"

Zhou Chengyan glanced at her with a half-smile, "Of course, then come and see me."

Qiao Ai picked up the knife and fork, and cut off... She cut... She cut again...

no cut...

Qiao Ai's whole body is not well.

Zhou Chengyan sneered, inserted the half steak back, and said leisurely: "Since you like to show off your strength so much, it's not too late for you to show off after we get home."

Qiao Ai gritted her teeth hard.

Then he raised the knife and cut off a piece of tender and delicious beef, put it in his mouth, and chewed it fiercely.

Zhou Chengyan was as good as he was, and he accepted it: "How was the result of seeing Li Lan today?"

For a moment, Qiao Ai felt that the steak in her mouth had lost its taste. After she swallowed it, she replied: "What she said is the truth. I also asked Gu Nan. His aunt passed away 25 years ago. Time Sorry, it can't be his house. I went back to Qiao's house to see if there were any clues, but I found nothing. "

Qiao Ai's voice dropped: "Tell me, where is my mother from?"

"Technology is so advanced now, as long as a person has existed in this world, he will definitely leave clues. It is only a matter of time before we want to find them." Zhou Chengyan's tone was very understated, but with a calming force.

"With me here, there will be results soon."

Qiao Ai's mood, which had been irritated for a long time, involuntarily calmed down, and she nodded vigorously.

When the two of them had almost finished their dinner, the waiter came over and said with a smile, "Good evening, both of you. I wonder if you are interested in participating in the couple's event held in our restaurant?"

"Couple activities? What are they?" Qiao Ai became interested.

"The main thing is to test the tacit understanding of the couple. The two of you can take a look. Depending on the results, you can get different rewards." The waiter handed the game items to Qiao Ai.

Qiao Ai opened it and looked at it, and found that it was a test of tacit understanding, such as you draw and I guess, two people three legs and other games.

"Any game, as long as you get a full score, you can get the mysterious ultimate reward in our store. It is said that it can bless those who love each other for a hundred years of love. There are many couples who come here to challenge for the ultimate reward."

"Then how many people got the final reward?"

The waiter smiled and said: "So far, no one has been able to pass the final level."

Qiao Ai suddenly became interested: "Let's try it, shall we?"

"Okay." Zhou Chengyan loosened some of his ties, lazily and arrogantly: "What I like to do most is to challenge what others can't do. What do you want to play?"

"En..." Qiao Ai slid her fingers over the items, not knowing which one to choose for a moment.

The waiter suggested: "The relationship between the two seems to be very good. I suggest that you can choose to make gestures. I guess, as long as the tacit understanding is enough, this game is actually very simple."

"Okay, that's it." Qiao Ai made a final decision.

After the waiter answered, he went to the game props.

Qiao Ai took a deep breath for herself a little nervously, Zhou Chengyan seemed to be at leisure, not only very leisurely, but also the moody waiter to prepare a glass of lemonade for Qiao Ai to moisten her throat later.

"Do you think we can win?"

Zhou Chengyan asked in an unbelievable tone: "Are we still going to lose?"

Seeing Zhou Chengyan's determination, Qiao Ai suddenly became less nervous: "Then have you played before?"

Zhou Chengyan said lightly: "No. But it's not difficult to hear the name."

Qiao Ai: "..."

Her heart is a little cold.

Qiao Ai wanted to say something more, but the prepared waiter had already returned, and said with a smile: "Tell me about the rules of the game in advance, the game time is 5 minutes, and one of the two can choose to see the idiom in my hand." Use body language gestures to figure it out, and the other is responsible for guessing the correct idioms. After guessing five words correctly, the two will switch identities, and after guessing five more words correctly, the two of them can take away our final reward, and vice versa. According to the number of words guessed, choose the corresponding reward."

"Are you two ready?"

Qiao Ai nodded, and chose her to gesture first, while Zhou Chengyan guessed the words.

"That's it!" The waiter pressed the timer.

Qiao Ai looked at the piece of paper behind her, which read——Join the case with eyebrows.

Qiao Ai thought for a moment, raised her hand and raised the table up to the level of her eyebrows.

Zhou Chengyan immediately gave the answer: "Let's raise the eyebrows."

Qiao Ai smiled excitedly and gave Zhou Chengyan a thumbs up.

Zhou Chengyan smiled reservedly.

The second word-flying together.

This is a bit difficult.

Qiao Ai tried to make a flying appearance with her arms, and before she could make the next move, Zhou Chengyan opened and closed her thin lips, and gave the answer: "Fly together." "In less than 30 seconds, I have already guessed two words." , The two are the fastest challengers I have ever seen!" The waiter said excitedly.

Qiao Ai couldn't hide her excitement, and looked at the third word - sharing the same bed.

Qiao Ai pointed to Zhou Chengyan, then pointed to herself, and put her palms together, pretending to be sleeping.

Zhou Chengyan said relaxedly and casually: "We share the same bed."

Qiao Ai jumped on the spot excitedly.

This is too great.

After the next few words, as soon as Qiao Ai made a movement, and even the movements were only average, Zhou Chengyan easily guessed the correct word.

The waiter exclaimed: "Oh my God! In less than a minute and a half, the two of you have already guessed five words correctly. They are the fastest challenge players I have ever seen. It seems that the two of you are The shop has been waiting for a destined person!"

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