Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 118: You pay for my son's life

It's not unreasonable for Zhou Chengyan to be the most wanted woman in City A for so many times.

Apart from his status and power, his face also contributed a lot.

Whether it's the sword eyebrows slanting into the temples, the high nose bridge, or the lips that are slightly lighter in color but are said to be suitable for kissing, every part seems to be carefully carved by heaven.

Perfect with no blemishes to be found.

Qiao Ai suddenly leaned over slightly, looked at Zhou Chengyan's eyelashes that cast a fan-shaped shadow under the eyelids, and found that his eyelashes seemed to be thicker than her own.

She reached out her hand, wanting to touch it.

But just when Kankan touched it, his wrist was suddenly grabbed.

Qiao Ai was startled, looked down and saw that Zhou Chengyan had opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely clear.

It was too embarrassing to be caught, Qiao Ai said with a guilty conscience: "Why did you wake up suddenly? No, I mean, when did you wake up?"

Zhou Chengyan didn't answer her question, but spoke, his magnetic voice became hoarse in the morning: "What do you want to do?"

"I..." Qiao Ai has a feeling that if she tells the truth that she thinks his eyelashes are beautiful, so if she wants to touch them, Zhou Chengyan will probably be able to do it. .

As soon as this idea came out, she was startled too.

Did she know him so well before she knew it?

"What are you thinking? En?" Qiao Ai raised his eyes and saw Zhou Chengyan's face enlarged in front of him.

She leaned back, trying to avoid it a little, but Zhou Chengyan stopped her at the waist, and instead made their bodies stick tightly together.

The scorching body temperature was transmitted to each other, as if even the frequency of the heartbeat had to be unified because of this point of contact across the skin.

"It's time to get up, don't mess around..."

Zhou Chengyan lazily interrupted her: "Mrs. Zhou, don't you think you are a bit too remiss?"

He counted her accusations solemnly: "Look, you didn't want to last night, did I force you? No, I just asked you a very common question, and you didn't even want to answer it. Tell me about it." , how can you look like my husband and wife are in the same heart, "

Qiao Ai glared at him angrily. He didn't force her to take the last step, but it's not like he didn't force her to do other things!

Zhou Chengyan's preaching words paused in her eyes, and he looked away as if admitting defeat: "Don't look at me with such eyes..."

Following his words, Qiao Ai clearly sensed that the quilt will hold a banquet next week somewhere...

Her face turned red, and she glared at Zhou Chengyan fiercely from embarrassment, pushed him away and jumped off the bed: "Rogue!"

Zhou Chengyan glanced down, extremely innocent: "Ai Ai, this is a physiological reaction that normal men have in the morning. It means that I am in good health, and I am not a hooligan."

Qiao Ai paused, then ran towards the bathroom as if there was a man-eating beast behind her.


Because of what happened when she got up, Qiao Ai refused to talk to Zhou Chengyan during breakfast, and insisted on driving to the company by herself after finishing her own breakfast.

Looking at her leaving back, the butler asked, "Young Master, did you quarrel with Young Madam?"


"Then what about the young lady..." The butler was even more puzzled.

Zhou Chengyan's subordinates paused, and then glanced at the butler thoughtfully.

He could feel that Qiao Ai also had feelings for him.

But for some reason, she was somewhat resistant to the fact that the two of them actually had a relationship.

But it's not like the two had happened before, and she was also very enthusiastic at the time.

It's just that Qiao Ai has a thin skin, she will definitely not say the reason for this kind of thing.

And he really couldn't think of it for a while, if he asked someone with experience at this time, would it be effective?

"Master?" Seeing Zhou Chengyan staring at him, the housekeeper couldn't help touching his old face.

"It's nothing." Zhou Chengyan looked away, and said nonchalantly, "She's using this method to act like a baby with me."


Qiao Ai, who has no time to go online at all, is not aware of the storm on the Internet last night.She still simply thought that after one night, there would be a lot fewer reporters at Qiao's gate.

But unexpectedly, she drove the car into the underground parking lot from the employee-only road, and as soon as she got out of the car, a group of people appeared out of nowhere and flocked to her, and the long guns and short cannons in their hands almost hit her. face.

"Mr. Qiao, everyone is very envious of the relationship between you and Young Master Zhou. May I ask what happened last night, did you ask for it, or did Young Master Zhou do it by himself?"

"Mr. Qiao, may I ask if you know what the bet between Young Master Zhou and Xiang Zizhen is? How did the two bet as much as [-] billion yuan?!"

"Mr. Qiao, may I ask if it's because you found out about your half-sister and first found someone to guide public opinion on the Internet, so Young Master Zhou got angry and became a beauty?"


A flood of questions came to her, and Qiao Ai could barely make out a few key words, such as "last night", "gamble", and "eight billion".

She frowned slightly, she didn't know what Zhou Chengyan did last night, she could only barely guess that it was probably related to Xiang Zizhen's [-] billion bet.

"I'm sorry, I have nothing to say about everything you asked." Qiao Ai's face was extremely cold, and after responding, she wanted to leave.

But those reporters squatted all night, and finally waited until Qiao Ai himself, how could they watch this news slip from their hands.

The crowd blocked the road to death: "Mr. Qiao, please answer, at least answer one question."

"Mr. Qiao, you refuse to respond, is it because you posted the news online last night, not Zhou Shao?"

"Mr. Joe..."

The road was blocked by these people, and Qiao Ai was squeezed in the crowd, alone, almost unable to stand still.

"Get out of the way!" Qiao Ai leaned back, avoiding the microphone that almost hit her face, and instead tried to appease these people: "I will hold a press conference later, and everything you are curious about will be answered by then. As for Now, please make room for me, please let me go first?"

However, her words were drowned in the questions that the reporter was still asking: "Mr. Qiao..."

Qiao Ai felt irritated in his heart, but he couldn't help these people at all, so he could only try to appease them.

Suddenly, a burst of mourning came from afar.

Why did Joe's have such a voice?

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a middle-aged woman in sackcloth and filial piety, holding a photo of the dead, came in crying, crying loudly: "Qiao Ai! Where is Qiao Ai! Let Qiao Ai come out !"

Her voice was filled with grief: "Qiao Ai, don't hide in there! Come out! Pay for my son's life!"

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