Forced Marriage: The billionaire CEO calls

Chapter 108: Mediocrity Don't Question the Existence of Genius

"In the design industry, it is very common to collide with inspiration, so a design drawing that is slightly similar in some places does not mean anything. But through our comparison, we found that Li's work is not the same as this draft drawing. Poor, all of them are the expanded sketches.”

Qiao Ai raised her hand: "Everyone can take a look, one or two is a coincidence, three or five is a coincidence, but there are a total of 38 design drawings, which is already an absolute plagiarism!"

As the comparison pictures came out one by one, everyone exclaimed.

"Oh my god! It's really good to expand!"

"No, Li Lan's design drawings over the years are all plagiarized!"

"Doesn't any of you think that the one who drew so many drafts of design drawings more than [-] years ago is really amazing!"

Li Lan was extremely flustered and couldn't believe that such a thing would happen. Seeing that the public opinion was quickly pouring towards Qiao Ai, she tried to use her volume to suppress the voices she didn't want to hear: "Slander! Every part of me The blueprint company will keep a backup, and it couldn’t be easier to fake it!”

Qiao Lu pinched herself, and there were tears in her eyes when she raised her face again. The appearance of pear blossoms with rain made her feel bad, and she said softly, "Sister, in fact, from the beginning to the end, I and I Mom and Dad never thought about taking the shares back from you. They knew that you wanted to rectify Trader Joe's, but because of your lack of experience, they were worried that you would be bullied by other people in the company, so they specially arranged such a competition. Wait until my mother wins, and then I will return the shares to you, so as to help you establish a reputation in the company."

"They also have a parental heart, but they didn't expect you to know someone like Adonis by yourself besides Mr. Zhou. Seeing your victory in this competition, my mother just told me that she has grown up and no longer Needing her, I am both excited and happy." Qiao Lu shook her head sadly and said, "Sister, you really misunderstood. How could Mom and Dad take back the shares that were given to you!"

Qiao Lu repeatedly repeated the words 'parental heart', 'for your own good', and 'you misunderstood', coupled with Li Lan's reaction, as if to say that all of these were deliberately disguised by Qiao Ai in order to make Li Lan Use it as a springboard to establish yourself in the company.

"First, the shares are my mother's share of inheritance that I deserve, and they don't count as what they gave me." Qiao Ai corrected her: "Second, from a legal point of view, only I donate the shares to them , there is no possibility of them taking it back. Therefore, your words are wrong from beginning to end. As for your claim that the evidence is faked..."

Qiao Ai picked up the paper cautiously: "Then, how can I forge a piece of paper from 20 years ago?"

"Then I don't know. There are so many weird ways in this world. As long as you think about it, you can always do it." Li Lan knew that at this time, she must not be guilty, and Qiao Ai would catch any weakness. Can be tough to the end: "This kind of thing doesn't explain anything at all. Ms. Zhao just said that these things were drawn by your 'friend', so she should be about the same age as you. More than 20 years ago, she was only about 20 years old It’s just my age. My ability is obvious to all, but I would like to ask, who can draw such a design at the age of 20!”

She raised her hand and pointed, it was her most praised work!

Looking at the people who were looking at each other in blank dismay, Li Lan felt a little more confident in his heart.

A cool voice lazily said: "I can do this level of design at the age of fourteen or fifteen. It doesn't matter if you are mediocre, but don't deny the existence of genius just because you are mediocre."

Li Lan was so choked that she couldn't say a word.

Lu Shenxing's words are really indecent.

But what he said is still true!There is no way to refute!

Li Lan said almost unreasonably: "In short, I don't accept your evidence, even if it goes to the court, it can't be used as sufficient evidence!"

But she also understood the reaction of the people in the stands. This incident had planted seeds of doubt in the hearts of everyone.And she doesn't have the blueprint left by Qiao Ai's mother anymore, so sooner or later, people will bring up the old story again.

But so what, at worst she washes her hands and announces her withdrawal from the design circle, as long as she refuses to admit that she survives today, then no one can do anything to her.

After speaking, Li Lan wanted to leave.

Qiao Ai opened his mouth to speak, but Lu Shenxing raised his hand to stop him, he said lazily, "It makes sense, but you are going to leave like this, don't you want to wash off the pot of dirty water that was splashed on you?"

Li Lan sneered, "How do I know if you guys are going to pour me a new pot of dirty water."

"Under the eyes of everyone, I wouldn't do such a thing to ruin my reputation." Lu Shenxing raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry. It's just that I draw a design, and you can copy it with your own style."

Li Lan said angrily: "It's so funny! You have made me dirty, and you want me to use your methods to prove myself. I definitely can't draw!"

Her attitude was extremely tough, but Qiao Ai, who had been observing her carefully, did not miss the flash of guilt in her eyes.

I felt more confident in my heart.

"If you are not at ease, I can ask two people with design skills to accompany you from the audience. If it turns out that I have wronged you, then I will not only apologize to you, but also give away all of Qiao's shares. Give it to you. How?"

This condition was too generous, and Li Lan felt even more guilty, and insisted: "It's not good!"

"If you add my three promises, as long as it is within my ability, you can open your mouth." Lu Shenxing raised his eyebrows.

"I'm the same as Adonis." Zhao Konglan's voice was still unhurried.

If it is said that the requests made by these three people alone can be rejected, then these three generous conditions combined, no one can refuse.

Qiao Ai looked at Li Lan, smiled and said: "In front of so many people, no one can move their hands and feet. According to your ability, copying a picture is the easiest thing. To be able to get such a generous offer, with all due respect, if it were me, I would have absolutely no reason to refuse."

When she was talking, Lu Shenxing had already picked up a pen, and in a few strokes he had already drawn a design.

It is the most commonly used design drawing by design teachers when teaching novices. The lines are extremely simple, allowing students to play freely, and it is also the most intuitive way to see the level of students.

"Perhaps you have been drawing your own design drawings all these years, and you are not very good at copying, so it's better like this." Lu Shenxing put down his pen.

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