imperfect wedding

Chapter 79 Who is Su Yi'an

Now there is a heated discussion on Weibo about the launch conference of Zhang Shunqiu's new film, but this time there is no way to suppress it. Su Yi'an's three characters are clearly listed on the trending searches.

Netizens started various discussions on various events at the press conference, such as looting traffic, changing the leading role, the first press conference, previous hot searches for fans, and of course the OneKe app, as well as Zhao who played soy sauce at the press conference. Yike.

Qin Tang's fans supported her idol with tears in their eyes, and they couldn't have been more supportive of what Zhang Shunqiu said at the press conference.

Netizens raised a question, since the leading actor is someone else, what happened to Bai Lu who was on the hot search before?

There is one more important question - who is Su Yi'an?

Su Yi'an sat on a chair and carefully looked at the contract in her hand. After the press conference, she was brought back to the backstage without giving the reporters any room to play.

Then, in front of her was a contract that had just been drawn up.

Zhao Yike sat across from her and said: "Take a look at this contract, if there is no objection, then sign it."

It was the first time for Su Yi'an to face such an incident, so he naturally put up 12 points of energy and analyzed the terms of the contract word by word.

After a while, she closed the contract, nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

In fact, there were so many written on it, and she didn't fully understand it. Su Yi'an only focused on the duration of the contract, their respective rights and obligations, and the terms of compensation for breach of contract. The most important thing was the contract amount written on it.

After confirming that the conditions were the same as those agreed before, Su Yi'an nodded in agreement.

"Are you really not thinking about it?" Liu Xin was a little shocked, "Are you really not thinking about developing in the entertainment industry? This is really a very good opportunity."

During this time, Liu Xin prepared two contracts, one was negotiated by them, and the other was a template contract signed by the artist.

He really didn't understand, how could someone give up the contract signed by the artist?Does she know what she missed?
This is the entertainment industry, where even actors whose names are unknown to ordinary people can make a lot of money. With the experience of participating in director Zhang's film, the future development is limitless.

"I've thought about it."

"Do you know how many people dream of where you are now? Do you really stop thinking about it?"

Su Yi'an looked at him with some embarrassment. He didn't intend to enter the entertainment industry at all. If they hadn't said they would give him money, he would never have agreed to this impromptu replacement.

Moreover, even if Su Yian is willing, I'm afraid it won't work...

She still firmly remembers the fact that she was married, but she has never heard that Xiao Hua who was married when she debuted can soar into the sky.

Su Yi'an did not intend to expose her family life at all, and simply regarded this accident as a part-time job during summer vacation.

"Well, my family conditions are not particularly suitable..."

Seeing Su Yi'an's embarrassment, Zhao Yike stopped Liu Xin's persuasion, "There are always situations where the family education is particularly strict, and many parents do not approve of their children entering the entertainment industry."

Strict family education?

Uh... Su Yi'an remembered the rule that he must go home at 8 o'clock in the evening.

"Yes, my family education is very strict!"

Zhao Yike shrugged: "Me too, my dad doesn't like me entering the entertainment industry."

Su Yi'an quietly pricked up her ears, idol's father?

But Zhao Yike didn't intend to say more, just handed her the signature pen, "Sign your name, before the filming of this movie is finished, you will be attached to my studio for the time being."

Su Yi'an was a little excited, hanging under the idol's studio?God, this is the highest level of star chasing, working for idols!
I can show off with Song Qiqi when I go back.

"That..." Su Yi'an asked with blinking eyes, "Can I take a photo with you, I have really liked you for many years!"

Liu Xin looked at Su Yi'an vigilantly, he didn't forget how he found the most suitable "Ye Yuanqiu" in Director Zhang's eyes, the suspicion of her stalker has not been completely washed away.

But at this moment, Su Yi'an completely ignored Liu Xin, and only waited for his idol's answer.

"of course can."

Su Yi'an quickly signed his name on the contract, and then waited to take a photo with his idol.

"Wait a minute..." Liu Xin, who was ignored, put away one contract and took out another, "Fill in your bank card and other information."

"Oh, okay." Su Yi'an suddenly remembered that this was the big deal, and hurriedly sat down and filled out the bank card information.

Liu Xin stared at Su Yi'an's cautious look, and still couldn't believe that the artist's contract couldn't compare to the mere 10 yuan remuneration.

10 yuan!

In the face of the sky-high salary of tens of millions, the heroine who starred in the famous director's new masterpiece was paid only 10 yuan, and no one would believe it.

She can do this with a salary of 10 yuan, but she disagrees with the artist's contract. Is it a lack of money or not?

If Su Yi'an is signed, he promises to make her popular within a year, and he will make more than tens of millions of dollars by then.

But Su Yi'an is already very satisfied, 10 yuan in three months, more than 3 yuan in a month, and can meet various celebrities, where can I find such a job now!
While Su Yi'an was busy taking photos with Zhao Yike, the discussion among netizens on this press conference became more and more heated.

The reason is that someone ended up mixing the water.

Just when the netizens were discussing the white dew released by all the online marketing accounts, the topic suddenly turned to Su Yi'an who appeared suddenly.

Su Yi'an's slight appearance at the press conference has already amazed the netizens. Although he didn't talk too much about the heroine afterwards, based on what Director Zhang said, the netizens were very impressed with this "quantity" "Ye Yuanqiu", who was "built by himself", aroused incomparable curiosity.

However, at this moment, someone unexpectedly posted Su Yi'an's personal information in the forum, the speed was as if it had been premeditated.

Milk greens without sugar: Hey, he majored in civil engineering at Haicheng University, and he is still a top student.

Groundhog: This has nothing to do with the entertainment industry!Director Zhang went to Haicheng University to find someone?

There is nothing to say: Didn’t you say that you have been shooting for a while?Wasn't this heroine before?
Refill: Everyone in the circle said that the leading role was changed temporarily~
Groundhog: Huh~ I smell gossip.

I'm Xiao Gongju: she's pretty good-looking.

Big White Rabbit: This sentence has a deep meaning.

Shadow: Hehe, he suddenly appeared in the starring lineup of a famous director. Didn't Director Zhang choose the actor for more than a year?In the end, the person who was selected was not used, it was just a joke.

I don’t eat candied haws: I heard that she had problems in school, hanging out with those people~ It used to be quite ordinary, but now I heard that it has changed a lot, and it must be making money.

Kuduoduo: Wow, you mean...

Nothing to say: who was the leading actor before?Is that Bailu?

shadow: No, I heard it was Wu Jiayi.

Groundhog: Wu Jiayi's acting skills are very good!
Within two hours of the incident, all kinds of questioning posts, hacking posts, and skinning posts about Su Yi'an popped up in a swarm, and the replies inside were similar, with three or two sentences bearing the labels of insiders and insiders.

Those who know how to know immediately know that someone is trying to blackmail this Su Yi'an. Now the gossip forums are flooded by trolls, and the hype is booming.

Zhang Shunqiu didn't notice anything on the Internet. He was discussing the script in the screenwriter's room. He always made changes while filming. Sometimes he even stopped work to change the script, which made the actors complain. month, it turned out to be a new one, and it might be ruthlessly cut off in the end.

"In this place, I want Ye Yuanqiu to show that innocent and cruel look."

The brainwaves of the screenwriter and Director Zhang got along very well, and they immediately said: "It's that feeling of why not eat minced meat?"

"Yes, that's right, because she was born in a wealthy family, and she has never seen such a scene!"

"After I met Su Yi'an, I felt that Ye Yuanqiu's image became very three-dimensional."

"You think so too?" Director Zhang excitedly sought approval.

The screenwriter nodded and said, "It's more suitable for this role than Jian Yu, the two of them really look alike."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Zhang Shunqiu frowned, and opened the door, outside was the producer who came with bad news.

"Look at you, you are still in the mood to change the script! Don't you care about things on the Internet at all?"

"I've said everything I need to say, what else can I do?"

The producer strode into the room, looked at the screenwriter's turned on computer, and pushed him aside.

"Hey, hey, save my script first!"

"I know I know."

The producer clicked on one of the largest gossip forums in China, clicked on a popular theme post, and stepped aside for Zhang Shunqiu.

"Look at what people on the Internet are talking about now!"

Zhang Shunqiu didn't care about his fuss, leaned over to take a look, and said casually: "Isn't this very common? No one will talk about it in two days."

Are you still afraid of others being black when you are a star?It's normal for people to argue.

"This is not a general discussion at all, it's someone who bought a navy and it's the end!" Seeing Zhang Shunqiu's unresponsive look, the producer became anxious for a while.

A producer is not like a director, he only needs to focus on filming and ignore everything else.He is responsible for sponsorship, investment, maintenance of the daily life of the crew, and promotion and broadcast of the film. It can be said that the producer is the core figure of the crew, and the producer needs to solve everything that happens to the crew as soon as possible.

"Let people go on like this, and the word-of-mouth of the new film may be affected! Aren't you going to win an award for this film?"

Zhang Shunqiu frowned, "You just have to figure it out."

He has always been not very good at these things, and the producer was very helpless to him, "And it's not just because of this that I came to you."

"Any more bad news?"

The producer looked at Zhang Shunqiu and said, "Lebai Group has withdrawn its capital."

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