imperfect wedding

Chapter 73 The First Love of the People


Su Yi'an looked at the driver's posture, and it was obvious that if he didn't give his signature, he couldn't get the employee card.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and took the pen with a smirk, "Hehe, sign... what are you signing?"

Uh... who did he talk about just now? Jian what?which Jian?

What movie is A Walk in the Rain?She hasn't seen it!
Fortunately, the driver said in time: "Xiao Ai, you can sign for Xiao Ai."

"Love love?"

"Yes." The driver didn't wonder why she didn't even know the name of the role she was playing, and then said coyly, "Can you write TO Xiaoqin on that?"

Writing a word is also writing, and writing a line is also writing. Of course, Su Yi'an will not refuse, and said casually: "Give your daughter the autograph she wants."

The driver was even more coy when he heard the words, "It's for me."

Su Yi'an: "..."

She looked up at the tall and thick driver in front of her, and her eyes twitched: "Your name is very handsome..."

"That's what everyone says."

Su Yi'an: ...Okay.

"By the way, what's wrong with your glasses?"

Su Yi'an was also wearing sunglasses with one lens missing, which looked a little funny.

"I was squeezed out just now." Su Yi'an said vaguely, in order to interrupt the driver's inquiry, she said again: "Do you need to write more blessings to you?"

Sure enough, the driver was taken off the track by her, "Can I write another line, that is..."

She wrote several lines on a sticky note before she got the employee card she was thinking of. The driver was sitting in the rental car and waving at her: "Come on, Xiao Ai, you will definitely be popular!"

Su Yi'an waved at the driver, thinking that the fans wouldn't even recognize this little love's face, it must be a thousand miles away from the fire.

Thinking of her pinching her sore hands, it was really hard for her to write from morning till night today.

Then she looked at the employee ID card in her hand, and didn't call Song Qiqi, but directly followed the staff who entered and exited by swiping their cards, and followed them to the elevator, walking very calmly.

She herself felt that she was quite low-key, but she didn't know that everyone was silently staring at the person in the broken sunglasses.

But they looked at Su Yi'an's calm expression and thought it was a new trend in the entertainment industry.

"Can Director Zhang still hold this press conference? Why did it take so long?"

In the elevator, a woman in a professional skirt suddenly spoke. Su Yi'an's eyes lit up when he heard the term "movie conference". Could it be that Song Qiqi came secretly because Ke Ke was going to be in a movie?
She had listened to gossip several times when she was outside, and knew that Lihai International Hotel only had a small press conference today, and that was the opening press conference of "In the Silent Place" directed by Zhang Shunqiu.

Su Yi'an stayed outside for too long, and she couldn't find Song Qiqi when she came in. Now she can only follow them to the press conference to have a look. Now that she heard about the press conference, The ears are all pricked up.

"I don't know. We're all waiting for news. It seems that there is something wrong with the heroine..."

How can this work!

Su Yi'an suddenly became a little anxious, she thought exactly the same as Song Qiqi, she also thought that Zhao Yike should be the heroine in Director Zhang's movie.

"Forget it, don't you tell us to go there? We'll know in a while."

She was eager to hear more about the press conference, but the two people stopped talking after just a few words, and she couldn't pry their mouths open, which made her anxious.

Su Yi'an had no choice but to follow the two out of the elevator. In order to avoid suspicion, she followed them to a corridor from a distance until they entered a room.

She looked around and felt a chill in her heart. The surrounding environment is obviously not an auditorium where a press conference can be held. What kind of place is this?
She sneaked to the door to wait and see, Lihai International Hotel is indeed a five-star hotel, the floor of the corridor is covered with carpets, she doesn't have to worry about her footsteps attracting the attention of others.

Su Yi'an put her ear up quietly, wanting to hear if it was a place like an auditorium, the people in the room seemed to be talking, Su Yi'an put her ear closer, closed her eyes and listened carefully.

"I don't care about you!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout from inside the door, and the door of the room was opened vigorously, and angry roars resounded through the corridor.

"I'm definitely going to change actors!"

"Director Zhang, Director Zhang, think about it. Now that all the reporters are here, you..." There was still someone behind him trying to persuade him.

But Su Yi'an didn't care about all of this at all. The moment Director Zhang opened the door, she scrambled out of the corridor.

"I'm going, I'm scared to death... Huh..."

Fortunately, the hotel has carpets everywhere, otherwise she must have been discovered.

She hid in the dark and panted silently, her heart was beating extremely fast, and she had never done anything bad in her life, but she was almost caught by someone as soon as she eavesdropped.

When Su Yian heard keywords such as changing the protagonist and director Zhang, he immediately realized that this was the backstage of the press conference of "In the Silent Place".

It turned out that she ran directly to the backstage, so what happened in front of her?
It was about idols, and Su Yi'an, who caught up with the first-hand gossip, immediately pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation of these people.

"She was stuffed in by investors, you can't change it just by saying it."

"Yes, yes, besides, you just want to change, who should you change?"

"That's right, the filming has started, and now the press conference is going to be held, just this time, I think it's going to be like this."

"Let her make an apology to you later, and let's forget about it."

"Yes, Director Zhang, didn't you also say that this girl is suitable?"

The producer, assistant director, screenwriter and other crew members tried to persuade Zhang Shunqiu to come here. Everyone knows that he has a strong temper and keeps his word. If you send it in, you can't easily offend it.

What's more, the heroine has been selected for a whole year. They traveled all over the country's major colleges and universities, and finally settled on Bailu. Now it's unbearable to choose again. What a hassle.

"I don't see anything that can't be changed." Suddenly there was another voice, the voice was lazy, as if he didn't care about the tense scene in front of him at all.

The people present frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

"Ah, it's Keke!" Su Yi'an excitedly pawed at the wall, wanting to sneak a peek.

Liu Xin sat on the side like a Maitreya Buddha and remained silent, as if what Zhao Yike said had nothing to do with him.

Everyone couldn't see any news from his face, so they had to turn their attention to Zhao Yike himself.

Director Zhang was surrounded by a group of people and persuaded him for a long time without nodding his head. Now that someone finally stood by his side, he quickly said, "You also think it's better to change people?"

Substitution?Coco also said to change?

How is this going.

Su Yi'an couldn't understand what was going on.

"Anyway, Director Zhang is not satisfied with the heroine, so what kind of good movie can he make if he endures so much?"

The assistant director looked at Zhao Yike disapprovingly, but due to her identity, he didn't dare to refute it directly. He could only say: "But Bai Lu's image is already very suitable for the heroine. We went to so many schools before and couldn't choose one Director Zhang is satisfied with the image of the heroine, but now he wants to change..."

Zhang Shunqiu was also a little hesitant when he heard the words. He cared more about the actor's image than the investment. The assistant director had worked with him for many years and naturally knew where he could persuade him.

"Didn't you decide on a heroine before, what's your name?"

"Wu Jiayi?" The screenwriter pushed his glasses and asked.

"Yes, can't this one work?" Zhao Yike heard that she was originally the candidate for the heroine, but she was dropped by the investor with a white dew.

"Actually, Wu Jiayi doesn't particularly fit the heroine's personality, it's just that her acting skills are not bad, so Director Zhang chose her at that time."

"Compared to Wu Jia, Bai Lu is indeed more in line with the character design in the script."

The producer thought silently, as for bringing money into the group, that would be an extra surprise.

Director Zhang suddenly said forcefully: "I don't think this Bai Lu particularly fits the image in the script, what do you think of the screenwriter?"

The ball was suddenly kicked on the screenwriter. The screenwriter felt different eyes from everyone, and felt deeply about Alexander. He thought about it and said, "This... I used the image of Xiao Ai when I designed the heroine, but I added it later. According to other descriptions...Bai Lu is more than coquettish, and she lacks a little pitiful look."

Everyone looked thoughtful when they heard the words.

"Who is Xiao Ai?" Zhao Yike asked Liu Xin in a low voice.

"Let you pay more attention to major events in the entertainment industry and play less games." Liu Xin muttered and complained, and found a still photo of Xiao Ai from her mobile phone, and handed it to Zhao Yike, "Look, the movie from the year before last The heroine of "A Walk in the Rain", the nation's first love."

"Literary films? I don't like watching literary films, I always fall asleep watching them..."

Zhao Yike flipped through the stills of Xiao Ai, looked at this pure and lovely face on the phone, thought about Bai Lu's appearance, and said in disapproval: "This Bai Lu doesn't look a bit like this..." She took a look The name of the person playing, "...Jane."

The screenwriter pushed his glasses and said: "This is just the initial image reference. In fact, the character of the heroine is very different from that of Xiao Ai after the interpretation of the plot. I personally hope that the heroine will be arrogant and decisive, glamorous and charming." With an ignorant, youthful appearance, Bai Lu's character is still very suitable for the heroine's personality."

Listening to his description, Zhao Yike felt that these were some antonyms.

But looking at his yearning look, I think it's better not to interrupt other people's imagination.

"Then why don't you just ask Jian Yu to act?"

"It's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that she has stopped taking new films after "Walk in the Rain." The screenwriter is also quite regretful.

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