imperfect wedding

Chapter 7 Convincing and Reasonable

Although his jokes are outdated, the truth will never be outdated, Ji Chen encouraged himself.

He decided to raise Su Yi'an to his own level, and then use his rich life experience and profound knowledge to defeat her.

"You said that you have traveled through time, so do you remember what you were doing last night?"

"Hmm..." Su Yi'an began to think back, she really couldn't remember clearly.

Ji Chen spoke clearly: "If it's time travel, then the memory before you opened your eyes should have happened just now. Even if you passed through while asleep, what did you do before you fell asleep?"

"I..." Su Yi'an narrowed her eyes and fell into deep thought. She felt her head hurt a little, stretched out her hand and rubbed the back of her head, and said slowly: "I seem to have watched anime, ah, by the way, when I finished the final exam, I Saw Parasite!"

"I watched the whole 24 episodes in the dormitory all day, and I finally found resources with barrage." The more she talked, the clearer the picture in her mind, in fact, she didn't know if it happened "yesterday". But this seemed to be the first thing she recalled recently.

She even started to complain, "I didn't cherish everyone's barrage when it was not on the Internet. I didn't regret it until I lost it. I searched all over the world for this resource with a barrage version."

...Ji Chen decided to interrupt her self-compassion.

"Then do you remember what you did, what you ate, and who you talked to after that?"

"..." She only remembered watching Parasitic Beasts, but she really couldn't remember what she was doing in the second before "time travel". I can't remember anything.This feeling is very similar to recalling something in the past occasionally, only remembering that thing deeply, and completely unable to remember what happened before and after.

This is definitely not something I did just a second before the "time travel", it was a long time ago.

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't remember it. She anxiously raised her hand to cover her head, and the back of her head began to throb intermittently. She even felt flustered, nauseous and nauseated.
Ji Chen knew that she couldn't remember, so he said slowly, "You were in a car accident a while ago, and your head was injured..." He paused for a moment, his skeletal hand covered Su Yi'an's hand covering his head, slowly Kneading down, "It's in this position, remember? That trauma caused a certain degree of concussion, and after a while your memory declined a bit, and you always had to repeat a sentence several times, and you became very emotional change."

The rhythm of his speech began to lengthen, and the tone of his words seemed to be to remember Su Yi'an.

Listening to such a long voice, her brain was even more chaotic. She didn't remember anything about what he said, but she still felt familiar, as if it really happened.

Ji Chen hugged her, and Su Yi'an's deep and clear voice rang in Su Yi'an's ears, each sentence slowly sinking into her mind, she almost felt that she remembered the whole thing.Her whole body seemed to be floating in her own huge and mixed memory, helpless, her head hurt, her stomach was uncomfortable, and she felt nauseous. Only hearing Ji Chen's voice could make her feel redeemed.

The voice in the ear continued to induce, "The doctor said that this is the sequelae of the concussion. We have been taking medicine and actively cooperating with the doctor for psychological treatment, haven't we?"

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