Su Yi'an was hit repeatedly by "band-aids", and she no longer knows how to love.

Damn it, who said that as long as you are natural and generous, no one will notice!
Why does everyone take this to heart.

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense anymore!" Su Yi'an said to Song Qiqi viciously.

"Cut." Song Qiqi curled her lips, wouldn't things exist if I didn't say anything?
"You think I want to meddle in your business, you don't know how busy my fan site is." Recently, her idol released a new song, and she didn't mention things like topping the charts, but she also had to post accusations for her.

There are many people who are popular, especially the top traffic like Zhao Yike who has a lot of fans and blacks. Fans can't idle for a moment to observe the trend of various public opinions.

Speaking of this, Su Yi'an also remembered her status as an avid fan of Zhao Yike. After all, she had only done one extraordinary thing since she was a child, and that was canvassing votes for Zhao Yike on the eve of the college entrance examination.

Now there is a second one, hidden marriage.

It was even more extreme than the first time, Su Yi'an thought with black lines.

When Su Yian was in her third year of high school, there was a popular talent show called "Supernova" on the Internet. The purpose of the show was to inject fresh blood into the entertainment industry.

Because you can participate as long as you sign up, without any recommendation or foundation, as long as your singing voice can be recognized by the audience, you are a "supernova" publicity. Everyone competed.

The official voting mechanism is very unique, one IP for one vote, there are no judges' seats, only audience seats, and popular stars will be invited to participate in each episode to keep the popularity alive.

The rights of the audience are very strong, and the preferences of the audience can truly determine whether the contestant will stay or not. For a while, the enthusiasm of netizens to participate is also unprecedentedly high. All major entertainment forums have been massacred by "Supernova", and each episode has countless explosions. Point for discussion.

So even senior high school candidates who don't know what's going on outside the window know about this show, and secretly follow their favorite idols, helping to canvass votes in various ways.

At that time, liking different players would even affect the relationship between classmates. If your idol and I are rivals, then we are also rivals, and the class is also full of scheming.

Of course, this is all without the knowledge of the head teacher.

Zhao Yike is also a singer from "Supernova". In the 20 to 10 competition, he stood out with a song adapted from a folk tune, which attracted the attention of the public and became a popular contestant to win the championship.

Moreover, she has her own way of doing things, hates evil like hatred, and often scolds and fights with people on Weibo. In the long run, she has more fans and more black people.

Because of Zhao Yike's free and unrestrained personality and sharp and arrogant behavior, it has created a very strange situation in the fan circle - 70% of her fans are female fans, and the remaining 20% ​​are gay. Her fans "chocolate" "They all affectionately call her husband.

Because of Zhao Yike's high popularity and unforgiving personality offended a lot of people, there was a trend of hacking her on the Internet, especially because she had too many female fans, and everyone couldn't find her. If there are black spots, it will start to blacken her sexuality.

In the week of the championship battle, the website rolled the votes for the top 24 hours in turn. The atmosphere of participation by all people made people feel that there was only one thing left in the world, and that was to choose the overall champion of "Supernova".

Su Yi'an finally found an opportunity to go online, and secretly went to an Internet cafe with a large number of friends to watch the battle. Seeing that Zhao Yike was hacked by the navy and dropped to the second place, it was really heartbreaking. In the [-]th round, he cheered in the group organized by fans and insisted on fighting for his idol.

Girls from all over the country are brainwashing each other in QQ groups, cheering each other up, to the effect that "I save my idol by myself, and I must not let other people see the joke", "Coco is only us, fans don't work hard, who else can help her !", in fact, they really can't be regarded as brain-dead, because the voting mechanism of "Supernova" is really determined by fans.

So Su Yi'an was very youthful and passionate, ordered banners with his friends, bought big speakers, put on uniform fan cheering uniforms, and started a vigorous canvassing operation against the teacher.

Su Yi'an liked to draw since he was a child. At that time, he learned from the neighbor's grandfather for a while, and he was good at drawing.No one in their family understands this, so if the child loves to draw, let her draw, at least draw a cat or a dog, and the paintings are quite similar.

It was also the first time for her to draw a portrait, and she directly painted it on the school bulletin board with oil paint.

Su Yi'an is so cute and deep to Zhao Yi, she doesn't go home after school at night, lies with her parents and goes to live at a classmate's house, and together with her little friends, avoids the school security, and in the middle of the night with a flashlight, secretly announces Start your own masterpiece on the bar, let alone, the painting is not bad.

Overnight, like locusts crossing the border, the entire school was dressed up as a support center for Zhao Yike fans, with banners hanging everywhere and various slogans asking everyone to donate their precious votes.

Since the morning, Su Yi'an has been blocking the school gate to give a speech. Everyone has prepared the speech for a long time. The voice is real and the words are clear. No matter what, everyone must take out their mobile phones to vote.

The school that day could be said to be full of chaos. The guards, security guards, and teachers and directors jumped up and down to chase and intercept this group of mischievous students. What was even more frightening was that among the students were not only fans of Zhao Yike, but also the true love of other contestants. pink.

Seeing that my school is going to be captured by Zhao Yike's fans, how can it be possible!
Immediately organize a counterattack.

Today you play the list, tomorrow I will play.

The smog is the description of the school during those two days. Su Yi'an's actions alone caused the whole school to revel!
The suppressed emotions in the third year of high school suddenly had a chance to be released. Regardless of whether they paid attention to "Supernova" or not, the students all threw themselves into this exciting battle.

As the situation intensified, the dean was very afraid that these students would get angry and fight, and several hairs turned gray. The teachers were also afraid that everyone's academic performance would be affected. Only the principal looked at the playful students with a smile and said that this is youth.

Immediately, the school promulgated the terms of chasing stars in a civilized and rational manner. During the self-study period of this week, all the teachers and students of the school can go to the school's auditorium to organize various canvassing activities. Similar incidents are never allowed in the daily spare time, and offenders will be demerited.

This is equivalent to the school's recognition of their behavior and even a small vacation for them.

The students shouted wildly and excitedly began to prepare for the evening canvassing activities.

Some teachers and parents are very dissatisfied and feel that this is a waste of precious study time for candidates, and even interrupts the rhythm of their review. Once the tense emotions are relaxed, it will not be so easy to rewind.

But at that time, there was still half a year before the college entrance examination. Except for a few days off for the New Year, there was no chance to rest, and it was not too much to just rest for a few nights for self-study.

The whole school is filled with a cheerful atmosphere, everyone's face is shining, Su Yi'an found that she is quite talented in speech through various canvassing, which led to her being always pulled away by the Department of Literature and Art in college help.

At the night of the "Supernova" championship, all the teachers and students in the school watched the finale in the auditorium. Su Yi'an and the others screamed excitedly when they saw that Zhao Yi could return to No.1 with an absolute advantage. The result of hard work!
The principal also delivered an affectionate speech after the game, from the farce at the beginning to youth, from idols to dreams, from "Supernova" to chasing dreams, from chasing dreams to... the college entrance examination, and finally summed up studying hard every day up.

Due to the wonderful performance of this school, it was posted on Weibo by students, and unexpectedly became a hot search. Netizens all said "other people's school" and "other people's principal", but they advertised their high school once.The leaders of the Ministry of Education knew about their actions and specifically named them and praised them. They gave their school an "advanced unit" award to reward them for correctly guiding the three views of young people's struggle. This is also unexpected.

There is one more thing that Su Yi'an didn't think of, that is, as the instigator, she was hired as a parent...

It's really crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

After the matter was over, the head teacher kindly asked Su Yian's parents to talk in detail, mainly talking about how Su Yian made a big fuss in the school, destroyed the school bulletin board, and led a group of friends to play with the teacher with a megaphone. "Hide and seek", destroying the learning atmosphere of the school and guiding unhealthy trends.

The teacher also took his parents to see the bust of Zhao Yike she painted. Her father blurted out after seeing it, the painting is really good, which left everyone present speechless.

Afterwards, Su Yi'an became the key target of supervision. Those at home and outside watched her study, but she was still very calm in her heart, and she thought she would be beaten.

I don’t know if it’s true that she can paint so well. Su Yi’an’s art teacher even came to ask her where she learned oil painting, and if she ever thought about taking the path of an art student. Enough to be admitted to a top professional college.

Su Yi'an was very surprised, but she never thought about becoming an art student.At that time, the trend was to become an art student only if the academic performance was not high enough for the school, because the admission score of art students would be lowered.

Moreover, Su Yi'an has never learned painting systematically, and has never taken a painting class. She doesn't think she can really be admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts. Besides, because of her hobby, she also knows how wasteful painting is. With her family conditions, she absolutely cannot afford an art student.

Although she was very moved, she could only helplessly reject the art teacher.

Afterwards, the school did not remove her paintings, but opened another bulletin board nearby.

The picture of Zhao Yike holding a microphone and singing loudly will always be fixed on the school bulletin board. The precise and subtle picture, bold and innovative color matching, the singer seems to be doing his best and his casual expression shocked the watching crowd.

This is the most classic scene in Zhao Yike's competition, and it has been reposted and discussed by countless fans.

Full and infectious emotion is all expressed in this portrait, very unique brushwork, even impressive.

Su Yian often goes to see her painting, wanting to see if she is really as talented as the art teacher said, maybe she is, but it can only stop there.

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