imperfect wedding

Chapter 40 Credit Points

"Don't hide under the quilt anymore." Ji Chen looked at Su Yi'an who was about to tuck into the quilt and said helplessly, "Don't get bored anymore."

"You first promise me not to be angry." Su Yi'an made a muffled voice under the quilt.

She has to take the medicine prescribed by Dr. Lu to maintain the brain nerves every day, but the medicine is in the form of syrup, like some kind of brain tonic, it is too bitter, even if it is washed with water, the taste is still annoying to Su Yi. Ann was unbearable.

She frowned and forced herself to drink it for two days, feeling that she really didn't feel any discomfort, and it didn't have the effect of restoring her memory.

Seeing that Ji Chen didn't have time to urge himself to drink medicine every day, the next time he was obsessed with the servant, he brought the medicine in with his front foot and was fed potted plants with his feet afterward.

She saw that the potted plants were well fed, so they must have been well maintained.

Seeing that she was playing childish temper again, Ji Chen decided not to spoil her anymore, and said in a deep voice, "If you keep doing this, don't go to school."


How can that work!An opportunity that I finally won!
Su Yi'an lifted the quilt all at once, grabbed Ji Chen's sleeve, and pretended to be pitiful, "The medicine is too bitter, I can't drink it."

"You are no longer a child, do you still want to be so willful? Do you need me to watch you personally when taking medicine?"

Ji Chen was not easily fooled, and continued to teach Su Yi'an in a deep voice.

Su Yi'an found that he couldn't get away with it, so he lowered his eyes and listened to Ji Chen's lesson. He was really like his own parent.

"I know, I must take the medicine on time from now on, don't be angry." Don't lock her up at home anymore, Su Yi'an prayed secretly in her heart.

Ji Chen looked at her helplessly, and lowered his voice, he didn't want Su Yi'an to be afraid of him, "I'm thinking about your body, you haven't taken your medicine properly these days, is there any discomfort in your body? ?”

Su Yi'an saw that his mood had softened a little, and quickly said, "I've been fine recently, there's nothing abnormal about me."

So it’s okay if you don’t take that medicine!

Ji Chen raised his face: "There is nothing uncomfortable, what happened just now!"

"I'm not finished yet!"

Ji Chenhu kept silent.

Su Yi'an glanced at his face, stirred the edge of the quilt with her fingers, and said softly, "I feel like I've had a lot of dreams recently..."


"Well, it seems to be dreaming about the past."

"What did you dream about?" Ji Chen frowned and asked.

Su Yi'an wrinkled her small face, and said falteringly: "I can't remember clearly either, I always forget when I wake up, and whenever I recall the past, my head hurts, and it was the same way just now."

Ji Chen looked at Su Yi'an's irritated expression and asked, "Is it true that you can't remember anything?"

Su Yi'an shook his head and said, "I can only remember some feelings, but I don't remember any specific things."

"How does it feel to remember?"

Su Yi'an thought for a while, and said with a sad face: "I can't even remember this clearly. I can only feel it clearly when I just wake up."

"Hey, can I still recover my memory?"

When she thought of her memory problem, she couldn't help but feel sad, and she even forgot to behave well in front of Ji Chen and strive for leniency.

Ji Chen helped her tuck the quilt, noncommittal: "If you keep avoiding taking medicine, then I'm afraid there is no hope at all."

...Why did the topic come back again?

It seems that the trickery has failed.

Su Yi'an simply said directly: "I feel that these medicines are useless!"

Ji Chen was unmoved at all: "At least when you took the medicine, you didn't have such a headache."

"My headache is because I remembered something!" She looked at Ji Chen triumphantly, a headache is good.

"Then... what do you remember?"

"Uh... It seems that I am in the hospital, my body hurts, my head hurts, and there are many people around me. Later, I seem to be sitting somewhere, and someone gave me medicine." Su Yi'an looked up at Ji Chen , "But I don't want to take medicine at all!"

Ji Chen pondered: "This should be your memory after the car accident."

He looked at Su Yi'an and explained a few words: "At that time, you collided with a truck with your car, and you were sent to the hospital afterward."

"Afterwards, your memory had problems, and you lost the memory before the car accident." Ji Chen said, "Didn't I tell you before? You have been doing psychotherapy with Dr. Lu."

"Oh, so that person is Dr. Lu." No wonder she still thought that person looked familiar, Su Yi'an immediately thought of Dr. Lu's head.

She glanced at Ji Chen uneasily again, and muttered: "It seems that the medicines prescribed by Dr. Lu are not tasty, and the effects are not good, and it is useless to take them."

Su Yi'an deliberately targeted Dr. Lu and the medicine he prescribed.

Ji Chen sighed: "If you don't like..."

Then can I not eat? !Su Yi'an looked at Ji Chen expectantly with bright eyes.

"We can ask the doctor to switch to a different drug."

Su Yi'an was expressionless.

"It can be replaced by tablets or capsules, which is also convenient to take."

Su Yi'an: "...that's fine."

Change it to something that can be swallowed anyway.

"But now..." Ji Chen took the water glass mixed with medicine that had been on the side for a long time, and stuffed it into Su Yi'an's hand, "You have to drink up today's medicine obediently."

Su Yi'an looked bitterly at the water glass mixed with black liquid medicine in front of him, with a generous expression: "Then you have to promise that I can go to school."

Ji Chen looked at her leisurely: "It depends on your performance. Now your credit score with mine has dropped by 1 percentage point."

Su Yi'an looked at him dissatisfied: "So what percentage is it?"

"About 51 percent."

How come there are such precise values!

"I still have half of your trust?"

"No, you just don't pass in my heart right now."

Su Yi'an: ...

"Then I won't pass, and it's useless whether I drink it or not." She put the water glass back into Ji Chen's hand, turned over and lay down, "I don't want to eat."

Ji Chen looked at this guy who went to sleep without saying anything, and said, "You drink it, and I'll let you pass."

"Can I go to school?"


Su Yi'an cheered, got up from the bed, took the water glass in Ji Chen's hand, closed his eyes and drank it in one go.

"Ouch!" Su Yi'an covered her mouth, her throat rolled up and down, and the sour taste in her mouth stimulated her so much that she almost vomited it out.

Ji Chen hurriedly took the juice from the side and handed it to her, "It's all right."

This taste is really weird!

Su Yi'an's eyes turned red from the sour and astringent taste, she covered her mouth and tried hard to suppress the nausea.

"Where did your ring go?" Ji Chen looked at Su Yi'an's empty left hand.

While drinking the juice to suppress the taste in her mouth, she raised her eyes and glared at Ji Chen: "Of course it's hidden!"

" hide?"

"You don't want me to show off in the market with such a big diamond ring, do you, I will be watched as soon as I go out!"

Su Yi'an just tends to think too much, and it is estimated that everyone will not think that the diamond ring on her hand is real.

"They won't succeed." Ji Chen said to Su Yi'an very confidently.

Su Yi'an looked at him suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

On May 5th, the last day of the May Day holiday (actually a patchwork holiday), most students will return to school the day before classes start.

The students who went out to travel or went home to visit relatives came back one after another. The students who came in from the school gate were all carrying suitcases in their hands, and they all looked extremely unwilling to go back to school.

Su Yi'an was also extremely reluctant to enter the school gate.

"You put me down."

"Stop making trouble, it's not here yet."

"If you're like this, I won't go."

"Didn't you say you wanted to go to school?"

But what she said was to go by herself!
On Changxing Road near Haicheng University, several luxury cars drove past in a line. The vehicles scattered and pedestrians avoided as they passed, for fear that the paint on the luxury cars would be knocked off if they got closer.

They can't afford it.

All the vehicles tacitly left an open space for this row of convoys, making these luxury cars even more unique.

"My God, what's going on?"

"Who gets married and rents so many luxury cars?"

Take pictures, take pictures.

There is no doubt that this row of luxury cars is Mr. Ji and his party who sent Su Yi'an to school.

Su Yi'an competed with Ji Chen in a Bentley and insisted on asking him to dismiss the accompanying people.

It's just school, why bring bodyguards!
And it's still so ostentatious, for fear that others will not know that a group of people who can't be provoked have come, and it's not the emperor's tour, so why exaggerate.

"Get them to stop!"

Su Yi'an looked like I would jump out of the car if you continue.

Ji Chen looked at her as if he was looking at a vexatious child.

Who is making trouble unreasonably!Su Yi'an looked at him indignantly.

Ji Chen signaled the driver to stop.

"You let them all go back."


"Why? I never did this before in school!"

"Things are different now."

"I've never seen anyone so exaggerated in the last school!"

Bring a line of bodyguards.

She walked in front, and four or five men in black followed behind. Thinking about it, she felt ashamed.

Ji Chen grabbed Su Yi'an who was glaring at him, sighed and said, "Do you know how many kidnapping cases in the world are specifically targeting rich people and their families?"

Su Yi'an choked up.

There are too many cases of kidnapping rich people, some are due to personal grievances, some are because they want to ask for huge wealth. In order to stimulate the rich to extort more money, the kidnappers are not polite to meat tickets. They cut off their ears and fingers. Some of them will release people if they take the money, while others will choose to tear up the ticket.

Even if Su Yi'an was never rich, she had heard these social news more than once.

She remembered that when she was young, there was a kidnapping case that shocked the whole country near her home.In order to retaliate against the victim, the kidnappers even tortured and abused a young child for more than 30 days. When the police finally found him, the boy's bones were smashed and his internal organs ruptured. The scene of the crime was horrible.

"I don't want to hear the news that you were hurt one day."

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