imperfect wedding

Chapter 29 Gou Rich, Don't Forget Each Other

Although he didn't ask for money, Su Yi'an still made a lot of money, which can be said to have become rich overnight.

After chatting with my parents for a few more words, I hid away with an excited expression on my face.

Before, her pocket money for one semester was only 5000 yuan, and she didn't know why her parents were so generous all of a sudden, especially her father, who usually deducted terribly, how could she give herself so much all of a sudden!
But she will not spit out the money that has been swallowed easily.

No matter how he got the money, it may be that the old man who has studied stocks for many years finally got the hang of making money from the stock market.

She received 7500 yuan at once, which is a huge sum of money for college students!
An absolute overnight success.

Although she has gained a lot of knowledge this day, and she seems to have married into a wealthy family, her bank card is obviously still at the level of ordinary poor people.

All of a sudden, 7500 yuan came in, and she didn't know how to spend it.

Hmm... If you think about it carefully, there is no place to spend money, so let's put it in Alipay.

She used to put money in Alipay, including her own tuition fees, living expenses and various scholarships, and she can still get a few cents a day, and it is convenient to spend back and forth.She is still a little curious, it has been two years, and she must have saved a lot of money.

It's not that she brags, she really never spends money recklessly, her only hobby is saving money, she can be called a miser.

Thinking about the possible amount in Alipay, tsk tsk tsk, I really want to get rich.

She opened Alipay with excitement to transfer money, but the scene in front of her surprised her.


One, hair, money, yes, no, yes!

What about money?

I put such a lot of money here! ! !
No matter how you think about it, there should be [-] to [-] deposits in Yu'ebao, why are they all gone?
Did I discover any new financial products in the past two years?Put it in the bank?

She anxiously wanted to check her wallet to see if her bank card was still alive.

After getting up together, I realized that I am still in Ji Chen's villa!No luggage at all!She remembered that she didn't find her luggage at Century Famous House in the morning.

Oh my God!

It was only now that Su Yi'an suddenly realized that he was penniless!
There is no familiar clothes, no wallet, no card, nothing. Is there any trace of my life in this home? !
Could it be that after I got married, I threw away all the things in the past?Now it's all up to Ji Chen?

It's not that she is high-minded, Su Yi'an, who is still in college, doesn't feel much about being raised by others, after all, she was also raised by her parents before.

However, parents are parents, and Ji Chen is Ji Chen. Su Yi'an felt that although the two people are indeed very different in terms of wealth, if they were really raised by him, then they would become that... Pong Are you rich? !
How can this work!
Those who eat other people, live in other people's homes, spend other people's homes, and are completely dependent on Ji Chen, no matter how you think about it, this is too ignorant.

This really broke through the lower limit of Su Yi'an's psychology.

She suddenly remembered what Ji Chen said in the morning about chasing after her lover... She wouldn't really have said that!

No way.

No matter how corrupted I am by money two years later, I can't be like this!
There is no lower limit to this, if someone finds out about this, they will be scolded by poking their spines, and their parents will not be able to lift their heads.

Although it's not a lover, it's a lover, so you can't rely on Ji Chen like this.

For a moment Su Yi'an was extremely anxious.

She bit her finger and rolled her black eyes thinking, is Ji Chen stupid?Where did he see me?
It doesn't make sense for a rich man to fall when he meets a vain little girl who is chasing after him. With his appearance and wealth, he would have to go two miles after chasing after him. How come it's my turn!
She cheered herself up, yes, Ji Chen is definitely not stupid, if he is really such a depraved person, he will definitely not marry me.

Even if I don't believe in my integrity, I still have to believe in Ji Chen's vision.

Here she was desperately comforting herself, and she was about to brainwash herself, while her best friend Song Qiqi was reading the information about Ji Chen on the webpage dreamily.

Founder of AFAI Group!

Ranked 17th in the domestic rich list and 106th in the Forbes list!

The company's market value is 2783.24 billion Hong Kong dollars!
Personal assets of 137 billion US dollars!
The youngest rich man in history!
Song Qiqi patted her face, and she finally remembered why Ji Chen was familiar. Isn't this the most mysterious one among the diamond kings and fives that are posted on online forums from time to time? !
Every once in a while, netizens will check the information of unmarried rich people to let everyone imagine and be happy, comment on their family background, education, future, discuss whether they are the second generation rich or self-made, and count down their girlfriends in the past Or Gossip Girl, Ji Chen will definitely be mentioned every time.

Because he is recognized as the youngest rich man!Ability and status are impeccable.

More importantly, he is very mysterious!
It is so low-key that there is not a single high-definition photo, and there is no gossip. No one in the AFAI Group will talk about the privacy of the boss, so everyone has nothing to do.

Only when he occasionally attends top-level meetings among some bigwigs, will there be one or two highly blurry photos posted.

Although tall, but the temperament and height can be seen.

This back looks like a handsome guy.

Don't care if this statement is true or not, anyway, no one refute it, everyone thinks Ji Chen is a handsome guy.

According to their simple thinking, with this height and this temperament, a man of this age will not be much different if he dresses up a little.

So the mysterious Mr. Ji has some fans on the Internet.

After all, this is a genius who was admitted to MIT at the age of 15, and founded the Afei Group at the age of 18. His IQ is not ordinary. Coupled with his current achievements, it is not normal to be a bit of a fan.

Yafei Group is based in Haicheng, and now it has spanned various fields, basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation and entertainment. Basically, most people’s lives are somewhat connected with Yafei Group. Most people don’t feel it, but people who pay a little attention to Yafei Group will find , for example, the latest popular national mobile game is owned by its subsidiary company.

What?You said this mobile game was developed by Ledian Games Company?

Sorry, it has been acquired for a long time.

Of course, Ji Chen not only has fangirls but also anti fans on the Internet. Do you know what anti fans are?There should be no need to explain in the entertainment circle that they are black fans who are dissatisfied with the star, and there are even more of them who are dissatisfied with Ji Chen - house slaves who are dissatisfied with Ji Chen.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

AFAI Group started from real estate. The house price in Haicheng used to be more than 2000 yuan, but now it is more than 30000 yuan.

This is of course not Ji Chen's fault. Various policies, real estate speculators, economic development, and other real estate companies have caused high housing prices, but who made you Ji Chen's AFAI Group be the leader? Well, if you say no, who are you spraying?
Of course, the Yafei Group does not only "harm" Haicheng. Where is there no house developed by their real estate company in any part of the country?

The gathering of these black fans is quite impressive.

Although the only few photos were taken secretly, Song Qiqi, who had just entered the police station in the same car as Ji Chen this morning, was sure at a glance that this was Ji Chen this morning.

No wonder "Looking for" hangs at the door of his house, he is Ji Chen, he is Ji Chen!

It turned out that Ji Chen bought the painting, no wonder everyone didn't know the buyer, after all, he was such a low-key rich man.

What the hell!

I actually sent such a big rich man to the police station!
There seems to be something wrong with the direction of emotion, let's start again.

What the hell!

Su Yi'an actually married such a rich man as Ji Chen!
She was stunned by her best friend's feat of leaping over countless levels, which is equivalent to being pulled from the bottom to the top of the pyramid!
Now she can't care about contacting fans in the QQ group to make rankings, and frantically sends Su Yi'an WeChat messages.

The grass is luxuriant:! ! !
Fangcaoqiqi: Sisters!You got rich!

Su Yi'an was desperately trying to comfort herself that there was no such thing as a sugar daddy, and Song Qiqi sent her back to reality with a single WeChat message.

Don't ask, it's quiet: [tears] [tears] [tears]

Don't ask, just Jing Jing: Do you think I'm a sugar daddy too?

Song Qiqi dismissed Ji Chen's message with a dark face.

Fangcaoqiqi: Looking at his wealth, tell me, do you have a sugar daddy [smile]

Su Yi'an inexplicably clicked on the link she sent. It's true that Ji Chen is rich, so why should he send me the link? I can see it myself.

After a while, Su Yi'an opened his mouth wide, waiting for the brightly lit phone screen in front of him.

She rubbed her eyes, then rubbed her eyes again, she knew that Ji Chen was rich, and that he came from a wealthy family, but she never imagined that Ji Chen was so rich, that he was the top tycoon at home and abroad !

Don't ask, it's Jingjing: ... Am I dreaming...

Fangcaoqiqi: Stretch your head over and let me knock your dog’s head
Fangcaoqiqi: If it is broken, then this is a dream
Don't ask, it's just Jingjing: I'm in Ji Chen's villa now...

Fangcaoqiqi: I know, I checked it before, Century Famous Homes, Haicheng’s famous wealthy district, developed by your husband’s family, with an average price of more than 15!
Don't ask, just be quiet: No, it's another [positioning]

Don't ask, it's quiet: [Small video of the bedroom panorama] [Small video of the scenery outside the window]

Don't ask, it's quiet: this area belongs to his family, it's almost like a castle, and there are housekeepers and servants...

Song Qiqi opened the video with a shocked face and watched the video with a shocked face. Leaving aside the luxury of the bedroom, the piece of land from the window actually belongs to this villa. Haicheng really has such a place?
She clicked on the location again, and the Baidu map showed that this place was an open space with nothing in it!
Damn, it's still private land!

Song Qiqi was speechless and could only...

The grass is luxuriant: Brother, Gou Fugui!Don't forget!
Don't ask, just be quiet: ...

Su Yi'an was also shocked when he saw Ji Chen's information. He was admitted to MIT at the age of 15, founded the AFC Group at the age of 18, and is now worth over tens of billions of dollars.

Such a person, let alone this life, is the next life, and the next life, even if she is reincarnated a hundred times, she should not be able to contact her.

People are born unequal, all roads lead to Rome, and some people are born in Rome, Ji Chen is such a person, he even started from Rome, and he has not come out of Xinshou Village, how could he meet such a person? The kind of person who opens up from birth!
Sure enough, the earth is round, no matter how we go, will people meet one day?

Her mind was so confused that she didn't know what she was thinking.

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