imperfect wedding

Chapter 135 Left-Handed Painter

"Miss Ye, the condition of your right hand is not particularly optimistic. We suggest that you stop painting and concentrate on rehabilitation, so that you can still do some daily grasping movements."

Ye Xi was sitting in the studio, with an easel in front of her and some paints around her. She looked at her right hand, and the words that the doctor said to her a few years ago suddenly appeared in her mind.

Her fingers were slender and slender, white and delicate, with well-defined roots, and the edges of her nails were trimmed very neatly.

Countless doctors rescued this hand back then, and finally almost all the scars on this hand disappeared. If you didn't look at it specially, you could hardly tell that it was a half-useful hand.

This hand has been holding the paintbrush. From her childhood until she became the most potential painter, her right hand has never let go of her paintbrush.

Ye Xi bent his fingers slightly tentatively, stiff and dull.

She stretched out her hand and picked up the paintbrush that was put aside. This is the most familiar action she has ever seen. When she picked up the paintbrush before, she had already sketched countless beautiful pictures in her mind. She would copy these beautiful pictures to herself on the canvas.

The moment she touched the brush to the canvas, her steady hand began to tremble violently, and the paint left glaring marks on the canvas.

She tried to restrain the trembling, trying to outline a pattern on the canvas.


The paintbrush slipped from her hand, and the paint-soaked brush head made a twisted trail on the floor.

Ye Xi grabbed her trembling right hand fiercely with her left hand, yes, her right hand is useless, she can't draw anymore, she should have accepted this reality a few years ago.

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth, which looked very strange in her crazy and depressed expression.

But that's okay, she has another pair of hands.

Her eyes fell on the paintings that had made her a great success in the past few years, and the smile on her face lasted for a long time.

Su Yi'an followed Song Qiqi to their family's art gallery, and she didn't know how she persuaded her parents. She really succeeded in getting her parents to compromise and agreed to let them hold an exhibition of Zheng Cheng's paintings.

Now Su Yi'an is following Song Qiqi to inspect the venue, and Song Qiqi keeps instilling in her ears about the holding of the art exhibition. To be honest, she is really suitable for this line of work, and she is more reliable than star chasing. I don't know Why did she apply for the Civil Engineering Department of Haicheng University? This is too out of place.

"What are you thinking!" Song Qiqi introduced Su Yi'an for a long time but got no response, so he pushed her dissatisfied.

"No, it's nothing." Su Yi'an came back to his senses and quickly agreed.

I can't say that I don't know anything about these things, and I'm not interested at all.

While Su Yi'an was listening to Song Qiqi's arrangement with an old god, while wandering around the world, his wandering eyes fell on another person present.

The man in front of him was slender and powerful, with a handsome and resolute face. He was very good-looking, and he was very popular. Although there were not many people in the art exhibition, there were still people silently taking pictures of this man with their mobile phones.

Su Yi'an watched these people's movements, and silently pushed the huge sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, haha, fortunately, he was prepared, although it was strange to wear sunglasses when visiting an art exhibition, but it was better than being caught by others like Chen Yu. Candid shot is good.

At first glance, Chen Yu is inexperienced. He is an internet celebrity anyway, and it is really bold for him to show his face like this when the attention is the highest.

... By the way, why did Chen Yu also go to the art exhibition with them!And he was observing around very seriously, it seemed that he was very interested in the exhibition!

Seeing Chen Yu standing in front of a painting and watching the introduction with relish, Su Yian tugged Song Qiqi's sleeve, gestured with his eyes, and whispered in Song Qiqi's ear: " How is he here?"

Song Qiqi also replied in a low voice: "He said he was very interested in the exhibition, so I brought him here."

Su Yi'an looked at her suspiciously: "When did your relationship become so good?"

Also meet to come to the art exhibition?

Can he also appear on this kind of sister's date? !

Didn't Chen Yu appear too many times in front of him recently?

Su Yi'an's eyeballs rolled back and forth on Song Qiqi and Chen Yu's bodies.

But Song Qiqi did not make any gestures, and was very frank: "Comrade Xiao Chen also helped us a lot, many friends have many ways!"

What's more, the other party happened to be in charge of their film police, and she was always getting troubled because of fan gatherings. It was naturally the best to have Chen Yu's help. She wished to maintain a good friendship with Chen Yu.

"What are you talking about?"

Before Su Yi'an and Song Qiqi said much, Chen Yu had already walked up to them and curiously asked about their topic.

"Haha, it's nothing." Su Yi'an laughed and laughed, he couldn't say that he was gossiping just now.

"Really?" Chen Yu inspected the two of them suspiciously.

"By the way, don't you have to work recently?" Song Qiqi asked Su Yi'an's doubts.

She really wanted to know why he was not working at the police station, but was making movies and visiting art exhibitions with them on weekdays.

Chen Yu curled her lips when she heard the words, and said impatiently: "I'm not working right now?!"

"Ah?" Su Yi'an and Song Qiqi looked at Chen Yu in bewilderment.

Seeing their expressions, Chen Yu opened his mouth to explain again: "To be honest, I'm a rich second generation. If I don't cause trouble every day, it's considered work."

Su Yi'an: ...

Chen Yu looked at Su Yi'an and Song Qiqi's puzzled faces and didn't explain much, as if he was arrogant and loved to believe it or not.

Although this reason is quite speechless, he can't say that he was arranged to monitor Su Yi'an.

Seeing his serious face, Su Yi'an didn't know how to refute, so he could only reply with an awkward smile: "Hahaha, you are so humorous."

But none of the people present laughed.

Chen Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Where are you going?"

"You still want to follow?!" Su Yi'an said in surprise.

"What do you mean follow? How can I say that I am like a stalker!"

Not really, but almost!

Su Yi'an shouted silently in her heart, ever since they unexpectedly met on the same film crew, she had a feeling of being entangled by Chen Yu like a shadow!
"An'an, what's the matter with you." Song Qiqi looked at Chen Yu with a moved face, "I understand you, people like us are filial if we don't make trouble every day! Let's play together in the future, I'm fine It’s really very insightful to find a job!”

Su Yi'an: ...

Chen Yu: ... Who is looking for trouble for nothing!
But if she does this, it will really help her mission. According to Chen Yu's observation, this Song Qiqi and Su Yi'an are almost a bonded friendship. If one is present, the other will definitely be there.

Watching one person is equivalent to watching two people.

So Chen Yu nodded "enduring the humiliation".

Su Yi'an looked at them with a speechless face and formed the "rich second generation eating, drinking and having fun team" and felt deeply speechless, what's going on!
"That's right." Song Qiqi and Chen Yu "cherished each other" for a while, then suddenly remembered their original purpose, and said to Su Yi'an, "Do you know Ye Xi?"

"Ye Xi?"

Hearing this name, Su Yi'an's mind flashed some fragments. She felt her head hurt a little, and she involuntarily stretched out her hand to cover her forehead.

Seeing Su Yian's painful expression, Song Qiqi asked in surprise, "An'an, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, it seems a little dizzy." Su Yi'an shook his head, feeling that the dizzy feeling just now had passed, and then said: "Are you talking about the youngest winner of the Kinstein Award? "

Song Qiqi glanced at her worriedly, and seeing that her expression was not so painful, she continued, "Yes, she came to Country Z recently, and will hold her own solo exhibition at that time!"

"Really?!" Su Yi'an looked at her in surprise.

"Who is Ye Xi?" Chen Yu looked at them in surprise.

"It's normal for outsiders not to know about it." Song Qiqi gave Chen Yu, who was far away from the art world, popular science with an expression of indifference.

The Kingsti Award is the highest award in the art world. The winners are all amazing and talented artists. Their works can be said to be hard to find, attracting countless capitals.

Generally, the winners are old artists, and the painters who can win this award are almost certain to be the masters of the generation of art circles, and the painter who won Kinsti last year is indeed a young female painter!

This simply shocked the industry. Ye Xi's name spread all over the world in an instant. He is the youngest winner of the Kingsti Award in history. What an astonishing talent, what a genius!
After media reports, everyone knew that Ye Xi was not only a young female painter, but also a left-handed painter. The painting she won was drawn with her left hand!

The Ye family in Country S is a big family. Ye Xi was a very famous young idol painter long before she won the Kinsti Award. Her talent and family background made Ye Xi attract the attention of the younger generation until she came out. Unexpectedly, his right hand was disabled, and he could no longer pick up a paintbrush.

At that time, everyone was lamenting the fall of a new star, until she was silent for a while, and when she reappeared, she used her left hand to draw a masterpiece that conquered the judges of the Kinsti Award!

Although many people question whether her painting skills are really as good as winning the Kingsti Award, whether her legendary experience and her family background have caused a certain influence on her award, but there is no doubt that she is unstoppable in the painting world. a new star.

Ye Xi actually overcame the cruel reality of being deprived of his right hand, and used his left hand to create more brilliant achievements. Such willpower, such talent, such experience, and such an irreproducible legend all attract people eyes, not to mention she is such a beautiful woman.

All of a sudden, reports about Ye Xi swept the entire art world, and everyone was witnessing the rise of a talented painter with their own eyes!

Chen Yu listened to Song Qiqi's science popularization, and said thoughtfully, "So you're talking about this person, I've heard of it too."

At that time, the fact that Ye Xi won the Kinsti Award was world-famous, and it set off a frenzy at home and abroad. Although it had nothing to do with country Z, everyone was of Chinese descent, so they could be contacted no matter what. Numerous marketing accounts in China helped popularize science. , a woman who is more determined and unyielding than a man is completely an inspirational model for women in the new era!

Ye Xi is really famous in country Z, and from time to time, he will be regarded as a classic figure of female inspiration and will be featured in a big book, and it will become the subject of countless students' compositions.

So even Su Yi'an, who lost her memory, was popularized over and over again during this period of time, not to mention that she was originally half of the art world, and she had an extraordinary degree of attention to these things.

She knows more about the deeds of the young idol painter Ye Xi than the marketing account, but she only remembers that the other party lost his right hand and then disappeared in frustration. The broader road to glory is really admirable.

What's more, Ye Xi is only 27 years old, he is really an extremely inspirational idol!

Thinking of this, Su Yi'an said: "You said this on purpose. Could it be that she will hold an art exhibition here?"

Song Qiqi raised her eyebrows proudly and said, "Of course!"

"That's really good news, I also want to see this legendary figure with my own eyes!" Su Yi'an said excitedly.

"Leave me an admission ticket when the time comes." Chen Yu said with interest.

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements for you." Song Qiqi waved at them.

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