imperfect wedding

Chapter 131 Secret

"Ahem, can I do this?"

"It's that simple."

Su Yi'an and Song Qiqi, who were wearing aqua-blue dresses, stood at the side of the charity venue and talked quietly.

The venue of the entire banquet is very luxurious, with huge crystal lamps and magnificent decorations, and celebrities from all walks of life come and go around.

The familiar faces made Su Yi'an a little nervous. Will she bid for Zheng Cheng's painting with this group of people soon?

I don't know if Song Qiqi has enough money to prepare.

These people seem to be unambiguous masters who spend a lot of money!

After she shared her worries, Song Qiqi said, "Don't worry, this kind of auction has unspoken rules, and everyone is there for donations, not really for any collection, usually with one or two auctions. Looking back, if you really want it, everyone will let it go.”

"But aren't Zheng Cheng's paintings very valuable? The previous paintings fetched tens of millions of dollars. Can you really buy his paintings for less than 100 million?"

Song Qiqi said: "You don't understand this. In fact, many high-priced works of art are the result of the joint hype of art museums and capital, just to deceive some bigwigs into taking over the offer. Usually, hundreds of thousands of paintings are collected from painters, and then Through hype, the price far exceeds the price of the work itself, once the capital abandons the artist, the painting in hand will immediately depreciate."

"You mean to say that Zheng Cheng's paintings were also hyped up?"

"I don't know about that, anyway, he became famous after the auction of "Looking for"." Song Qiqi touched his chin and said: "But don't worry about the depreciation of Zheng Cheng's paintings, he is now being sought after by capital , Rich people like his paintings."

"Then can you do it with 100 million?" Since he is sought after by capital, his paintings may not be able to win 100 million.

Song Qiqi said mysteriously: "No problem, the price of this kind of charity auction is not high, besides, a painter's paintings also depend on when they were painted. After becoming famous, I dare not think about it. It would be too exaggerated, and they didn't know that this painting was painted by Zheng Cheng, this painting was sold under his stage name when he was down and out, I'll tell you that few people know about it."

"So that's the case!" Su Yi'an said in surprise, "I didn't expect there to be such a reason!"

"So, don't worry about shooting."

Suddenly, Su Yi'an had a feeling that he was carrying a peerless secret, as if he was an agent who was going to carry out a secret mission, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely complete this mission!"

A waiter with champagne in her hand walked past Su Yi'an, she took a glass of champagne and took a sip to strengthen herself, but she accidentally choked on it.

"Hmm...cough cough..." Su Yi'an covered her mouth and coughed non-stop, desperately swallowing the wine in her mouth, for fear that she would spit it out if she was not careful, it would make a big fool of herself.

"Oh, why are you so careless!"

Song Qiqi helped Su Yian beat his back, the waiter at the side noticed it and quickly took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

Su Yi'an took the handkerchief handed over by the waiter and coughed while wiping the wine on her cheeks. After a while, her eyes were red and she cried, "The glass of wine just now was too spicy!"

She took a sip of the wine in the goblet just now, but she didn't expect that the taste in the mouth was completely different from what she had imagined. After taking a sip of the wine, she actually felt a little dizzy.

The waiter supported Su Yi'an, took the goblet from her hand, sniffed it, and said, "Miss, the glass you're drinking is vodka."

Song Qiqi covered her forehead and said helplessly: "An An, An An, are you okay? You won't be drunk!"

"Hmm...? I, I'm fine..." Su Yi'an said these words in a daze.

Not long after this drink, Su Yi'an felt her entire stomach was on fire, and the fire burned from the inside of her body to her brain, and now she was indeed a little dizzy.

Everyone knows the potency of vodka. Song Qiqi looked helplessly at Su Yian's blush cheeks and her misty eyes. With such a state, she wouldn't be drunk before the auction started.

She looked at the vodka with only one sip left in her eye glass, "Drinking so much in one go, it's no wonder I don't get dizzy!"

Su Yi'an doesn't usually drink alcohol, at most she drinks beer when attending parties, she has never touched white wine, and now she is taking a sip of vodka, I'm afraid she will have to slow down for a while.

Song Qiqi said to the waiter, "Please help me to help her to the side."

The waiter nodded, and the two helped Su Yi'an, who was a little dizzy, to the resting place beside him.

"I'm going to give this lady some hangover soup."

Song Qiqi wiped the sweat from Su Yi'an's forehead, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"I'm fine..."

"You still say it's okay? You should wake up, the auction is about to start, if you mess up things for me, I will make you eat and walk around!"

"Don't worry! I will definitely take down Zheng Cheng's painting!" Su Yi'an assured Song Qiqi loudly, patted his chest.

"My ancestor, keep your voice down!"

Su Yi'an's voice was too loud, and Song Qiqi quickly covered her mouth. The commotion on their side didn't attract too many people's attention, but there was an acquaintance in the rest area.

"Why is she here?"

Wu Jia looked at Su Yian who was lying on the sofa with cold eyes, and listened quietly to the conversation between Song Qiqi and Su Yian.

Although they hadn't met each other very often, Wu Jiayi would never forget this person who stole his "Heroine" position.

And it was because of Su Yi'an's hot search back then that he was involved in a scandal that caused him to be almost banned.

She paid a lot to settle this matter, and she still doesn't know who is messing with her, but when she thinks that the source of all this is because of this Su Yi'an, she can't help but burst into anger.

It's a pity that there is no more interaction between them, Wu Jiayi can't do anything at all, and now she saw Su Yi'an at the charity dinner, with a little calculation in her eyes, maybe this is an opportunity.

If anyone could hate this Su Yi'an more than himself, it might be that Bai Lu who was temporarily replaced before the launch conference.

She seemed to have seen Bai Lu in the meeting just now, and Bai Lu could fix Su Yi'an without her own actions.

Wu Jiayi didn't know that Bai Lu was the mastermind behind the ruin of her reputation, so she glanced at the drunken Su Yi'an and walked towards Bai Lu's direction.

Bai Lu followed her father to this charity dinner. She had seen Wu Jiayi before, but Bai Lu just ignored her. In her eyes, Wu Jiayi was just a clown.

Seeing Wu Jia walking in her direction, Bai Lu frowned. Would she dare to come to her side if she didn't bother her?
"Bai Lu, we haven't seen each other for a long time." As soon as Wu Jia saw Bai Lu, he talked to her with a smile,
Bai Lu snorted and didn't want to talk to her at all.

As soon as Wu Jia saw Bai Lu like this, she thought that she probably knew that she was deliberately pushing her to hold a press conference, but she still smiled and greeted Bai Lu: "What a coincidence, neither of us is destined to attend The filming of "In the Silent Place", but I just saw the new heroine of "In the Silent Place" there, what's her name?"

She made a puzzled expression. Wu Jiayi knew that Bai Lu hated the person who pushed her down the most. Make a wedding dress for someone else.

But she still didn't expect Bai Lu to have such a big reaction when she heard her mention Su Yi'an!

"You mean Su Yi'an?!" Bai Lu opened her eyes wide and looked at Wu Jiayi nervously.

Wu Jia frowned, what's going on?this expression...

She looked Bai Lu up and down, and thought to herself, why does she seem a little nervous instead of angry?
Bai Lu, who didn't get an answer for a long time, frowned fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Wu Jia hurriedly said, "Yes, it's her. If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten her name. After all, we haven't seen each other since the press conference."

Bai Lu felt uncomfortable when she heard that Su Yi'an was also at the charity dinner, but she didn't want Wu Jiayi to observe more, instead she said: "Why are you rushing to me to report? No need Are you with your patron?"

"You—!" Wu Jiayi didn't expect her to say such a thing so directly, and was speechless in a moment of anger.

"What? Didn't your film star not want you? I heard that you are very popular with Grandpa Qian recently. It seems to be true. Even this kind of occasion brings you here, but I advise you to find another one." Better"

After Bai Lu said these words, she turned around and left, ignoring Wu Jiayi who was trembling with anger.

Wu Jiayi's scandal was widely known before, but she still persevered tenaciously. Since the accident, the heartless man never contacted her. Wu Jia had no choice but to choose a benefactor who was willing to help her.

Although she herself felt that it was no big deal, and that what she put in would yield something, but being told by Bai Lu made her feel extremely unbearable.

It was probably Bai Lu's haughty expression that hurt her severely.

Why can some people easily get things that they can't get by all means just because of their good background?
Why does she look down on herself!

Since she knew about her previous plan and insulted herself with such words, the previous scandal exposure must have nothing to do with her.

Looking at Bai Lu's back, Wu Jia clenched his fists fiercely, with angry flames hidden in his eyes, wishing to stare at her back into a hole.

After a series of attacks from hangover soup and ice towels, the slightly drunk Su Yi'an finally got rid of the dizzy feeling just now. She took off the ice towel from her forehead, touched her face fiercely, and turned to the side The dumbfounded Song Qiqi said: "It's okay, I'm much better, let's go to the auction."

Ah, where are you going?
Song Qiqi looked at the messy makeup on Su Yian's face wiped with a towel, and said without tears: "You look like a ghost now, don't go anywhere!"

Su Yi'an, who had a face like a ghost drawing, looked back at her innocently.

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