imperfect wedding

Chapter 126 International Financial Forum

Gossip forums have always liked to share grievances and grievances in the fan circle. The more traffic an account has, the more replies the more people like it. That's why Su Yi'an's Weibo was posted on Weibo for a while, and several posts were posted on the forum. .

After reading the post, many people suddenly realized that it’s no wonder that this big fan wanted to draw Zhao Yike’s cosplay, so they were waiting here, and everyone’s feelings were taken advantage of by her, but some fans said that it’s also very convenient to post a vote. Normal, which blogger does not advertise, loves to vote or not, and no one forces you.

"Global Versus" is a national-level mobile game, and almost everyone from elementary school students to office workers cannot escape the clutches of Ledian Games.

It's just that many people just play games and don't like to pay attention to some activities of the game, so even this "My Hero" competition that caused a great shock in the hand-painting circle, many people don't know anything about it.

But after such a publicity on the forum, many people really went to vote.

Recently, the hero skins of "Global Battle" are a bit perfunctory. Since they hold such an event, it is also very good to choose two desirable skins.

Seeing more and more comments on her Weibo, Su Yian breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition to filming, she has spent time in this competition during this time. It is good to be able to attract everyone's attention now. As for whether she can get everyone to vote for her, it depends on her own ability.

However, she still felt that the enthusiasm was not enough. She was only in Zhao Yike's fan circle before, and fans generally paid little attention to things that had nothing to do with Zhao Yike.

Although he posted a Weibo to vote, his fans may not necessarily pay attention to the game.

The most important thing is that the male to female ratio of the game "Global Battle" and the male to female ratio of Zhao Yike's fans are completely opposite extremes.

Fans in the hand-painting circle and game circle do not overlap with my own fans. Just by advertising on Mr. Strickland's Weibo, I may not be able to compete with these big guys who have been in my circle for a long time. .

Fans will naturally favor the bloggers they follow, and if Su Yian wants to make the game out of fans' choice, he must let more ordinary players who don't mix circles participate in this netizen voting.

Alas, Su Yian looked at his two accounts and sighed, if only he could use Su Yian's Weibo to advertise, so that more netizens would definitely vote.

But it's useless to think too much, the studio will definitely not allow me to link with Su Yi'an's Weibo.

"Why are you sighing again, did you get injured while riding a horse?" Ji Chen returned to the room and saw Su Yi'an sighing into the phone and asked with concern.

Su Yi'an shook his head and said, "No."

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't I tell you before? There is a competition, and today is the online voting session."

Ji Chen nodded, signaling Su Yi'an to remember what she said, "And then?"

"I found that the people who participated in the competition have many fans to support them. It seems that it is not easy to get the ranking." Su Yi'an felt a little frustrated, but then cheered up and said: "But there is no way, just do your best and obey the destiny, if you can't, just leave Keep up the good work."

In the Internet age, fan traffic is indeed very important, maybe I should add a few more circles to manage it in the future.

Ji Chen said: "If the skills are inferior to others, there is really no way."

"How is that possible!" Hearing Ji Chen say that his skills are inferior to others, Su Yi'an was not convinced, and said angrily, "If more people pay attention to voting, my painting will definitely be among the best!"

To say that your skills are inferior to others is to look down on someone!

Su Yi'an is only willing to admit that her fans are not as many as others!
"Then tell me what kind of competition you participated in?"

"The hero I wrote in "Global Battle", by the way, aren't you also a player? Hurry up and vote for me on Weibo!" Su Yi'an suddenly said pleasantly.

Ji Chen: " you want me to ask everyone in the company to vote for you?"

"It's not impossible if you insist on doing this." Su Yi'an frowned and said, "But isn't this too leaky?"

Ji Chen nodded.

Su Yi'an threw the pillow on the bed at him, and said angrily: "I don't care about your company's employees, you have to vote for me!"

Ji Chen smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

Although there are not many votes, it is better than nothing, Su Yi'an sighed, and checked his phone page every once in a while to check his vote count.

There are more than 1800 contestants in this competition, and she is currently ranked 26th. Su Yi'an looked at the people ahead of her, most of them are big names in the game circle and hand-painting circle, and some of them are real. Two brushes, and some players with high votes are purely fan additions.

The current gap is not that big, and I can’t catch up for a while, and there are still two days left, so I don’t know what changes will happen next.

"Why don't you have to go to work today?"

Su Yi'an put aside the matter of the number of votes, and suddenly asked Ji Chen why he had so much time to ride with her today, obviously it was very difficult to meet her normally.

"I'm going to attend a meeting this afternoon, and the shortening of the business trip is also related to this meeting."

"What meeting is so important?" Su Yi'an asked suspiciously.

Ji Chen usually held many meetings in the company, big and small, and he had never seen him so solemn.

"International Financial Forum."

The International Finance and Economics Forum is held every four years and brings together business elites from all over the world. Every time the participants are business and political leaders, the various ideas they put forward at the forum may lead to changes in the world's financial context. It is Haicheng The reason for the martial law during this period.

Of course, the above is the official statement, whether it can affect the direction of the world is unknown, but the people they met at the meeting are likely to be future partners, and many cooperations started from this.

This is the second time Ji Chen has received an invitation to participate in the conference. Ever since he appeared on the Forbes list, the International Finance and Economics Forum has invited him to participate in the conference. Moved to his door to open, it is not easy to refuse directly, so I can only participate.

In fact, participating in such a forum can be regarded as a very beneficial thing. He didn't participate because he didn't want to see some annoying faces at the meeting.

That person would definitely be invited to such a high-end venue, Ji Chen frowned, feeling that he was really asking for trouble.

The International Finance and Economics Forum is a serious discussion forum, and the decoration in the venue is also very rigorous and boring, just like students gathered together for a meeting, each chair corresponds to a person's name.

The meeting lasted for two consecutive days. Today is the opening ceremony and the speeches of financial giants, and tomorrow's free meeting is the focus of everyone's attention. Many cooperations were born in the free meeting.

"Brother Ji, you finally came to the meeting."

As soon as Ji Chen entered the venue, he was stopped by someone. He looked in the direction of the sound, and a radiant old man stood up from his seat to meet him. Ji Chen greeted him with a smile, "So it's Mr. Zhao."

"I'm getting old, I didn't want to come, but I wanted to bring my ineffective little brat to see the world, so I insisted on coming."

The old man's hair is gray, but because he is well maintained, he still looks very energetic.

The person in front of Ji Chen is Zhao Tianxing, one of the earliest industrialists in China. His family business had already become very large when he was young. Now he is ranked 23rd on the Forbes list, and he is also one of the best in China. Regal.

Ji Chen had some contact with him in business. Zhao Tianxing had always admired Ji Chen and wished that he was his son. Thinking of his useless child, Zhao Tianxing sighed inwardly.

They are also children, so why can't his family's keep up with Ji's?
If he hadn't heard that Ji Chen was married, he would have wanted to marry his disobedient daughter to him a long time ago, so now seeing Ji Chen feels depressed, why did he marry so young?
Ji Chen said: "You don't look like you are in poor health."

"No, I'm old." Zhao Tianxing said this in a clear voice, which was not convincing at all, and Ji Chen could only helplessly agree.

"By the way." Zhao Tianxing and Ji Chen exchanged pleasantries for a while, then suddenly said: "I forgot to introduce you, this time I am bringing my daughter... who is it?"

As he spoke, he moved away from the seat beside him, wanting to introduce his daughter to Ji Chen.

Knowing one more friend will lead to more paths. Maybe in the future, I will have some opportunities to cooperate with Ji Chen. When I am old, it is time to hand over the burden on my own children.

But when he looked back, there was still that unfilial girl beside him!
Ji Chen looked at the empty seat next to Zhao Tianxing, and said, "Ling Ai may have something to do, and it's the same when we catch up on the past later."

Zhao Tianxing was so angry that his beard was going to fly, "This girl is too disobedient, she won't tell me when she leaves!"

The meeting was about to start, and Ji Chen and Zhao Tianxing didn't have time to continue the pleasantries, so they could only discuss it after the meeting.

The venue arrangement of the International Finance and Economics Forum is well-arranged. All the business leaders and politicians from various countries will participate. Everyone will be notified in advance of who will sit and where. Ji Chen is ranked very high. He frowned and ignored the After reading his name on the row of seats, he walked to the back of the venue.

After changing places with a participant, Ji Chen sat in the last row of the venue with peace of mind. There are not many people here, and there are few attentions. To meet Ji Chen's needs, he didn't want to see that person in the front row, and he didn't want them to be exposed to the reporter's camera at the same time.

Coincidentally, not long after Ji Chen sat down, a sneaky figure slipped in from the back door. She patted Ji Chen, put the ticket in front of him and said, "Brother, let's change seats."

The second row A02.

It seems that Ji Chen is not the only one who wants to sit in the back.

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