"Why hasn't she woke up yet?" Song Qianqi's voice rang anxiously in Su Yi'an's ear, "Didn't you say that she was only slightly injured? How could she be in a coma all this time!"

I'm fine.

Although Su Yi'an wanted to respond aloud, he couldn't break free from the nightmare for a while.

"I've checked her carefully, and it's just a slight concussion. The reason why she fell asleep for so long may be related to the car accident you mentioned earlier..." A voice that made Su Yi'an feel familiar rang in her ear Come.

Who is this guy?
Why does it feel familiar.

This feeling……

When mentioning the car accident, Song Qiqi's tone suddenly changed. She said sarcastically, "If it wasn't for An An's accident, I really wouldn't know that Senior Brother Shen had returned to China."

"I just came back some time ago, it's too late..."

"Forget it, we don't know each other that well." Song Qiqi said impatiently: "But I didn't expect to meet you in the affiliated hospital of Haida University. I thought Senior Brother Shen had great ambitions, so he definitely wouldn't be in such a small hospital. waste time."

As if hearing Song Qiqi's prejudice against him, the owner of the voice smiled helplessly: "You misunderstood me."

"Don't care about misunderstandings or not, I've said everything I need to say, you'd better stop being annoying in front of An An, it's best to just see you again!"

"I, I want to know..."

What are they talking about?
related to me?

Is that someone I know?
The sound of the two arguing gradually faded away from Su Yi'an's ears, and Su Yi'an, who was a little awake just now, fell into a drowsy dream again.

Probably because of the impact of the quarrel just heard, she seemed to have had a very bad dream. When she woke up, she was very depressed. It feels very difficult to bear.

Su Yi'an closed her eyes and calmed herself down slightly. After getting rid of the unpleasant emotions in the dream, she slowly opened her eyes.

She looked around and knew exactly where she was.

Haida Affiliated Hospital.

She has been in and out of this place many times. From the entrance examination to the usual headache and brain fever, the students in the university city basically see a doctor here.

The medical school of Haicheng University is also well-known in China, and many patients from other places go to the Affiliated Hospital of Haicheng University to see a doctor.

Every time Su Yian came here, she had to queue for a long time. If she wanted to register at the Affiliated Hospital of Haida University, she had to come to the hospital at least at 5 o'clock in the morning and queue up, which caused a huge psychological shadow on her.

Even so, most college students choose to see a doctor here, the reason is very simple, students have discounts.

At that time, it was a big deal for anyone who wanted to know a medical student. After all, everyone was unwilling to queue up, and they would go through the back door if they could.

But she hasn't been to this place for a long time. Since she woke up that day, the hospital she went in and out of has naturally become a private hospital. When she was in Ji Zhai, the private doctor came to help her directly. She hasn't been here for a long time. The hospital is over queued.

Su Yi'an looked at the display in front of her with nostalgia, but she quickly put away her nostalgia, because it was obviously a private room, and she had no money to live in a single room before.

Probably because she recalled too much, Su Yi'an felt pain in the back of her head. She frowned and wrinkled her delicate face like a bun, and covered her head in pain.

When his fingertips touched his forehead, he realized that his head was wrapped in layers of gauze.

"An'an, you're awake!" Song Qiqi just came in when she saw Su Yi'an sitting up and covering her forehead, she hurried over to stop her: "You are still very weak, don't get up, lie down first. "

"I don't want to lie down anymore. How long have I been lying down?" Su Yi'an, who just sat up, was pushed back forcefully by Song Qiqi. Now she was dizzy and powerless to stop her, so she could only complain aloud.

"How dare you say that you don't know how dangerous the situation was!" Song Qiqi clutched her chest with lingering fear.

At that time, Qin Tang drove out of the fire with Su Yian, but then collided with a truck. Fortunately, the driver of the truck turned the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes in time, otherwise the two of them would have become ghosts under the car.

At the same time as the truck turned its direction, Qin Tang also tried his best to turn the steering wheel so that the out-of-control car hit the side guardrail to slow down the speed.

She was knocked unconscious because of the sudden deployment of the airbag.

The scene at that time flashed before Su Yi'an's eyes. When she saw the truck crashing over, many messy scenes appeared in front of her eyes, as if she had experienced this scene before.

She rubbed her forehead to sort out her thoughts, but her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't think of anything. After a while, she could only ask, "By the way, how is Qin Tang?"

Song Qiqi was sitting on the bedside peeling apples, eating while peeling, and said, "Are you still worried about others?"

"Aren't I okay with this? By the way, are the rest of the crew okay?"

"Don't worry, everyone else is fine. As for Qin Xiaoxianrou, he was also hit by an airbag. He was probably too nervous at the time and his arm muscles were strained, so it's fine."

Su Yi'an patted his chest and said, "Thank God, fortunately there is nothing serious."

"Your production crew doesn't know how to conduct safety checks, this kind of thing can happen!" Song Qiqi said indignantly.

Su Yi'an was also afraid after hearing the words, "What's going on? When I was in the car before, Qin Tang also said that there was a problem with the brakes of the prop car."

Song Qiqi said: "Afterwards, the police came to check. It was the pyrotechnician who changed the wrong material. Fortunately, the amount used was not large and did not cause any damage. The prop car was also in disrepair for a long time, and there was no sign of human damage."

"The police?!" Su Yi'an said in surprise, "Have they called the police yet?"

"This kind of thing happened at the gate of the school. If they don't call the police, they can't stop the students from calling the police." Song Qiqi finished eating an apple before peeling it for Su Yi'an. Old friend Comrade Chen Yuxiao."

Su Yi'an suddenly felt his head hurt even more, "Then go online..."

Song Qiqi looked at her and said solemnly: "It can be said to be a frying pan."

"Oops, I have a headache."

"My hot search girl, don't rush to get a headache." Song Qiqi said with a smirk, "Don't you want to know Ji Chen's reaction?"

Su Yi'an, who had just covered herself with the quilt, lifted the quilt abruptly, stared at Song Qiqi and said, "You told him!"

"Do you still need me to say? You can find out when you go online." Song Qiqi shrugged and said, "But it's not my turn to talk too much. Your servant must have reported everything already."

"Ah!" Su Yi'an screamed: "This group of people! I told them before that they should not make small reports!"

If Ji Chen knew about it, she might have to make a fuss and impose a bunch of conditions on herself. She has just been liberated!
"I'm quite surprised, baby Ji Chen, what are you like, why didn't you see him this time?" Song Qiqi looked at Su Yi'an and sighed deeply: "It can't be so soon Just let your lust fade and your love fade away, Madam Su."

Su Yi'an took the pillow and threw it at Song Qiqi's body, and said with a slight anger on his face, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Then why don't you see your dear husband to express it, you have experienced life and death."

"What kind of life and death catastrophe? It's such an exaggeration. He has been on a business trip abroad during this period." Su Yi'an chuckled softly: "Even if he wants to rush back, it's impossible."

It takes more than ten hours to sit on the plane, and he will be able to run and jump again long ago when he comes back.

"A business trip at this time?" Song Qiqi murmured.

"When? Why can't you go on a business trip?" Su Yi'an asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, it's just a pity for Su Niangniang, I lost a chance to invite favor in front of the emperor~"

Su Yi'an cast a glance at her, "...You are addicted to cosplay, what are you, my mother? Dowry a maid? Besides, who am I to compete for favor with?"

"That's the one……"

Speaking of this, Song Qiqi has something to talk about. She searched a circle of Ji Chen's scandals on the Internet before, and inquired in the circle for a long time, and finally she gained something. She is planning to share all the gossip she knows with When Su Yi'an was speaking, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Su Yi'an and Song Qiqi looked at each other, the ones who came at this moment should be the people from the production team.

"Please come in."

A figure that surprised Su Yi'an appeared before her eyes.

Lin Jinyu opened the door and saw that Su Yi'an had woken up and hurried over to express condolences, "Mr. Su, I came to visit you to help the crew."

Speaking of which, she put down half of the things she was carrying, and said: "Now everyone in the production team is cooperating with the police in the investigation, so I will be sent to the hospital to see you and Teacher Qin."

She respected Su Yi'an very much from teacher to teacher. This kind of politeness made Su Yi'an suddenly recall the impression he had left on him when he was at Beef&Jean.

In addition to the previous chat with Song Qiqi, and my own guess about Lin Jinyu...

Su Yi'an looked up and down at Lin Jinyu who came to see a doctor, thinking in his heart: Could it be that he is competing with her for favor.

"Teacher Su..." Song Qiqi chuckled, poked Su Yi'an and said in a low voice, "You've done well, you've already been called a teacher."

Su Yi'an glared at Song Qiqi, got up from the bed and greeted Lin Jinyu, "Thank you for coming to see me."

Song Qiqi got up with a smile and said, "Talk first, I'll get some water."

Soon there were only Su Yi'an and Lin Jinyu left in the room. Just now, Song Qiqi was there, and she could still warm up the scene. When Song Qiqi left, the atmosphere between the two instantly became awkward.

Su Yi'an is not very good at being polite, especially when facing the strange Lin Jinyu in front of her, she doesn't know what to say.

"That... You eat apples!" Su Yi'an saw the apples that Song Qiqi had just peeled, and quickly pushed the fruit plate to Lin Jinyu's eyes.

Lin Jinyu didn't move, just looked at her with inexplicable eyes.

Su Yi'an nervously tucked her hair with her fingers, "What's wrong?"

Lin Jinyu suddenly said, "Stop pretending."

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