"Also, my household registration has already been moved out of Shi's house. There has been no relationship between you and me."


"If Mr. Shi has nothing else to do, I'll leave first."

After finishing speaking, Shi Yun pulled Mu Jingpei away.

Shi Haotian's face turned blue, and he was so angry that he was about to explode!
However, Mu Jingpei couldn't afford to offend him.

Within a day, Fang Shuwen had been sentenced to death.

take the legal route.

Shi Yun looked at the delicate little boy beside him.

He murmured, "A'nan, look at revenge."

In fact, it was not in her expectation to take revenge so easily. She also thought that she would be very happy to relieve the hatred of so many years.

However, now it seems that I suddenly don't know what to do.

All these years, she has made revenge her goal.

In this way, it finally came true. But she was not as happy as she imagined.

Why is it?

"Baby, what are you thinking?" Suddenly a hot body came up behind her, and a familiar breath came over her.

Shi Yun was in a trance for a while.

She seemed to understand.

Perhaps, as early as the moment he appeared beside her, none of this mattered.

Shi Yun shook her head: "Nothing."

She paused, and a little confusion appeared on her small face: "I just feel that I have avenged my revenge so easily, and I don't know what to do next."

Mu Jingpei kissed her lightly, rubbing his red lips against her ear.

He opened his mouth, and all the fiery breath burst into her ears: "There is me."

Shi Yun nodded, just as she was about to say something, a big hand covered hers.

Suddenly a little bit of coldness slipped into her fingers.

Shi Yun subconsciously looked down.

I saw that there was an exquisite and luxurious ring on the originally empty ring finger.

Shi Yun was stunned.

He looked at Mu Jingpei.

The latter embraced her in his arms, took her hand and kissed her ring finger lightly.

Looking up at her, her voice was slightly hoarse and tense: "Baby, will you marry me?"


Shi Yun didn't speak for a long time, Mu Jingpei couldn't help becoming nervous, and stared straight at her.

It took Shi Yun a long time to react. She blinked, looked down at the ring on her hand again; looked up at him, and tilted her head: "You asked me only after you put the ring on for me?"

Mu Jingpei was silent for a moment.

After a long while, she hummed softly, and buried it skillfully in the crescent of her neck.

A muffled voice came out: "Anyway, if you put it on, it means you are willing, you can't take it off, you are mine."

Shi Yun's eyebrows and eyes were stained with a smile, and his short hair was messed up with his fingers.

Soft voice: "Well, I'm yours."

Mu Jingpei's body froze, and she looked up from her neck in disbelief.

"Baby. Did you agree?"

Shi Yun nodded, "Yes, I agree."

As soon as she finished speaking, her red lips were blocked.

The fierce and gentle attack made Shi Yun feel as if he wanted to swallow himself alive.
After an unknown amount of time, Shi Yun couldn't breathe.

With both hands on his chest, he finally escaped.

The red lips parted slightly, gasping for breath, calming down.

Her little face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, and she was full of charm.

Mu Jingpei hugged her, a little red on her neck.

"Baby." He breathed heavily and called her hoarsely.

Shi Yun looked at him, because his emotion touched his depressed appearance, making him more attractive.

She pursed her lips, her voice soft and calm: "Do it."


Originally, Mu Jingpei could bear it, but when he heard her say that suddenly, he snorted.

Holding her tightly with fingers: "What did you say?"

Shi Yun repeated: "Do it."


Some behaviors can't be controlled because it's her.

She didn't do anything, but in his eyes, she was still like a walking love potion, easily moving him.

Things happen naturally.

After all, they didn't wait for the happy wedding night that Mu Jingpei said.

At the beginning of dawn, the light spilled into the room through the curtains, illuminating the room with light.

On the bed, two figures hug each other and sleep.

Tranquil and beautiful.

However, this tranquility did not last too long, and a burst of cell phone ringing broke the silence of the room.

Shi Yun frowned, and got out of Mu Jingpei's arms; with her eyes closed, she swept her hands aside, trying to get the phone over.

After scanning for a long time, I didn't get the phone, but heard a muffled groan instead.

Shi Yun was stunned for a moment, and opened his eyes in a daze.

As soon as I saw it, I saw a hand, handing over the mobile phone I was looking for.

Shi Yun blinked and took the phone over.

Shi Haotian.

She frowned.

What did he want her for?
Shi Yun was hesitating, and the phone had already been hung up.

She paused with her fingers, put the phone on silent and put it aside; lay down and continued to sleep.

The two of them didn't go to bed until it was almost dawn in the early morning, and they didn't sleep for a while, which was the time when they were sleepy; especially when she straightened up slightly and took a mobile phone just now, her body was sore.

It seemed as if all the strength in my body hadn't been taken away, I felt uncomfortable and didn't want to move.
Sure enough, indulgence is a must.
Mu Jingpei watched the little girl's actions from the side, which was different from hers. His brows and eyes were full of satisfaction, and he slightly raised the corners of his lips to rub against her neck.

Shi Yun frowned, her hoarse voice was soft and coquettish, "I'm so sleepy."

Mu Jingpei knew that he had made a fuss too much yesterday, so he couldn't bear to disturb her now.

He hugged the little girl into his arms, adjusted her to a comfortable position, kissed her, and said in a hoarse voice with a slight smile in his doting voice, "Go to sleep."

Shi Yun didn't respond, the fact is that after Mu Jingpei adjusted her posture, she fell asleep.
When Shi Yun woke up again, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Finally, my body has recovered a little, and I have a lot of energy.

Not feeling someone hugging her, Shi Yun suddenly opened her eyes. She thought the man had already woken up, but unexpectedly, she saw the man she thought had woken up early, but now he was leaning against the bedside to process documents.

As if aware of her waking up, the man looked at her with tenderness in his eyebrows and eyes.

Her thin lips curled up, making her messy hair even more messy, and her voice was magnetic and doting: "Wake up, get up and eat something."

Shi Yun blinked, nodded obediently, and responded.

Maybe it was because the little girl looked so cute now, Mu Jingpei couldn't help rolling her Adam's apple, lowered her head and bit her lip gently.

Thin and numb, like a slight electric current spread to the limbs and bones.

After a while, he let go of her.

The little girl's starry eyes were already stained with watery light, shining like a drunken mood.

Mu Jingpei let out a low laugh, Shi Yun was leaning against him at this moment, and could clearly feel the vibration in his chest.

Her slightly parted red lips were breathing calmly.

Mu Jingpei's voice was hoarse: "Get up first."

"it is good."


After eating, Shi Yun just remembered that Shi Haotian seemed to call her in the morning.

He found his cell phone under the pillow and pressed it a few times, but there was no response.

Shi Yun frowned, plugged in the charger for a while, and pressed the screen a few more times before it turned on.

It seems that in the morning, the phone was turned off.
Sure enough, after turning on the phone, a large number of missed calls flooded into my eyes.

All are from Shi Haotian.

Shi Yun thought about it for a while, and then sent him back.

After two rings, the phone was connected.

Unusually, Shi Haotian scolded her without opening his mouth.

Instead, the voice was unexpectedly calm.

Of course, Shi Yun felt that it was more likely that he was suppressing his anger.

Ever since she moved out of Shi's old house when she was ten years old, Shi Haotian hardly called her.

And every time she called, it was for one thing - scolding her, or looking for her for something.

"Hello? Ah Yun, why didn't you answer the phone this morning?" Shi Haotian suppressed his angry voice, and transmitted it to the other end.

Shi Yun's voice was cold, and he said truthfully, "I was sleeping in the morning."


Shi Yun said lightly, here Shi Haotian tried his best to suppress his anger
He made so many phone calls to her, and she was sleeping? !

Shi Haotian calmed down for a while, and after subduing his anger, he spoke in a calm voice: "I heard that your grandfather gave you 10% of Shi's shares?"

A flash of understanding flashed in Shi Yun's eyes. It turned out to be this matter.

"Ayun, you're still young. It's useless to hold the shares. It's better to exchange them for money. You come to Shishi and transfer the shares to me. I'll give you the black | card."


A sneer flashed in Shi Yun's eyes.

He had warned her before that she should not go to Shi's if she had nothing to do. He was afraid that he would embarrass him, but now he took the initiative to let her go to Shi's, just for the 10% of the shares.
And that black | card.
There is no limit, even Shi Haotian, who was so favored at the beginning, turned his back on Shi Yinyao and refused to give it to her, so why would he offer it to her?

Hearing that she hadn't moved for such a long time, Shi Haotian's voice came from the other end again.

"Ayun, you have let you do what Aunt Fang has done. Now that the Shi family has been affected by this incident, the stock market has fallen very sharply. The board of directors is now very dissatisfied with the Shi family's power; what do you do with the 10% of the shares?" Use it, and if I hold it in my hand, I can make those shareholders shut up."

"You also don't want to see the Shi Shi created by your grandfather fall into the hands of others."

In the end, his tone became more serious.

Shi Yun's eyes were low and dim, pretending not to understand.

"Grandpa gave it to me. If he wanted to give it to you, why would he give it back to me? And since I'm still from the Shi family in the eyes of outsiders, it's the same if the shares are in my hands, isn't it?"


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