He can be very good to her baby, and loves baby very much.

Although she didn't know why, Mu Jingpei fell in love with someone so much at first sight, but bystanders could clearly see his love for the baby.

In the beginning, she only brought the two of them together because of Gu Ziheng's derailment, and cheered up the baby below; unexpectedly, the two could really be together.

There was a red tide in the sky, the golden light slowly receded, and the warm wind brought the leaves to dance; the girl was nestled in the hanging basket, and a little red light was printed on her eyes when she looked up, the picture was so beautiful that it seemed fake the average.

Mu Jingpei pushed open the balcony door, and this was what he saw.

Before he could react, his body reacted first, stepped forward, and held her tightly.

Shi Yun looked subconsciously, and tilted her head slightly: "What's wrong?"

Not a dream.

The touch in the hand is very real.

Mu Jingpei leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, then straightened up to look at her.

The voice was slightly hoarse: "What did you talk about with Qian Zhiqiu?"

Ever since Qian Zhiqiu left, she has been running to the balcony, until now.

Shi Yun glanced at Shi Yinan at the side from the corner of her eyes, she slightly pursed her lips, and shook her head: "It's nothing."

The corners of Shi Yun's lips were slightly raised, and at that moment, it was like thousands of flowers slowly blooming together; she raised her hands to be hugged by him.

Mu Jingpei's eyes were stained with a smile, he fondled her hair, reached out and picked her up from the hanging basket, and took a few steps to put her on the sofa.

Whether she was nestled in the hanging basket just now or sitting on the sofa at the moment, the girl looked very petite; like a weak child who needed someone to protect her.

Shi Yun didn't know what he was thinking, she tilted her head slightly to look at him, and said seriously, "I'm hungry. What do you want to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

Shi Yun frowned and thought for a long time, and finally choked out two words: "Whatever."


Mu Jingpei chuckled, and slowly rolled up his sleeves: "I'll go and see what else is available."

Shi Yun blinked her eyes and nodded her head.

Her eyes followed the man's figure into the kitchen, and she could clearly see through the glass that the man was busily busy inside.

Shi Yun thought about it, got up slowly and went into the kitchen, hugged someone who was washing vegetables from behind, and rubbed against him.

Mu Jingpei raised his eyebrows lightly, and patted Shi Yun's head with his wet palm, "Hey, don't make trouble."

"I'll help you." Shi Yun said seriously.


Shi Yun hesitated to let go of Mu Jingpei, and looked at him sideways, with some doubts in her heart. Didn't it say on the Internet that if she hugged him from behind at this time, wouldn't he be happy?
"what happened?"

Shi Yun pursed her lips slightly and shook her head.

Mu Jingpei was cooking seriously, Shi Yun's eyes were glued to him, and he followed every step.

Three dishes and one soup appeared on the table an hour later.

Shi Yun obediently washed her hands, walked to the dining table and did not sit down.

After thinking about it, she first walked to Mu Jingpei's side, and kissed him on the face; the small face was slightly soft, and she said seriously: "Okay, let's eat."


Mu Jingpei raised his eyebrows lightly, realizing what Shi Yun was thinking, a little smile appeared in his eyes.

After dinner, Mu Jingpei was processing the documents, while Shi Yun was reading next to him.

The warm lighting adds warmth to the whole room, just like an ordinary couple.
When Shi Yun raised her eyes, he was diagonally opposite her.

There was a layer of warm light on the man's body, and he lowered his head and carefully processed the documents in his hand.

Shi Yun thought of a sentence - a serious man is the most attractive.

It is most appropriate to use it here now.

He is usually very charming, but now he is even more fascinating.

As if aware of Shi Yun's gaze, Mu Jingpei looked up, and the girl tilted her head slightly to look at him, those big eyes carried a charming galaxy, among which was his figure.

"What's wrong?" His voice was gentle and loving.

Shi Yun blinked, stood up and walked to his side and said seriously: "It's ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed."

Mu Jingpei looked at the time, and before he knew it, it was already ten o'clock.

He pinched the center of his eyebrows, looking a little tired.

"Well, you go back to your room first, and I'll go there after I've dealt with this."

Shi Yun nodded, turned and went back to the room.

Just when Shi Yun finished her shower and dried her hair, Mu Jingpei came back, rubbed her hair and went into the bathroom.

When Mu Jingpei came out, Shi Yun was already lying on the bed, crossing her legs and playing with her mobile phone.

Hearing the movement, Shi Yun looked subconsciously, and saw a piece of flesh color. The muscles on the man's body were well-defined, and they were trained according to his body shape. At this moment, it seemed to be the most perfect proportion.

Shi Yun let go of her fingers, and the phone fell onto the bed with a 'plop'.

She unconsciously reached out and touched her nose, um, there was no nosebleed
When Shi Yun looked down, she had very good eyesight. Even though the two of them were not very close, they could still clearly see the nearly ten centimeter scar on the man's abdomen.

It's healed, the scabs have faded, and now the skin is a little lighter than other places.

Mu Jingpei was only wearing a bath towel at the moment, at this moment he found out his clothes slowly, without even covering it up, and tore off the bath towel
Shi Yun was taken aback for a moment, then immediately closed her eyes, turned her head to the side, and smudged a little blush from the base of her ears
He, why is he changing clothes here!

Then I thought about it carefully, it seemed that the moment before I closed my eyes just now, I seemed to see that he was wearing underwear?
Shi Yun rolled her eyes, opened them slightly, and turned her head to look carefully; suddenly, she saw a flawless enlarged version of a handsome face, which was very close to her, almost touching her face.

She could clearly feel his breath so close
Shi Yun subconsciously looked under him, and she had already changed her clothes.

She raised her eyes, and before she could say anything, a tingling sensation came from one ear.

As if an electric current was flowing through his whole body, Shi Yun's body softened instantly.

A magnetic and pleasant voice sounded from her ears, with hot breath erupting on her ears together: "Baby, what are you looking at. Huh?" The ending turned up, as if there was a faint smile.

Shi Yun blushed and pursed her lips.

A pair of starry eyes were wet and bright, shaking his head, with a serious and serious expression: "I didn't see anything."

"is it?"

Shi Yun nodded, her small face was full of seriousness: "Yes."

It's written all over my face, what I say is true, I'm serious, you can't help but believe me.

Mu Jingpei looked at her quietly, the little girl was so cute.

I can't bear it anymore.

He lowered his head and bit her lip.

The sweet and soft touch made the string in his mind tighten even more.

The two breaths were intertwined, and the temperature rose slowly.
At some point, the clothes on the two of them had already faded.

Shi Yun opened her mouth slightly to calm her breathing, her eyes were blurred; suddenly there was a slight heat and pain in her neck, and her breathing became heavier
Mu Jingpei breathed a sigh of relief, a little red appeared on her fair neck.

He opened his mouth slightly and rubbed her small ears, calling in a low voice: "Baby." The emotional voice was completely sexy.

"Huh?" Shi Yun couldn't turn her head around at the moment, she was at a loss, and answered in doubt.

Mu Jingpei lightly pecked at her, held her hand, and led her down.

Mu Jingpei lowered his head and carefully washed Shi Yun's hands, then kissed her again.

It was already around twelve o'clock when the two of them lay on the bed again.

Mu Jingpei locked the little girl tightly in his arms and buried her in the crest of her neck, full of her breath, very satisfied.

Shi Yun blinked and looked up at him; in the dark, she could only see his outline.

He lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

The voice is very small and soft: "Amu."

Mu Jingpei looked at her: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yun took his hand and bit her lower lip lightly; a tangled expression appeared on her usually cold face.

Mu Jingpei couldn't see her expression at the moment, but he felt inexplicably that she must be struggling with something now.

He lowered his head and accurately caught her red lips, and kissed her lightly.

He asked again: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yun's eyes flickered a few times, and she shook her head: "It's nothing, sleepy when you're sleepy."

After the words fell, she closed her eyes.

Mu Jingpei watched her in the dark.

If she didn't say it, no matter what he thought, he couldn't think of it.

He looked at her quietly, even if he could only see a rough outline.

After a long while, the person in his arms was breathing slowly and slowly, before he closed his eyes and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Shi Yun didn't sleep peacefully this time.

I don't know if it was because she thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night, but she dreamed that Amu was gone, leaving her completely.

She couldn't choose.

She couldn't choose between Anan and Amu, so he left.

His last disappointed look made her tremble and heartache, as if she heard someone calling her in a trance.

She opened her eyes, her eyes were red and filled with tears, she didn't know anything about it.

I only know that the person who left me in the last second came back this second, and returned to my side.

With tears in Shi Yun's eyes, she hugged the person in front of her without thinking.

Mu Jingpei could clearly feel the soft body in his arms trembling slightly.

He patted her lightly, and a deep and hoarse voice sounded in her ear: "Did you have a nightmare? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

The familiar tone and voice gradually made Shi Yun feel at ease.

Shi Yun's soft hand squeezed his hand very heavily, as if afraid that if he let go a little, the person in front of him would disappear.

Her slightly hoarse voice was crying: "I will cure the illness, please don't leave."

After all, she couldn't leave him.

Like an addiction.

People in the dark finally catch a ray of light, and they don't want to let go no matter what.

Mu Jingpei paused, and asked again as if in disbelief: "What did you say?"


Qian Zhiqiu thought that the male protagonist fell in love with the female protagonist at first sight, but it is not~
Suddenly want to drive, can not hold back.

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