Mu Shao is too cold: Love the designer

Chapter 90 Shi Yin is His Daughter

Qian Zhiqiu called Shi Yun to come over to talk about this matter. Originally, it would be enough to just say it on the phone, but thinking that her baby has been taken over by others for so long, she has to get the baby to her side if she has the chance Come.

Shi Yun dawdled for a while, looked at the time, and thought that someone might be in a hurry, so she went back.

There is a famous cake shop next to Lingshuo, Shi Yun thought about going in and bought some cakes, paid the money and left with the cakes.

Before he walked out of the cake shop, there were suddenly several messy footsteps behind him.

The clerk of the cake shop yelled, and knocked something over in a panic.

Shi Yun's eyes froze, and she threw the cake in her hand towards the people behind her dexterously; the bodyguard quickly stepped forward and surrounded Shi Yun in the middle.

The people on the opposite side are the guests who were sitting in all directions just now
There are about a dozen more people on the other side than Shi Yun's side, even if Shi Yun's bodyguards are powerful, they can't match so many people.

After a fight, the clerk of the cake shop just put down the alarm phone in his hand, when Shi Yun was taken away in full view.

The bodyguard quickly caught up and called Mu Shen
When Mu Shen received the news, he happened to be by Mu Jingpei's side, and immediately summoned people to locate Shi Yun's current location.

The other party seemed to have revealed his whereabouts on purpose, and he didn't even cover it up.

Here the bodyguard drove behind the car that kidnapped Shi Yun, and there was a fast and furious scene.

"Brother, the people behind have been following, shall we run separately?" said the man with yellow hair sitting in the co-pilot, chewing gum.

These people were all connected to Mai, and at the order of the elder brother, five or six identical cars suddenly turned around and drove in different directions.

"They separated! Follow the one on the left!" One of the bodyguards remembered the license plate number of the car that kidnapped Shi Yun, and said quickly.

Huang Mao glanced back and cursed.

"These things are actually keeping up!"

"It's okay, I have to let them know anyway." The man driving the car responded casually, not at all in a hurry.

But his state at the moment is inversely proportional to the speed of the car.

Without fear of death, I stepped on the accelerator pedal hard, and it almost reached 180 yards.

Just kidding, he was someone who risked his life to play with at the beginning, the speed of this car is trivial!
Fortunately, the bodyguards were also professionally trained. Although the speed of the car was fast, they did not lose track.

Finally, he followed the car that kidnapped Shi Yun to a dilapidated warehouse in the countryside.

There are already a group of people waiting in the warehouse, and at first glance, there must be more than 100 people at least.

After the car stopped, Huang Mao and the others immediately took Shi Yun off the back seat and entered the warehouse.

The people guarding the warehouse were already ready, and the two of them immediately closed the door of the warehouse after entering.

As soon as the bodyguard got out of the car on the front foot, a car stopped on the back foot.

The people in the car got down, it was Mu Jingpei and Mu Shen.

"Master Mu. We have neglected our duties, and please punish Master Mu." The bodyguard lowered his head and said.

Mu Jingpei's dark eyes swept over with sharp black eyes, and a gloomy and cold voice sounded: "Go back and receive the punishment yourself."


Mu Shen hung up the phone, "Master Mu, everyone has arrived; I checked around, and there is no other entrance."

Mu Jingpei's gloomy gaze fell on the warehouse door, "Open the door."


Mu Shen connected with Mai and gave two orders, and five or six cars stopped after one minute.

The people in each car got down and greeted Mu Jingpei respectfully.

Two of them held a round object about half the size of a fist in their hands, and there were numbers beating on it.

Mu Shen made a look, and the two of them stepped forward to put the things in their hands on the warehouse door, when Mu Jingpei's cell phone rang.

There was a glimmer of darkness in Mu Jingpei's eyes, and he glanced towards the warehouse door that was targeting them, and finally fixed his gaze on one place.

Press to answer.

"Mr. Mu? Stay safe."

Mu Jingpei tensed his face, and said two words coldly: "Let me go."

"Don't worry." There was a rustling voice on the other end of the phone, and the man smiled: "I will definitely let him go, now we should talk about the terms."

"I know that Mr. Mu, you have brought a lot of people, but I also have a lot of people. Since I dare to attract you here like this, I definitely won't use this ability."

Mu Jingpei didn't speak, the two men were about to put the round object on the door, when the man's voice came from the other side.

"If Mr. Mu plays this trick, then I have to talk to Mr. Mu in another way. Come, look at the ten o'clock direction in front of you on the left."

Mu Jingpei raised his eyes and glanced, and keenly found a sniper lying in the grass on the hill, facing him.

Mu Jingpei quickly thought about it in his heart, pursed his lips and said, "What do you want?"

His people are packing the three circles outside the warehouse firmly, but judging from the sniper, the other party has also arranged a lot of people on the outside; not to mention that Yun'er is still in their hands.

"Actually, my request is very simple. For Mr. Mu, it's just a matter of raising your hand a little."

Mu Jingpei tensed his jaw and did not speak.

"Mr. Mu released Fang Shuwen and Shi Yin from the prison and sent them to me. How about I release them?"

A trace of emotion flashed through Mu Jingpei's eyes very quickly, and Mu Shen beside him also whispered at this moment: "It's the Qinghu Gang."

Before the Qinghu Gang was in Nanshi, it was definitely a local snake. Fang Shuwen had an inexplicable relationship with the boss of the Qinghu Gang. Shi Yin was also his daughter. This was what he found out when he first asked Mu Shen to investigate Fang Shuwen.

The relationship between the two is very secretive, and it took a lot of effort to find out.

At the beginning, Fang Shuwen asked the Qinghu Gang to do the matter on the Internet; later, he supported the dark hall, which had always been a deadly enemy with the Qinghu Gang, and the dark hall swallowed up more than half of the Qinghu Gang's territory and power. Now the Qinghu Gang is hiding in a small It's just a matter of survival, I didn't expect to do such a thing now.

It seems that he was soft-hearted at the beginning
Before Mu Jingpei could speak, there was a sudden sound of knocking over something on the other end of the phone. His heart froze and he subconsciously thought of Shi Yun.

"Master Mu, it's the police." Mu Shen said beside him.

Shi Yun was kidnapped in full view, and after the people from the cake shop called the police, the police quickly followed the license plate number to check here.

Of course, one thing that is very confusing is why they hang the license plate number.
At the same time, a voice came from the phone: "Stop those policemen! Don't let them come over!"


"Mr. Mu, you don't want to see your girlfriend get hurt, do you?"

Some time ago, they lost most of the Qinghu Gang’s territory due to the dark court fight. They were caught by the police during a major transaction of the Qinghu Gang. Now the police are holding them tightly. If they are caught by the police again this time, they will not Well out.

Mu Jingpei was silent for a moment, then told Mu Shen: "Stop those policemen first."

Mu Shen: ".Yes."

"President Mu is really a straightforward person, don't worry, as long as you send Fang Shuwen and Shi Yin here, I will release Miss Shi Yun immediately."

"Okay." Mu Jingpei paused, and his voice was harsh: "If Yun'er loses a hair, you can imagine the consequences."

"As long as Mr. Mu sends him back, I promise I won't hurt Miss Shi Yun at all." He hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Master Mu...?"

"Go and bring Fang Shuwen Shi Yin over here."


In the warehouse, it's not as tough as it was when I called Mu Jingpei just now.

Although the boss looked neither arrogant nor impatient while sitting on the chair, he actually had no idea in his heart. To be honest, he didn't want to save Fang Shuwen and Shi Yin, even if Shi Yin was his child.

But he has too many children, and he doesn't care about this one.

However, Fang Shuwen's woman is still holding his hand. Although she is in prison now, if she casually speaks out and turns it on the bright side, his entire Qinghu gang is involved.

In fact, saving them is better than killing them directly.

But Mu Jingpei's people are too close-minded, there is no chance to get off the phone at all; there is no other way, they can only resort to this trick.

"Boss, are we really going to do this? Even if we are sent back, Mu Jingpei will not let us go." The younger brother next to him worried.

Although Mu Jingpei is a businessman on the surface, how can an ordinary businessman control the economy of the entire Hua country?Holding the lifeline of the entire Hua Kingdom?
In fact, all the underground forces in the imperial capital are in his hands, and it is rumored that his power has penetrated into foreign countries.

The boss is just annoyed and panicked, doesn't he know this?
Still need him to remind? !
"I don't do that, we have to finish the game!"


The boss looked at Shi Yun, who was entertaining him with delicious food and drinks, thinking about how to minimize the consequences this time.
"Miss Shi, don't worry that we won't do anything to you. After a while, Mr. Mu fulfills my request and we will put you back."

Shi Yun sat on the chair with a blank expression and a cold face, with melon and fruit snacks and tea at hand. It didn't look like she was kidnapped, but rather like a guest.

Hearing this, she raised her eyes and glanced at the boss slowly, but there was no panic in her eyes.

She suddenly asked something unexpected: "What does Shi Yin have to do with you?"


He didn't answer, Shi Yun just continued on his own: "Your daughter?"

"How did Miss Shi know?"

This matter was hidden very tightly, not even a few people from the Green Tiger Gang knew about it.
"I am not blind."

After Shi Yun finished speaking, she lowered her head and did not intend to speak to him again.

Shi Yin looks so much like him, not to mention that even the mole on her ear is exactly the same, she is not blind and can't see it.

The boss was stunned for a moment before he understood what she meant.

I couldn't help but glanced at Shi Yun again, she really wasn't panicking at all, she wasn't pretending.
Shi Yun believed that Mu Jingpei would rescue her, so even in this situation, she still didn't show too much nervousness or fear.

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