The thin lips parted slightly, impatiently: "Go back and sit."


After being told this, although Mu Wen still wanted to see the little girl, he sat back in the seat just now.

No way, who let others be the boss!
Sit back, but also dishonest.

A pair of eyes stared straight at Shi Yun.

Needless to say, this little girl is really pretty.

The portraits painted by Mu Jingpei were beautiful enough, but the real person is even more beautiful!

Such a treasure, how could Mu Jingpei pick it up!

The corner of Shi Yun's mouth twitched, why did she feel that this person was a little abnormal?

Mu Jingpei held the little girl's hand, asked her to sit down, and said softly in a low voice, "That's Muwen."

Shi Yun nodded and responded.

It was the first time for Mu Wen to see this scene, and to hear this voice, the whole person was a big fool on me!
Is this riding horse still the Mu Jingpei he knew? !

He hurriedly looked at Mu Shen, and first went to find someone who felt the same as him, but Mu Shen had long been used to this kind of scene.

Noticing his looking over, she glanced at him contemptuously, with a proud look on her face.


The angry Mu Wen almost burst into foul language.

These two have a virtue!
With a cold snort, forget it, he doesn't care about these two people.

Grinning, he wanted to get close to Shi Yun to take a good look, but he remembered what someone said just now; he was so sincere that he didn't dare to go over.

Just such a bright smile, "Hello, little girl, my name is Mu Wen, what's your name?"

For some reason, Shi Yun inexplicably thought of the conversations of the kindergarten children.

Hello, my name is Xiao Ming, what's your name?
The cold little face was still expressionless, but there was an angry smile in his eyes.

Just being caught by Mu Jingpei, someone was depressed.

This is the first time these two people meet. According to his baby's temperament, shouldn't he be very defensive?
How can this be so happy.
Mu Jingpei didn't know, it was only because this person was familiar with him that Shi Yun was less defensive towards Mu Wen.

Some things have already been imperceptibly.

And Shi Yun also didn't notice it, because of Mu Jingpei's appearance, her condition has already improved a lot.

Mu Jingpei pinched Shi Yun's small face, "Sit down for a while, I'll go and talk to him."

Shi Yun nodded and responded.

He casually picked up the book Mu Shen prepared just now and flipped through it.

A few minutes later, he frowned slightly, looked up and scanned the office, and finally fixed his gaze on an incense stick at the corner of the desk.

this taste
This incense is neither pungent nor unpleasant, on the contrary it smells very good, which can make people relax unintentionally.

When Shi Yun thought about it, she shook her head, narrowed her eyes, and shook her head; she was a little awake.

She looked at Mu Jingpei who was on the sofa beside her.

The voice of the two talking was not loud, not as loud as Mu Wen's tapping on the table.

Mu Jingpei has been paying attention to her, and now he will notice that when she looks at him, there is a gloomy glint in her eyes.

Slightly raised the corners of his lips and looked at her, "What's wrong?"

Shi Yun pointed to the incense on the desk, "What is this?"

"Incense to relieve fatigue, soothe the nerves."

Shi Yun frowned, and a doubt slipped across her eyes: "Really?"


Shi Yun nodded, but the next moment said: "I don't like it, let's withdraw."


The voice fell, and the office fell silent for an instant.

Originally, there was nothing but the sound of conversation, it was already very quiet, but now it is even more quiet and a little weird.

Mu Wen's finger tapping on the table stopped, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became a little strange.

Tsk softly in the bottom of my heart.

As expected of the person Mu Jingpei fell in love with, his vigilance was comparable to what he had.
Mu Jingpei glanced at him warningly, stood up and raised his brows lightly and leaned over, raising his hand to rub Shi Yun's hair.

"What's the matter?" His voice was as deep and magnetic as usual, but he added a layer of bewilderment to the original sweetness.

Shi Yun shook her head: "It's nothing, I just don't like it very much."

She said it like a wayward child.

No reason, but just don't like it.

If it was normal, Mu Jingpei would have asked her to take it down as early as when she said she didn't like it, or asked her opinion from the beginning before clicking on it, but now she didn't take any action.

Doubts gradually arose in Shi Yun's heart, but she didn't know if it was because of the aromatherapy. Her thinking ability had declined a bit, and she tried to think of something, but her mind was still blank.

Mu Jingpei did not remove the aromatherapy, but squeezed Shi Yun's soft fingers and looked at Mu Wen.

"He's Mu Wen, my psychiatrist."

The moment the voice fell, Mu Jingpei obviously felt Shi Yun's body stiffen, and wanted to take his hand back.

Mu Jingpei did not let go.

Shi Yun didn't struggle any more, just raised her eyes to look at him, slightly puzzled: "Your?"

She asked like this, but her heart gradually became vigilant.

"Well, mine."

Mu Jingpei seemed unaware of Shi Yun's vigilance and doubts towards him, and slowly talked about his own affairs.

"I have a sleep disorder."

"Huh?" Shi Yun looked at him in surprise: "But I've never seen it before?"

When he was with himself, he never saw him suffer from insomnia.

"Well, because you are here."

Mu Jingpei didn't lie to her, it was because she was here, so he didn't need drugs or hypnosis, and he got better naturally.

Shi Yun was a little dazed, her mind was still blank, and she couldn't think of anything.

Mu Jingpei took the time to give Mu Wen a look, and an inexplicable light flashed in the latter's eyes.

With a lazy posture and a smile on the corner of his mouth, the movement of his fingers just now continued.

The sound of fingers tapping on the table echoed clearly and regularly in the office.

Mu Jingpei slowly told Shi Yun that he had dreamed of her in a 'dream'.

His voice was not loud, as if he had deliberately lowered his voice, which sounded relaxing.
Shi Yun's consciousness flickered slightly, and when he suddenly swayed past God, Mu Jingpei's voice continued, as did the very regular sound of knocking on the table.

Shi Yun grabbed Mu Jingpei's hand and looked at Mu Wen at the same time.

The sounds made by the two stopped abruptly.
Shi Yun let go of Mu Jingpei, glanced between the two of them, shook her head slightly, and finally fixed her gaze on Mu Jingpei.

"You want to hypnotize me?"

Her voice was as soft as usual when facing Mu Jingpei, her face did not show the slightest fluctuation, and there was even no trace of coldness in her eyes, just like ordinary questions.

"Why?" she asked calmly.

No blame, no coldness, only doubts.


The office fell silent.

After a long time, a chuckle sounded, drawing their attention to him.

Being looked at by the two, Mu Wen didn't panic at all.

He stood up and clicked his tongue softly: "Where did you find this baby? You are so defensive. I will fight with you."

Thinking back when he hypnotized Mu Jingpei back then, the latter cooperated with him, so there was a high probability that he would not succeed.

Although Shi Yun didn't cooperate with him now, his hypnotism is still very powerful!This way, he was not hypnotized!

One or two, are they here to blow his self-confidence? !

Shi Yun's heart sank slightly, is he acquiescing?

She looked at Mu Jingpei, still saying the same thing as before: "Why?"

In fact, she seems to have an answer in her heart.
Mu Jingpei glanced at Mu Wen, and the latter smiled and winked at him.

Then with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he greeted Shi Yun and left the office.

At this moment, there are only two people left.

Shi Yun was extremely obsessed with that question, and just looked at Mu Jingpei.

The latter sighed lightly.

Xu Xu put his arms around Shi Yun's waist, seeing that she didn't object, he boldly hugged her tightly in his arms.

Turn around a little, and the position changes instantly.

Mu Jingpei sat on a chair, and Shi Yun was hugged and sat on his lap.

He skillfully buried Shi Yun's neck, and took a breath, full of her familiar breath.

He didn't speak, and Shi Yun didn't urge him.

It took a long time before a hoarse voice sounded from her ear, with a soft sigh.

"Why doesn't the baby want to be treated?"

Shi Yun's body froze, she had expected this just now.

She pursed her lips, and said stubbornly: "There is no reason, I just don't want to treat it."


Mu Jingpei didn't speak, but became quiet again, and went back to just now.

After a while, Shi Yun's drooping eyes moved slightly.

The long eye feathers fluttered slightly with her movements, flickering a few times like the wings of a butterfly.

She raised her eyes and looked at Mu Jingpei, but she didn't dare to look directly at him. She muttered, her voice was very small, and Mu Jingpei didn't hear it.

Subconsciously asked: "What did you say?"


There was another silence.

Shi Yun took a slight breath before looking directly at him, her eyes trembling.

The red lips parted slightly: "You want me to heal?"

Mu Jingpei thought about it for a while. When she said this, she was just asking in a normal tone, not angry.

He rubbed her neck: "Yes."

I want her to heal, I want her to get better.

Shi Yun's heart trembled suddenly, she lowered her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes.

She didn't speak, but bit her lip tightly.

After a long while, he said: "If... if I die, will you not want me?"

The voice was gentle and soft, but with a touch of helplessness and fear that others could not hear.

Like a lost child, standing at a fork in the road, not knowing which way to go.

"will not."

Mu Jingpei raised his head from her neck, looked into her eyes, and said, "No. Baby, the initiative between us has always been in your hands, you know? I have no choice, no way out."

He didn't know what would happen if she didn't have himself.

However, he knew that without her, he would be nothing more than a walking dead.

She is like a driftwood floating on the sea, she is his hope, and also his way of survival; only by holding her tightly in his hands can he survive.

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