Mu Shao is too cold: Love the designer

Chapter 70 I'm sorry...I'm late...

Mu Jingpei carried her into the car, and in a cold voice ordered Mu Shen to check the warehouse in front and take the two men away.

In the tightly packed compartment, the sound of the rain outside could no longer be heard clearly.

Only the occasional thunderstorm came in as a muffled sound.

Mu Jingpei gently dried Shi Yun's hair with a clean towel, took off her coat, and wrapped her tightly with a blanket.

Completely ignoring his short hair that was still dripping at the moment, he lowered his head and talked softly to the girl.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm late"

"I shouldn't have let you go up by yourself, let's never separate again, okay?"

After talking for a long time, the girl in his arms did not respond at all.

The only change was probably that the rain could not be felt in the carriage, and she gradually stopped shaking.

But he still looked absent-minded, as if his soul had been taken out.

Like, he can't catch her no matter what.
Mu Jingpei's heart tightened, and his arms tightly locked her in his arms.

Not knowing what was going on, the girl trembled again.

With a blank expression on his face, Dou Da's tears slid down his cheeks as if he didn't want money, biting his pale lips hard.

A trace of blood spilled out, dyeing her pale lips bright red.

Mu Jingpei's heart ached, as if his whole heart was being firmly grasped by a hand.

He loosened her teeth in a panic, but she clenched tighter and tighter, more and more bright red liquid.
In a panic, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Licking the scars on her lips, separating her lips and teeth.

Shi Yun was forced to let go of her biting lips, but she felt something, only that something soft was printed on her lips.

She opened her mouth and bit down, leaving no strength left.

Bite in an instant, and blood flowed between the lips and teeth of the two.

The stabbing pain struck, Mu Jingpei frowned, but did not retreat.

His pitch-black eyes seemed to be covered with a thick layer of dark mist, staring intently at Shi Yun.

The smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger, maybe Shi Yun sensed something, and finally let go.

The pupils of the eyes that have not moved all the time, looked at Mu Jingpei blankly.

There was still no emotion in those eyes, they were dark and lost their luster

Shi Yun tightly huddled herself into a ball, still holding the Swiss Army knife in her hand.

Tightly hold it in one hand, while the other hand is tightly clenched by Shi Yinan.

The pale little face was expressionless, and the slack pupils seemed to be blocked by a layer of fog.

She just huddled in a corner by herself, a small and quiet group.

He didn't say anything, and lowered his eyes slightly, looking obedient.

It's just that this appearance fell into Mu Jingpei's eyes, and his whole heart was pulled hard; he kept trembling.

He gently coaxed the girl, but he couldn't even get within half a meter of her.

"Boss Mu! Did you bring the baby back?!"

Because it was inconvenient, Qian Zhiqiu was not asked to follow her before.

She stayed in the hotel all the time, and when the two came back, Mu Shen went to tell her, and she came over quickly.

Opening the door, seeing the scene in the room at this time, the words were stuck between the lips and teeth and could not be uttered.
Her worried mood finally relaxed after seeing Shi Yun was safe, and at the same time, seeing her current appearance, she really calmed down slowly.

Close the door and walk over slowly.

"Her, why?"

Mu Jingpei tried his best to make himself look calm, but the slight trembling in his words revealed that he was not calm now.

Qian Zhiqiu knew what he was asking.

Why did it become like this.
She opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Mu Jingpei's eyes suddenly shot towards her.

The man's dark eyes were stained with scarlet, and the coercion around him was so powerful that it was breathless, violent and dangerous; like an enraged beast.

Qian Zhiqiu subconsciously took a step back.

Pursing his lips, he sighed as if admitting defeat.

With downcast eyes, "I can only tell you that there is nothing she can do about it now, she can only wait for the rain outside to stop; wait for her to recover, or fall asleep from tension and exhaustion."

"Other things, when she wakes up, you can ask her yourself."

"In addition, block out the sound of the rain outside, draw the curtains around and turn on the lights to the brightest, maybe she will be better."

Mu Jingpei closed his eyes and did as she said.

Maybe it really works.

After a while, Shi Yun gradually relaxed a bit, but still kept no one within half a meter of her.

Like a little beast guarding its territory, it looks extremely fierce; but Mu Jingpei seems to have seen her trembling and whimpering under the fierceness
Feeling so distressed that I can't help myself, but I can't do anything

Shi Yun was in a daze, before he even opened his eyes, the tingling pain in his head struck.

She hissed, but seemed to be hugged tightly.

The long eyelashes trembled and opened his eyes, and met a pair of bloodshot jet black pupils.

She was slightly taken aback.

Unconsciously, she caressed Mu Jingpei's fair cheek with her hand.

Opening his mouth, his voice was hoarse: "Did you not rest?"

After finishing speaking, she seemed not used to this kind of voice or this feeling, and frowned delicately.

With a little warmth on her lips, Shi Yun subconsciously opened her mouth.

The warm water entered the throat, relieving the dryness and tingling in the throat.

Blinking and blinking, she looked at Mu Jingpei.

He seemed haggard.
Shi Yun lowered her eyes and thought about it.

The body struggled slightly, which made him loosen himself a little, and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

Tilting his head: "Are you feeling better?"

Mu Jingpei's body froze, and the next moment, as if he had lifted the seal that imprisoned him, he fiercely kissed Shi Yun.

It pounced on it like a beast seeing its favorite prey, but it didn't want to swallow the prey in one gulp, so it was extremely suppressed.

Shi Yun has no doubts at all, if it weren't for her, she wouldn't be his prey; he would really swallow himself right now.
After a long time, the two separated.

Shi Yun's pair of star eyes, which had returned to their usual luster, were covered with a thin layer of mist at this moment, glistening with water, and the corners of the eyes were slightly red; they looked even more provocative.

Originally slightly pale, slightly reddened, he looked much better now.

"What’s wrong with you."

She's not stupid, she sensed that he seemed to be hiding something on his mind.

And it's about her.
Mu Jingpei's dark eyes stared at her with bottomless eyes, his throat moved slightly, and he hugged her tightly with both hands.

"You don't remember, what happened yesterday?"


Shi Yun was taken aback for a moment, after his reminder, the events of yesterday replayed in his mind like a revolving lantern.

How she was kidnapped by Shi Yin.

how to escape.

How to be brought back by him.

including how
The little face paled instantly.

Shi Yun's heart became flustered, and even more at a loss
He knew it, didn't he.
But, at the beginning he said that he would not want her

Mu Jingpei hugged her tightly and buried his head into her neck; his voice was hoarse: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Shi Yun's eyes were blank, she murmured: "I"

What should I say?

Say I'm actually sick, let's separate.

no she doesn't want to be separated from him
She froze in a daze, not knowing what to say.

He opened his mouth silently, but didn't spit out a single character.
Suddenly, the warmth on her neck brought her back to her senses.

The damp warmth of her neck made her panic, and her slender fingers caressed his short messy hair.

"I you."

Shi Yun, who has never been very good at speaking, can't spit out a single character at this time.

Mu Jingpei looked up at her.

The corners of the man's eyes were slightly red, with a little moisture; his thin lips were tightly pursed.

He couldn't imagine how she had survived every time for so many years. Just thinking about it made her heart feel like it was being pulled into a ball, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

Those details emerged, the last time her arm was injured, it should be at that time.
She still bore it by herself foolishly, without revealing to him at all
Seeing him like this, Shi Yun panicked.

Not knowing what to do, he simply kissed her.

The girl touched his lips clumsily, imitating his usual movements, hooking the tip of his tongue, and rubbing his thin lips lightly.

comfort him.

After a while, she let go, and pursed her red lips that were still slightly moist.

"I'm fine." She thought for a while and added, "Don't worry."

Mu Jingpei hugged her tightly.

Don't worry, don't feel bad.

how is this possible
He buried her neck again, and a hoarse voice rang out from her ears.

"Tell me, okay?"

Shi Yun lowered her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes.

I pinched my fingers.

He has seen it all, so he should know about it. It seems that there is nothing to hide
She paused for a moment as if she was thinking about what to say, and the room fell silent.

Mu Jingpei didn't bother her either.

After a while, the dry and slightly hoarse voice slowly spoke.

"It's just like what you saw yesterday. I'm sick. I've always been in the onset period, but I can usually control myself; every time the weather yesterday, the condition will get worse."

"It's so serious that you lose your consciousness and fall into another world."

She didn't say much, just talked about what would happen when she was serious.

Mu Jingpei listened to what she said in a calm voice, and slowly hugged her tightly until finally she stopped talking; she was hugged tightly by him, and she couldn't even breathe.

Mu Jingpei slowed down for a few seconds, steadying his breathing.

The voice became hoarse, and it was difficult to utter a few words: "Yes, what is the disease?"

He vaguely knew that what Mu Wen said before was included; but those diseases would not cause her to look like that.
Shi Yun lowered her eyes, calmly as if the person she just mentioned was not her.

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