"Didn't tell you? Then it probably won't come."

Shi Yun pursed her lips and said nothing.

On this side, Shi Yin also got the news that Mu Jingpei was coming.

I was a little excited in my heart, is he finally willing to appear in front of her!

The few people around her also knew the news, and stepped forward to get close to her one after another.

"Yinyin, don't forget to give us some good words in front of President Mu."

Shi Yin's face was slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed: "I will, but you all know his character."

She didn't go on, but everyone understood.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, with a violent temper, are synonymous with Mu Jingpei.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to say it normally."

Shi Yin smiled and lowered her head slightly, looking embarrassed.

The party was halfway through, but Mu Jingpei, who was expected by everyone, never appeared in front of everyone.

Although Shi Yin was very disappointed in her heart, she didn't show it, and she has more important things to do today
Shi Yun told Qian Zhiqiu, got up and went to the bathroom, and when she came back, she took a glass of juice from the waiter and drank a couple of sips.

At the party, both of them watched her from different angles, and they were slightly relieved after watching Shi Yun drink the juice
"Time rhyme?"

Suddenly a female voice came, and Shi Yun subconsciously looked up.

It was the person who had been by Shi Yin's side just now.

Shi Yun didn't speak, and wanted to bypass her and leave, but the woman was not happy.

Get in front of her.

"Shi Yin is your sister, how could you treat her like that! You!" The woman wanted to hold Shi Yun's hand, "Apologize to me!"

She was already a little drunk, and she only wanted to impress Shi Yin in front of her, so she didn't care about other things.

Shi Yun frowned, Qiao Jin broke away from her hand.

The woman was angry, "Shame on you!"

She looked around, picked up the red wine from the waiter's hand, and splashed it on Shi Yun's face.

The latter's footsteps moved slightly, and he knocked over the red wine in the woman's hand with a blank expression. The woman also fell to the side because she was a little drunk and couldn't stand on her feet.

It just hit the table where the wine tower was placed, and there was a crackling sound in an instant.

Shi Yun and the waiter next to him reacted and avoided in time, but the woman who knocked over the wine tower was in a terrible situation.

Before he could dodge in time, he was doused in wine.

The white dress was damaged and stained with wine stains.

At the same time, some places were pricked by wine glasses that fell on the ground and bled.

When the woman stood up, she was in a panic.

The exquisite makeup and well-groomed hairstyle are completely gone, and the dress on his body is tattered like a lunatic.

Everyone at the banquet was also attracted by the crackling sound.

Seeing the image of the woman now, he couldn't help frowning.

That woman also understood that her current image could not be saved, so she simply ignored her and rushed towards Shi Yun!

The latter dodged, and before the woman rushed over again, he raised his hand and slapped her.

The woman froze in place, looking at Shi Yun in astonishment.

The next second to react: "You!"

Shi Yun looked at her coldly: "Are you awake?"


"Sister, what's wrong with you guys." Shi Yin walked over worriedly, and looked at the woman: "Are you okay?"

Seeing Shi Yin approaching, the woman seemed to have found a backbone, and complained to Shi Yin: "Your sister pushed me just now!"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Shi Yin's face: "Sister, please apologize."

Shi Yun didn't speak, and slightly lowered her eyes to think about her words.

Both the woman and Shi Yin thought she was guilty, and felt complacent.

The red lips parted lightly, and when the cold voice came out, Shi Yun murmured softly, "Apologize."

"Yes." Shi Yin looked at the woman beside her: "For my sake, please forgive my sister."

The woman looked like she was being reasonable and unforgiving: "Just an apology and you're done with it?!"


A chuckle spread to everyone's ears, and Shi Yun's cold face rarely showed a slight curvature: "You think too much, I didn't want to apologize to you."

The woman's face froze: "You!"

Everyone at the banquet also reacted.

Of the three women, they knew two of them, and Shi Yun was even more familiar with them.

The current situation is that Miss Shi pushed that woman and knocked over the wine tower just now, and that woman was turned into what she is now.

However, Miss Shi refused to apologize? !

Although everyone didn't say anything, they felt sorry for that woman from the bottom of their hearts.

"Sister, just apologize. After all, you pushed her." Shi Yin persuaded with nice words.

Shi Yun stood where she was, her cold face still expressionless.

"You pushed someone, shouldn't you apologize! Miss Shi!" Someone beside him couldn't see it, and said aloud.

As the voice sounded, many people responded together.

And that woman concentrated on being a little white flower after Shi Yin arrived, shaking her shoulders with her head lowered and crying.

"I can push her." Shi Yun murmured softly, her cold eyes fell on the woman, and she snorted slightly: "I can push you?"

Her gaze was so cold and penetrating, as if she could see the dirtiest thoughts in other people's hearts; the woman subconsciously took a step back, and the next second she realized it, she quickly returned to her original position.

Her movements were not big, and not many people noticed; however, this kind of behavior was trying to cover up in Shi Yun's eyes.

The woman puffed out her chest: "Yes! You pushed me!"

She saw Shi Yin's existence from the corner of her eye, and she gained a bit of confidence.

Shi Yun's cold eyes fell on the waiter next to him: "Did you see it just now?"

The waiter was stunned for a second, and she caught Shi Yin's eyes from the corner of her eye, and she looked at Shi Yun: "Yes, I saw you pushing her!"

"So many people have seen it, Miss Shi, don't you admit it!" All the guests were dissatisfied.

"That's right, even though you're the eldest lady of the Shi family, you can't bully others! Is it so difficult to apologize!"

The woman was even more aggrieved when she heard so many people responding to her, sobbing softly.

It may be that there is too much movement here, which has alarmed the organizers.

The organizer just came over and saw the scene where everyone was confronting each other, paused for a moment, and hurried over: "Everyone, what's going on?"

The waiter next to him immediately whispered the story to the organizer.

The organizer kept looking at Shi Yun, Miss Shi, doesn't look like this kind of person
Although I thought so in my heart, there must be an explanation for this matter after all.

He thought for a moment, and said: "Miss Shi, you should apologize to this lady. After all, she."

Shi Yun stood there without saying a word.

Even now that everyone is forcing her to apologize, she is at a disadvantage; she is still the same as before.

The cold little face was indifferent, and the starry eyes were indifferent but inexplicably arrogant.

She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, a familiar deep voice sounded one step ahead of her.

"Apologize? I don't know what funny thing happened?"

The man was dressed in a dark suit, his finely crafted facial features were like gods, and his dark and deep eyes were low and vaguely revealing a sense of coldness; his aura was so powerful that it was daunting.

The guests seemed to have been pressed the pause button, staring at the man walking step by step in a daze.

It took a long time before someone took a breath: "Mu, Mu Jingpei!"

Although not many people have seen what Mu Jingpei looks like, everyone has seen Mu Shen behind the man.

The only one who can make Mu Shen follow behind him is the legendary man.

"Mu, Mr. Mu, you're here." The organizers had obviously received the news, but they didn't expect him to come so suddenly.

After reacting, he hurried forward.

Mu Jingpei's cold eyes glanced around, and finally landed on the petite and cold person who looked so obedient that he would miss him when he didn't see him for a while.

Shi Yun blinked her eyes, as if she didn't expect him to come so suddenly.

But Shi Yin froze in place.

Mu, Mu Jingpei
The belief in getting this man became more persistent in my heart, only this man can be worthy of her!
It was a coincidence that Shi Yin happened to be standing beside Shi Yun; so from her perspective, Mu Jingpei was looking at her affectionately.

Shi Yin's face couldn't help but flush a little, and she slightly lowered her eyes shyly.

The woman next to her pretending to be a white flower is crazily jealous of Shi Yin.

Mu Jingpei withdrew his gaze, slowly and elegantly adjusted the cufflinks that reflected the golden light, his thin lips parted lightly, and his voice was low and cold: "What were you doing just now?"

The organizer hastily told him roughly, trembling.

Mu Shen looked at Shi Yun suspiciously, Miss Shi doesn't seem like such a person?

After the host's words fell, a gentle and charming voice sounded:

"My sister just needs to apologize, there's no need to do anything else, but she doesn't seem to be willing," Shi Yin said sadly.

Everyone's attention was not on her, but on Mu Jingpei.

The latter looked at Shi Yun who was standing there coldly, as if he didn't hear her words.

A bit of sarcasm flashed in his dark and deep eyes, and he glanced at Mu Shen.

The latter hurried forward with a standard smile on his face: "Although what you said is so, what evidence do you have?"

The organizer was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "That waiter is the witness."

Mu Shen smiled: "It's just a sentence, you don't need to be responsible, who knows if it's true or not."

He spoke so clearly that he almost said that the waiter had been bribed.

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on the waiter's forehead, and he said eagerly, "What I'm telling is the truth, and I'm definitely not biased against anyone."

Mu Shen glanced at him, and the waiter stopped unconsciously.

The organizer also became more cautious: "Namute, what do you think?" He said so, but looked at Mu Jingpei from time to time.

Mu Shen: "Whether it's true or not, whose fault is it? Call out the surveillance camera and have a look, and you'll know?"

After he finished speaking, Shi Yin, who was immersed in Mu Jingpei's body, immediately came back to her senses. Although her face turned pale, she didn't make a sound, but she quietly moved away from that embarrassed woman.

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