Mu Shao is too cold: Love the designer

Chapter 38 Neither, believe me...

Shi Yin had already realized this, and was furious in her heart.

What a rhyme!

To play this for her!
With remorse on her weak face, she lowered her head slightly: "Maybe I got it wrong. I'm sorry sister"


The arena was silent.

After a long time, Fang Shuwen said: "Okay Yinyin, I think Ah Yun won't blame you, please sit down."

"How does Aunt Fang know that I won't blame her?" Shi Yun raised her eyebrows with a cold face.

Fang Shuwen's expression froze.

Shi Yin reacted quickly this time, her eyes were already flushed, and there was a little crying in her voice:
"I'm sorry sister, I misheard; sister can punish me whatever she wants."


There was silence again.

It took a while before a clear voice came through: "Just kidding, how could I blame you? My sister seems relieved."

Shi Yin smiled and gritted her teeth secretly.

Does she mean that she is narrow-minded and can't take a joke? !
"Cough" Haotian coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

Shi Yun looked over and said softly: "Father's throat feels a bit uncomfortable, sister hurry up and pour a cup of tea for father."


Shi Yin lowered her head, poured out the cold tea and added another cup of tea.

It looks like everything is normal, but in fact, I am gnashing my teeth in my heart.

Pour tea for father?

Why doesn't she pour it herself?
Naturally, what made Shi Yin really dissatisfied was not pouring tea for Shi Haotian, but Shi Yun's tone of voice as if ordering a servant.

Shi Yun's dull mood will be better this time.

The little face was still cold, but he made a pot of tea smoothly.

I added another cup to Mr. Shi.

Shi Yun: "I remember grandpa likes this tea, you should try it."

Mr. Shi took a sip and praised with a smile: "Good!"

Shi Yun lowered her head and took a sip of her tea: "As long as grandpa likes it."

The bitterness on the tip of the tongue dissipates, leaving a lingering sweetness.

"A Yun." Seeing that she hadn't gotten to the point after so long, Mother Gu couldn't help shouting.

Shi Yun looked over and called out one by one: "Uncle Gu, Aunt Gu."

"You should know about the recent events. I called you here today to discuss your marriage with Ziheng." Shi Haotian said.

His voice fell, followed by Shi Yun's silence.

After a long while, Shi Yun said: "Marriage? When will I have a marriage with Young Master Gu?"

"You! Shi Yun, don't forget, you still have the name of my fiancee on you!" Gu Ziheng, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help it.

Gu's mother was also stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Yes, Ah Yun. Auntie knows that you have been wronged by this matter. Ziheng will definitely not do such a thing again in the future. Please forgive him this time."

"How can you make a joke about the marriage contract?"

Shi Yun: "Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding."

She paused, and glanced around: "Everyone, have you forgotten that I have unilaterally terminated the engagement many times before. Now, if there is any relationship between the Gu family and the Shi family, it is just a cooperative relationship."

Mother Gu's face darkened, but she still had no choice but to coax her: "Ah Yun, the two families have to discuss the marriage contract together; you are young and love to joke, so let's forget about the previous ones; you can never talk about it later. .”

"It's almost half a year before you and Ziheng are going to get married. Auntie is discussing with your father, Auntie Fang, to advance the wedding."

"There was no wedding in the first place, how could the wedding be brought forward?"

Before Mother Gu could finish speaking, Shi Yun interrupted her directly.


There was no sound from outside in the living room, but Shi Yun still felt that it was raining outside.

She frowned, her mood getting worse.

Shi Haotian: "The marriage contract between the Gu family and the Shi family was established long ago, but the things that have happened to the Gu family during this period of time, and what He Ziheng has done; really make me feel at ease, and I will leave Ah Yun to you ah."

Shi Haotian looks like a loving father, people who don't know think he loves Shi Yun so much.

The latter didn't even want to look at him again.

What is he thinking in his heart, who here can't see it?
It's nothing more than wanting to take advantage of the fire to rob and treat the daughter as an object.

Although Gu's current situation is not good, it is not at the end of the road; now as long as a news is released and suppressed, Gu's can get back on track.

The members of the Gu family looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, Father Gu spoke:
"A Yun was also brought up by us, so naturally she treats her as her own daughter. Although Gu's situation is not very good now, she is not at the end of the road. If she gets married, she will still be the life of a wealthy young lady. Brother Shi's point Too much to worry about."

Shi Haotian obviously didn't want to miss the opportunity, and sighed: "That's the way it is said, but there is no guarantee after all."

A few people talk to each other and talk endlessly.

Shi Yun, who was already depressed and in a bad mood, was even more troubled by the noise.

She smelled the dampness getting bigger and bigger, and the rain outside was getting heavier.
She closed her eyes, trying to stabilize herself.

The fingers are tightly pinched, and the fingertips are white.

"We have discussed this matter before. Brother Shi, you also know that we have only one son, Ziheng. After a hundred years, the Nuoda family business will naturally be entrusted to him alone."

"Before we also drew up an agreement with the lawyer. After marriage, we will give Ziheng's wife Gu Shi 5.00% of the shares. With this 5.00% of the shares, I think the eldest brother will not worry about Ah Yun's marriage. Are you having a bad day?" Gu's father almost finished the sentence in a fit of anger.

5.00% of the shares may not seem like much, but the combined shares held by Gu's father and Gu's mother are only 30.00%.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Shi Haotian, who had been 'distressed' for a long time, immediately showed a smile.

"Brother Gu is being polite, after all, we are all for the children to live well in the future, aren't we?"

Shi Haotian smiled on his face, but in his heart he was thinking about how to coax the 5.00% shares out of Shi Yun's hands.

Of course, he never thought that Shi Yun would marry Gu Ziheng.

Gu's father and mother were also relieved.

Just like what Shi Haotian was thinking at the moment, the 5.00% shares were in Shi Yun's hands.

After marriage, I can find a way to coax it back.

Father Gu is not the only one in the Gu family, he also has a younger brother.

Gu Ziheng represented the identity of the heir of the Gu family. Now that something like this happened to him, the second child of the Gu family was watching.

The shares held by the second child's family are almost the same as theirs.

If this matter is not handled well, the Gu family will not have much problem; but their family will be kicked out of the Gu family.
A smile appeared on Gu's mother's face: "Then it's settled. The wedding will be on the 29th of this month. Although it's rushed, there will definitely be something that should be there."

After the matter was 'discussed', both families smiled.

Of course, except Shi Yun.

Shi Yin smiled happily: "Congratulations sister."

After her words fell for a long time, Shi Yun turned to look at her, her fingers trembling slightly, her lips were a little pale.

She stared at Shi Yin quietly.

On the surface, he was staring at Shi Yin, but in fact he had a terrible headache, so he needed to slow down for a while.

Shi Yun: "Congratulations? Isn't my sister sad? After all, you and Gu Ziheng still have a relationship."

These two people, if she didn't still have the photos of that day in her mobile phone, she would probably think that the matter between Shi Yin and Gu Ziheng was an illusion.

It's ridiculous to say that the two have been together secretly for an unknown amount of time, but it's just a relationship in bed.

Fortunately, she thought that the love between the two was stronger than gold, and if they didn't get each other, they would die.

I really admire the two of you.
When her voice fell, Shi Yin's whole face became flustered, "Sister, why do you think so much about the pictures on the Internet before, but now you are going to marry brother Ziheng?"

She bit her lips: "Even if my sister doesn't care about me, I still have to think about Brother Ziheng. My sister will make him sad."

Gu father and mother knew about this, so naturally they couldn't say anything more.

It's just that Shi Yun thought too much.

"I hope this is the last time I hear this! Don't ruin Yinyin's reputation!" Shi Haotian said angrily, "She has a very good relationship with Mr. Mu now. If Mr. Mu hears this, what do you want Yinyin to do?" manage!"

The old man Shi also said, "A Yun, if you disagree with the marriage, you can discuss it again, but you can't use A Yin's reputation as an example. She is your sister anyway."

Before, Shi Yun was afraid that Mr. Shi would not be able to bear it, so he didn't say anything about Shi Yin and Gu Ziheng getting together; so he still doesn't know about it now.


Shi Yun snorted lightly, her voice was very low, almost whispering: "Tsk, don't believe it."

The depression in her heart squeezed her whole body
When Shi Yun raised her eyes to look at this scene again, it faintly turned into a scene filled with blood. She closed her eyes and tried her best to hide this scene.

His fingers were shaking uncontrollably.

Fortunately, with her hands in her lap, not many people noticed.

However, Fang Shuwen, who had been observing her, had his eyes darkened.
Gu's mother: "The previous things are over, and the wedding is half a month away; during this half month, Ah Yun don't think about anything, just be a bride with peace of mind."

Her voice fell, but the silence was terrifying.

After a long time, the old man finally said: "A Yun, what do you think?"

Shi Yun: "I don't."

Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes suddenly went dark.
power cut.
In the darkness, Shi Yun sat on the sofa with her head down.

Her lips moved slightly, but she was still whispering: "I don't agree."

She seemed to be alone in a closed space, and she could no longer hear any sound
Darkness is invaded by blood
bloody smell

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