Shi Mianmian took a step forward and said flatly, "It's mine."

The girl has a somewhat comfortable oval face, and big watery eyes like black grapes, which shine brightly as they flicker around.

The manager couldn't help staring blankly for a moment.

Immediately, he woke up suddenly.

"What's your address?" The manager's tone was so polite that it was almost obsequious.

"When you don't need your surname."


That's not the surname of the presidential palace!

The manager stared at Shi Mianmian suspiciously, then pinched the card calmly, "Wait a minute."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Not sure if this card is real, he dare not act rashly.

Leaving a group of people staring at each other.

Jiang Yiyi and Su Tiantian had a bad premonition inexplicably.

This manager has a strange attitude towards Shi Mianmian.

Could it be that this card has something big backing?

Thinking of the man he saw in the Empire State Building that day, Jiang Yiyi shuddered severely.

She glanced at Su Tiantian and moved her steps quietly.

Unexpectedly, before he had walked a few steps, there was a continuous sound that sounded like a smile but not a smile.

"I haven't finished my meal yet. Where do you want to go? Are you afraid? I think... the beggars on the street should be given to you."

"Shut up! This is a genuine VIP card! As soon as the manager comes, I'll ask him to fork you out immediately!"

Su Tiantian was irritated by Shi Mianmian, and angrily pulled Jiang Yiyi who was trying to escape back to her side.

Jiang Yiyi struggled, but did not break free.

At this time, the manager rushed over with vigorous strides.

"Miss Shi, you are coming to eat, right? You and your friends please come with me."

The manager nodded and bowed to Shi Mianmian, the flattering smile on his face never disappeared.

"But..." Shi Mianmian glanced at the front desk lady inexplicably, "She said that there is only the last box left here. Although we come first, it's not as good as someone with a VIP card. In my opinion, let's go. "

When the manager heard this, he was sweating profusely.

He couldn't hear it, Miss Shi was resentful.

But she is willing to stay here now, which shows that there is still room for maneuver in this matter.

Immediately, the manager angrily scolded the lady at the front desk, "You can't even tell who is the real distinguished guest, so what are you doing at the front desk?! Quickly pack up and get out!"

This is the real deal, a card from the Presidential Palace!
Their restaurant tried their best not to have a chance to curry favor with the presidential palace, and now they have offended someone!

No, I have to fix it quickly.

When these words came out, the faces of Zhu Zhu's people were very ugly.

Doesn't this mean that they are not considered VIPs?Didn't you just slap them in the face?

The front desk lady was so trained that she was tearful and almost cried, "I'm sorry manager... I just took office, I don't know..."

"Forget it." Shi Mianmian said softly, "She didn't do anything, as for the box..."

"Miss Shi really has a lot of adults, so forget it."

The manager said flatteringly, "As for the box, an ordinary box is not worthy of your distinguished status. What do you think of the imperial box?"

The imperial box!

This restaurant is very famous, and there is a mysterious box, which is only open to the top dignitaries, and it is usually empty.

Shi Mianmian, what virtue and ability did she have, to ask the restaurant to open an imperial box for her!

Su Tiantian's face turned green.

The imperial box sounds very tall.

Shi Mianmian pressed the tip of her tongue against her teeth and did not speak.

"To express our apologies, this meal is invited to our restaurant!"

The manager waved his hand and said boldly.

I'm afraid that this big Buddha will just go away.

Shi Mianmian rolled her eyes, looked at Su Tiantian and Xiao Yizhong, and said meaningfully, "Let's go to the emperor's box, then they..."

Before the words were finished, the manager couldn't wait to say, "Deliberately cause trouble in our restaurant, the VIP card will be withdrawn, and people will be blacklisted. All chain restaurants will never accept them!"

Zhu Zhu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

He even satirized them just now as being poor and only worthy of begging on the street. As a result, the other party actually occupied the emperor's box, and they were kicked out...


Suddenly, I felt some pain in my face, as if I had been slapped hard by myself.

This manager is very good.

Shi Mianmian smiled in satisfaction, her pink lips outlined an evil arc.

"Anyway, it's also a program group. How can we drive them away? It's too unfriendly."

She is the most beautiful and lovely person in the world.

Shi Mian showed a smile.

Holding the card in both hands, the manager carefully returned the card to Shi Mianmian. Hearing this, he also smiled, "It's all up to Miss Shi's arrangement."

After the words fell, Zhu Zhu, who felt ashamed, was the first to disagree.

"Isn't it just a dilapidated restaurant? Is it rare for me? Please, I won't come, so get out of here!"

Zhu Zhu's face turned pale with anger, and he tried his best to push the security guard, but his insides had already been emptied by wine, how could he push the strong security guard?

The manager smiled slightly, "Miss Shi let you eat, it's a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes."

Looking at Su Tiantian and the others who were being pushed by the security guards to the emperor's box, all in a mess, Bo Qiqi and the others were elated, all beaming with joy.

Ha ha.

I also want the manager to drive them out, and I don't even look at myself.

Shame on you, haha!

"Mianmian, let them eat with us, isn't it too cheap for them?"

A beautiful girl asked with her mouth pouted.

Shi Mianmian raised her eyebrows, "Who said you have dinner with us? Manager, please give each of them a broken bowl so that they can squat down to eat air. Remember, it must be a broken bowl, if it is not broken, don't use it."

There was a sudden silence in the box.

"Fuck, shit, shit! This is too cruel!"

"Pfft... Mianmian, your idea is too good."

"Broken bowl, squatting to eat, you are fulfilling their dream of begging, haha."

Bo Qiqi laughed out loud.

They were having a great time here, while Su Tiantian and the others were ashamed and angry.

They are beautiful and talented, and they are praised everywhere. How have they ever suffered such humiliation? !
Su Tiantian's eyes were bloodshot, and the viciousness in her eyes was about to condense into juice, spraying towards Shi Mian.

"No, I don't want it, you don't want to succeed!" She growled loudly.

Seeing that she was so uncooperative, the manager's face darkened.

He ordered to the waiter behind him, "Didn't you hear what Miss Shi said? Why don't you hurry up and prepare the broken bowl?"

As soon as the order came out, a smart security guard immediately pressed the disobedient Zhu Zhu to the corner of the wall, making him unable to move.

A few seconds later, the entire group was forcefully pressed against the wall.

Head down, almost eating ashes on the ground.

Xiao Yizhong, who was always paralyzed, said coldly, "This is not good."

Hearing this, Shi Mianmian frowned.

I thought to myself, could this be the Holy Father?

If you are bullied to the head, you won't fight back.

Even Su Tiantian struggled to raise her head, looking expectantly at Xiao Yizhong.

She just said, such a handsome director has a good heart.

For the sake of him helping her out this time, she can go to his room tonight...

Su Tiantian hooked the corners of her lips, and stroked her hair triumphantly.


next second.

Xiao Yizhong's nasty voice sounded, "It's so boring to eat air, how about taking out the pickles that are going to be disposed of in the restaurant, killing two birds with one stone?"

Shi Mianmian glanced at Zhu Zhu's plump body, and said leisurely, "Give him more, in case he doesn't have enough to eat."


There was another burst of laughter.

Give them the pickles that are about to go bad.

This is much more ruthless than throwing people out directly.

Moreover, each one is more ruthless than the other!

It's terrible to offend this aunt!
The manager was both scared and thankful.

Fortunately, no one was offended to death.

He immediately ordered, "Hurry up and take out all the discarded pickles, if not enough, go to the restaurant next door to buy!"

While waiting for the food.

A group of people were curious about Shi Mianmian's identity, so they asked bluntly.

Xiao Yizhong glanced at her indifferently, lit a cigarette, and puffed.

"Mianmian, this card of yours is too easy to use, it directly blocked all the VIPs."

"It's so so, I saved someone, and an elder gave it to me."

Shi Mianmian briefly explained the origin of this card.

She helped Bao Hanye, and she could bear the card of the old lady.

Is it a benefactor, not a nurturing relationship?
Xiao Yizhong smoked for a while, then got up as if nothing had happened.

"Wow, we can save people. We Mianmian are really capable." The girls boasted.

"Average, third in the world." Shi Mianmian replied casually.

After the words fell, several people were stunned.

Shi Mianmian blinked, "Just kidding."

In a restaurant with such a high-end decoration, or the top imperial box here, both the environment and the atmosphere are very good.

Someone suggested, "It's free anyway, why don't we order a few bottles of [-] Lafite?"

Most of the girls here are from poor families, and they only know [-] Lafite about red wine.

When these words came out, Su Tiantian immediately laughed wantonly.

"Heh, as expected of a bumpkin, Baijiu only knows Moutai, and red wine only knows Lafite! Those who came out of the cave, that's all."

Zhu Zhu also laughed.

Their laughter made the girl who proposed to drink Lafite blush, she was so ashamed and angry that she couldn't lift her head.

Seeing this, Shi Mianmian slightly bent her lips.

Called the manager, "Don't think Lafite is classic? Not expensive? It doesn't matter, twenty bottles of Lafite, let's soak our feet while drinking! But you are only worthy of pickles."

After saying that, the girl stared at Shi Mianmian in shock and gratitude.

She made it out perfectly for her.

Lafite is not only expensive, but also rare.

The manager's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't dare to offend Shi Mian, so he could only say, "Our restaurant won't be able to produce so many [-] Lafite for a while, why don't we use Hennessy instead?"

Hennessy is brandy, and Bo Hanye likes to drink it, so it's not a low-grade brandy.

Shi Mianmian nodded, "That's it."

While the food was being served on the table, Zhu Zhu, Su Tiantian, Jiang Yiyi and others also got their broken bowls.

Without exception, every bowl has a gap.

Especially Su Tiantian's, the gap was horribly wide.

In the box, the aroma of the food and the aroma of the wine filled everyone's noses.

Smelling the high-end fragrance, but chewing salty and smelly pickles, Zhu Zhu and others felt very uncomfortable.

What is more uncomfortable than food and wine is that their dignity is rubbed against the ground!

If they don't return a game, they will be stuck in their throats.

"So what if you saved a rich man? If you don't have the ability, you can't stand up?"

"The kindness will be exhausted, only relying on one's own talent can go far!"

"It's lucky to save the nobleman, but it can't change the fact that she is a waste."

"That's right, she also deserves an A, there must be an inside story, our Tiantian's strength is worthy of an A!"

"That's right, Tiantian, go and do an acrobatic dance, let some people see what it means to be brilliant!"

Su Tiantian, the reason why she can stand out in overseas girl groups and is the most popular is because she can dance acrobats that are almost lost!

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