Shengde's tuition fees and tuition and miscellaneous fees add up to 20 million, coupled with the sponsorship of the parents of the students, the school's various facilities are uniquely perfect.

However, raising horses is too expensive after all, and the school only bred a few horses.

When Miao Miao appeared at the racetrack wearing a white horse riding suit, the eyes of several boys present lit up, and they took the initiative to give her the horse to play with.

Miaomiao didn't rush to accept, but thanked them, and pulled Huo Chen to rest on the stage.

They sat on the high platform and watched a few classmates walking their horses. Miaomiao poured water for Huo Chen while explaining to him the precautions for riding a horse.

Even though he knew that he was useless, Huo Chen still listened carefully to every word Miaomiao said.

When the time was almost up, Miaomiao told Huo Chen a few words and jumped off the stage to take a walk.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, the air was filled with the fragrance of green grass, and a flock of birds occasionally crossed the sky.

The picture of the girl with a pretty face and a heroic figure, wearing a strong outfit and running a horse in the sun, every frame is as beautiful as a carefully crafted scroll.

Huo Chen's eyes followed the white figure without blinking.

By accident, he took out his mobile phone and captured this beautiful picture.

Suddenly, he was patted heavily on the shoulder from behind.

That voice obviously contained bad intentions, "Hey, are you that Huo Chen?"

Huo Chen looked sideways.

He recognized that person, and when that person came to Miaomiao, he graciously gave her his horse to ride.

Out of male intuition, Huo Chen frowned.

Sure enough, the boy looked down at Huo Chen from above, with a disdainful sneer, and obvious contempt on his face.

"Just like you, how dare you think about Miaomiao? Damn, the toad wants to eat swan meat! Don't piss and take care of yourself!"

Huo Chen only heard this kind of insulting words a lot, and his level was not bad. In the past, Huo Chen never took it to heart, but for some reason, this time he felt it was extremely harsh.

Huo Chen's dark pupils stared at him coldly.

Sitting and standing, the height of the two of them seemed very large, but Huo Chen's aura was not lost at all.

His thin lips curled up slightly, as if mocking.

"I'm not worthy, but you don't have a chance either."

Miaomiao is such a warm and beautiful person, of course he doesn't deserve it, but neither does this person!

"Hehe, who said I have no chance?" The boy smiled determinedly, "Wait a while and watch how I, Wang Mang, take her down!"

It is an insult to Miaomiao to use this word on Miaomiao.

Huo Chen's obsidian-like eyes gradually turned dark.

After finishing these words loudly, Wang Mang turned around and walked towards the periphery of the racecourse.

There were several clusters of roses planted outside the racecourse, Wang Mang broke off one, and his finger was pricked by the flower stem, bleeding a bit and hurting a bit.

Wang Mang didn't wipe it off, taking the blood as a testimony of his love.

When entering the racecourse, Huo Chen had to pass the high platform. Seeing Wang Mang breaking off a rose, Huo Chen rushed towards him with complacency, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Before Wang Mang could show off to him, a middle-aged man hurried over.

Judging by his attire, he looks like a horse farm manager.

The administrator was sweating profusely, "Which one of you is riding a white sword?! Tell him to stop quickly!"

Hearing this, Huo Chen's breath became stagnant, "Which horse is the white sword?"

The administrator's anxious and nervous expression showed that something had happened, and Huo Chen's heart was seized immediately.He just prayed secretly in his heart that things were not as bad as he imagined.

Wang Mang seemed to have thought of something, and with straight eyes, he said abruptly, "It's the horse that Miaomiao was riding!"

The administrator was very anxious, "When she rides nearby, you should yell loudly to tell her to stop. The same goes for the others, tell them to stop riding.

Hey, I'll go in and have a look, you guys are watching here. "

With that said, the administrator strode in.

Huo Chen followed without thinking, "What's wrong with that horse? Will the rider be in danger?!"

The administrator walked in front, but he didn't expect a classmate to follow him, so he hurriedly persuaded him, "Go back quickly, don't follow.

Bai Jian's pony died just after giving birth. Recently, he has a particularly weird temper and acts of hurting people. I don't know who let him out to hurt people. It's really...

If a horse goes crazy, it will kill you. Go back quickly and don't follow. "

He purposely spoke very seriously, trying to persuade Huo Chen to leave.

However, Huo Chen didn't leave. On the contrary, Wang Mang, who was worried about following up, scrambled and ran away with a pale face. He didn't even have time to pick up the delicate rose that fell to the ground.

Huo Chen took a deep breath, Fan Fei didn't leave, but wanted to grab the administrator's arm to make him walk faster.

"Hey, classmate, you don't want to die? Slow down..."

The administrator was helplessly dragged away by him.

The racecourse is not big, it is not small, there is no Miaomiao in sight, Huo Chen is burning with anxiety.

Huo Chen wore school sports trousers all the year round, paired with common socks and sneakers, walked at a slow pace, and his legs looked like ordinary people.

However, at this moment, he was walking like flying, and his left leg was in a weird and distorted shape.

The administrator inadvertently caught a glimpse of it from behind, and said in surprise, "Student, did your leg hurt?"

The young man pressed the corners of his lips tightly, without saying a word, and walked forward with a dull head.

Finally, at the other end of the racecourse, I saw Miaomiao riding a horse.

The pure white horse has gone mad, roaring violently, jumping in circles with its hooves raised, its body swinging wildly from side to side, as if it won't stop until the person on its back is thrown off!

Miaomiao deeply felt that she was unlucky today and didn't read the almanac when she went out. Otherwise, why would there be such a small probability of a horse going crazy while riding a horse at school? !
She had learned how to deal with crises, and felt that the horse was trying to maintain calm after going mad. Her legs clamped tightly on the horse's belly, and she tightened the reins with both hands, waiting for rescue.

I was bitten by a dog to my calf yesterday, and the wound burst open again because of rubbing against the horse.

Raised pampered and spoiled, Miao Miao has never experienced hardship. She lay on the horse's back, feeling pain and fear, for fear that she would be thrown under the horse's hooves because of loss of strength before rescue came.

Seeing the familiar administrator and Huo Chen at this moment, Miaomiao's fragile psychological defense was defeated, tears rolled down her cheeks, and she sobbed, "Huo Chen—"

Seeing Miaomiao's pale face with fright, and hearing the trembling fear in her voice, Huo Chen's heart seemed to be tightly clenched by a big hand, and he felt an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

He fell into a mood of self-blame.

—It would be nice if he could come earlier.

—if only he prevented her from riding the horse.

Two sudden "intruders" disturbed the horse, it twisted its body, and threw Miaomiao off its back with a bigger range than before!
Miao Miao, who was thrown to the ground, ignored the pain on her body, and was enveloped by a huge sense of death!

The horse's hooves were raised high, only one step away from her!
She couldn't avoid it, and subconsciously closed her eyes tightly.

Seeing this, Huo Chen's pupils shrank, and he rushed towards Miao Miao.

When the horseshoe fell, the administrator hesitated for a second in front of the safety of himself and others, so the horseshoe landed on Huo Chen's back.

After all, he was well-trained, and the administrator reacted quickly, diverted the horse's attention with skill, and took the horse to a distance to subdue it.

The expected pain did not come, but the weight on his body was restrained and gentle.

The boy's back is not very strong, but in front of Miaomiao, he is extremely firm.

Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, and then heard Huo Chen's muffled hum.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and met Huo Chen's deep and quiet eyes like obsidian.At that moment, all kinds of feelings surged in her heart.

Something surged in his chest, and finally turned into a sigh, "Huo are you?"

The young man's eyes were dark, and he gently wiped away the tears welling up in Miaomiao's eyes with his rough fingertips, and said nonchalantly, "Why are you crying, it's not like I haven't been hurt worse than this before."

He was so distressed, he didn't know what to say so as not to make Miao Miao's expression so sad.

Huo Chen smiled, propped his hands on the ground on both sides, gritted his teeth and sat up, but the pain in his back immediately made him lie down on the ground next to him.

Huo Chen turned his head to look at Miao Miao, and the corners of his thin lips curled up a little, "Really, I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I can resist beating."

"Nonsense, no one is born with rough skin and thick flesh." Miao Miao burst into tears.

No one is born humble, isn't it possible to have a stronger body than ordinary people after going through a lot of tempering?
Miao Miao squatted down, trying to lift Huo Chen up.Huo Chen was taken aback, and quickly refused, "I'm fine, it won't be too late to wait for someone to save me."

Miaomiao insists on carrying him.

You liar, you say you're fine with your lips all white like that!If you have the ability to wipe off the cold sweat on your face, let's talk about it!
Huo Chen really had no strength, his body was in excruciating pain, so he could only let Miaomiao manipulate him.

He quietly and carefully hid the crippled leg, his face paler than the pain.

Fortunately, Miaomiao didn't notice anything was wrong.

She just walked for a while with Huo Chen on her back, and then met Wang Mang and a group of people who came to help.

When Huo Chen was handed over to those people, Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Huo Chen pulled her by the sleeve suddenly, his voice was weak and low, "Don't promise Wang Mang."

Miaomiao:? ?

She was confused, and finally nodded her head helplessly under Huo Chen's stubborn eyes.

After being thrown off the horse, Miaomiao was still in pain even though she was wearing the protective gear, and she carried Huo Chen on her back for a while, but she couldn't walk any longer, and she crouched and panted for breath without looking.

Suddenly, a shadow fell in front of him.

A somewhat familiar boy stood in front of her with his hands behind his back, stumbling, "I, I'm Wang Mang..."

"Okay, stop talking, I don't agree."

Before Wang Mang finished speaking, Miao Miao, who was often confessed by others, knew what he was going to say. Thinking of Huo Chen's request, she was in a complicated mood at the moment, angry and funny.

Wang Mang, who was rejected before he finished his confession, his not-so-handsome face suddenly turned red, he asked a little unwillingly.

"Why didn't you agree to me? Don't you like someone like Huo Chen?"

He looked at Miao Miao with an expression of "Are you blind?"

Miaomiao became angry, and her usual soft tone turned cold, "Don't talk about Huo Chen like that, what do you think you are? You are inferior to him everywhere, why do you still look down on him?"

Miaomiao pushed Wang Mang away with a look of disgust, "Get out of the way, scumbag!"

"!!" Wang Mang's face turned constipated.

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