Even if it is a high-resolution picture, you can still see the handsomeness of the man and the beauty of the woman.

Made for a pair, very good.

Shang Baibai didn't feel anything at all, but because of Si Yi's "affectionate" words, he felt a little ironic.

Sweat dripped from the man's forehead.

Si Yi opened his mouth to retort, "It's not what you think, I pushed her away!"

"You love her so much, you will push her away?" Shang Baibai put his chin in his delicate hands, and chuckled, "Mr. Si, why don't you find a better excuse."

This man is very affectionate and has countless confidante.

At the same time, he is very affectionate, he only sees the day in his heart, and puts the day first in everything.

Seeing Shang Baibai's eyes clearly showing the expression "you are making trouble", Si Yi felt a deep sense of frustration.

He frowned, covering the dark eyes.

Shang Baibai waved his hand, "It's nothing else, you can go out, I don't like others to disturb me."

Hearing this, Si Yi's face suddenly changed.

She used to wait for him to come back at home every day, wishing she could spend a little more time with him.

However, she doesn't want to spend even a second with him now.

A chill rose from the soles of his feet and mixed into his blood, freezing all his limbs and bones.

It was as if a hand was grabbing his internal organs fiercely, trying to forcefully cut them out of his body.

The man pursed his lips, his obsidian-like pupils were deep, revealing a complexity that Shang Baibai couldn't understand.

After staring deeply at Shang Baibai, Si Yi said in a low voice, "I will arrange surgery for you as soon as possible, so that you can recover your eyesight as soon as possible."

Shang Baibai responded with a lack of interest, not as happy as Si Yi imagined.

At first it was very inconvenient and uncomfortable to see with one eye, but after a few days, Shang Baibai has almost gotten used to it.

I used to think that it was a scary thing, but after experiencing it, I found that it was just like that.

Just like digging out a piece of meat, it hurts at first and looks scary.But after a long time, when the new skin grows out, nothing happens.

Be infatuated with him vaguely, just like when the tide rises under the wind and rain, it will always retreat...

There were many people waiting in line for corneas, and Si Yi had a wide network of contacts, so he quickly found a suitable one for Shang Baibai, and the surgery went smoothly.

Shang Baibai has gauze wrapped around one eye, and in another week, she will be able to return to normal life!

Jiang Yi came to see her almost every day. On this day, she called Shang Baibai on the way here, and she was very emotional.

Shang Baibai was puzzled, and joked, "What happened to make you so excited, it couldn't be the lottery winning."

"No... oh, it's almost like winning the lottery! Just wait, I'll talk to you when I come later!"

A smile appeared on Shang Baibai's mouth, "Well, I'll wait for you to come over."

The high-end wards are well-equipped and busy in the hospital. Shang Baibai often asks others to bring some dishes back and researches new dishes by himself.

Thinking that Jiang Yi would come soon, Shang Baibai baked some biscuits for her to eat together.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yi came in bouncing around, saw Shang Baibai, immediately gave her a bear hug, and screamed with excitement.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm getting rich for nothing!!"

Shang Baibai petted and smiled lightly, and hugged Jiang Yi who was dancing with excitement, feeling happy for her.

"Congratulations, don't forget to take care of me when you become a rich woman."

"Baobaobao! I'm a rich man too! I'll buy you all the fairy water, the little blue bottle and the little black bottle!!"

Jiang Yi patted his chest and said proudly.

"Well... let's talk about how you got rich." Shang Baibai is not a person who is greedy for girlfriends' petty gain, so he changed the subject.

She went to the kitchen and took out the freshly baked biscuits to entertain Jiang Yi.Jiang Yi followed her behind like a little tail, talking happily all the way.

"When I was broadcasting live this morning, a wealthy father rewarded me with fifty yachts!! 500 million!! After deducting the platform share, I still have 300 million! Woohoo, I'm so happy!"

Thinking of the glittering special effects in the live broadcast room, Jiang Yi was so excited that he flew up!

She was originally a mid-to-lower streamer, but this wave of operations by the local tyrants directly promoted her to the homepage!

What an honor.

Shang Baibai was thoughtful, she frowned slightly, not wanting to spoil her friend's happy mood, and asked in consideration.

"Do you know that local tyrant? Did he ask too much of you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yi was stunned, "I don't know him, I thanked him for a long time, and he replied 'You're welcome, don't be so busy, spend more time with your relatives and friends', tell me, what is Tuhao Dad thinking? .”

It's fine if you don't let me sleep with you.

Shang Baibai breathed a sigh of relief, "There are too many weirdos, anyway, he doesn't want to hurt you, so just let him go."

Jiang Yi nodded repeatedly, his eyes sparkling.

Leaning shoulder to shoulder with Shang Baibai, they sketched a beautiful blueprint together.

Eyes will recover soon, Shang Baibai took the initiative to contact Shang's mother and told her that he will be able to go back soon.

Shang Mei was very happy.

Just after Jiang Yi was tipped 500 million by a mysterious local tyrant, two days later, Shang's mother called Shang Baibai, with the same excitement in her tone.

"In vain, you said that Mom has been unlucky all her life, God finally opened her eyes! I went to the supermarket this morning to buy a bottle of soy sauce, and the cashier forced me to draw a lottery. Hey, do you know what I got?!"

Shang's mother pretended to be mysterious and paused for a while, and sold out.

Alarm bells rang in Shang Baibai's heart.

There are occasional lucky draws in supermarkets during the holidays, but only when the amount of consumption is relatively large. My mother only needs to buy a bottle of soy sauce to get lucky draws...

And it was the cashier who incited her to draw a lottery.

Shang Baibai asked vigilantly, "Mom, which supermarket did you buy the soy sauce from? Don't be fooled."

"It can't be cheated." Shang Mei reported the name of the supermarket, and it was indeed a large chain supermarket in the Empire, so it would not be possible to cheat people by drawing a lottery.

Shang Baibai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your mother, I'm so lucky, I actually drew a special prize! An apartment in the city center! From now on, our mother and I will also have a house. I blame my mother for being so incapable of letting you wander with me for so many years..."

Seeing that it was about to develop into a bitter drama, Shang Baibai hurriedly said, "Mom, you are too powerful! Great, I am also a family of the emperor's own house. I don't know how many people will envy us."

Shang's mother was also happy when she heard her say this, "An apartment in the city center is worth a few million at least. You don't have to worry about your dowry in the future, and you are not afraid that your husband's family will look down on us."

Maybe it's because being young is too hard for a person, Shang Mei doesn't want Shang to be rich in vain, she just hopes that she can find a man who loves her, and spend this life peacefully and beautifully.

Hearing Shang's mother's words, Shang Baibai looked embarrassed, opened his mouth and called out, "Mom..."

She never thought of getting married.

Loving someone is tiring, her heart is already very tired.Maybe for a long time, she didn't have the energy to love others.

The business mother smiled, "I'm shy in vain, okay, mom won't mention it. When you finish filming, go straight back to the apartment, mom will move in today..."

After closing the line, Shang Baibai slowly nibbled on the biscuit.

Winning a lottery is an extremely low probability event.

After the surprise of being hit by the pie dissipated, Shang Baibai calmed down.

Can the supermarket really scratch out such a big prize?

After confirming his intentions, with some ulterior motives, he did not break up with Yan Mo immediately during the day, but surrounded Si Yi vaguely like a little bee.

Si Yi made an appointment with his partner to go to the clubhouse to discuss drug sales channels, and received a WeChat message from the daytime in the box.

[Xiao Yi, where are you? ]
The man frowned, and told the address to the daytime.

After a while, he returned to him during the day.

[The weather forecast says it will rain today, remember to bring an umbrella when you go out~]

At this time, the princess hadn't come yet, and several men in the room were sitting very close to each other. Mr. Wang next to him caught a glimpse of Si Yi's cell phone by accident.

President Wang laughed out loud, "Young Master Si is very charming, look at how considerate this beautiful woman is."

Si Yi put away the phone, his face showed no discomfort or pride from being teased, his brows were elegant and delicate, "Mr. Wang is joking."

Not long after, the manager led a group of princesses to the box.

The princesses in high-end clubs are remarkable both in appearance and temperament.

Several people were polite to each other, and each ordered the princess who was pleasing to the eye to accompany them.

Seeing that Si Yi was the only one reclining on the sofa, the manager asked him, "Young Master Si didn't like these, so I'll go get another batch?"

"no need."

Si Yi raised his eyes in dismay, glanced at the remaining princesses, paused for a moment on one of them, and looked away randomly.

The manager is a smart person, and immediately winked at the princess.

The woman stared at Si Yi with bright eyes, walked slowly to Si Yi's side, and sat down next to him.

They said they were next to each other, but they didn't stick to him, but wisely kept a distance that wasn't too far or too close.

Seeing that the woman was quite peaceful, Si Yi was too lazy to chase her away.

The woman's appearance is pure and pure, and she has two points of charm similar to Shang Baibai.

The boss present here, and the princess in his arms all looked bright and magnificent.

When they saw the woman next to Si Yi, one of them had no clue, and yelled, "Why has Master Si's taste changed? I'm tired of eating big fish and meat, and I'm eating porridge and side dishes instead?"

Si Yi shook his wine glass, smiled faintly, "Has it changed? I have always liked porridge and side dishes."

The face of the person who spoke changed.Isn't Si Yi blatantly demolishing his platform?

Mr. Wang saw that the form was wrong, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Hey, people have different tastes, it's normal to change or not."

The wine is intoxicating and the lights are blurred.

Mr. Wang drank a glass of wine, ate a grape that the princess fed him, put his arms around the princess's slender waist, smacked his lips, and looked like he was missing something.

"But my taste hasn't changed. You know Shi Mianmian, the number one beauty in the entertainment industry, right? That face is really beautiful. It's amazing at first glance, and you can't forget it when you see it.

It's a pity that she died too early, and I didn't have a chance to play.With her looks and figure, I am willing to give half of the company's shares. "

The light in the box was dim, and no one noticed Si Yi's strange expression.

The princess in Mr. Wang's arms kissed him, and asked coquettishly, "Do you think I look like her?"

Mr. Wang pinched her face and sneered, "Dong Shi imitated me."

The princess instantly showed humiliation.

The news of Shi Mianmian's death spread throughout the empire, just as the fairy tale drama she filmed was broadcast.The TV series became popular, but her desolate appearance surprised Shi Shi.

It was rumored throughout the entertainment industry that she was the undisputed number one beauty in the entertainment industry.

I heard that there is a super boss who is obsessed with Shi Mianmian, and she is indeed extremely beautiful, all of the girls who have undergone plastic surgery will be treated according to Shi Mianmian's face.

Holding the wine glass, Si Yi shook it slightly, looked at Mr. Wang meaningfully, and slowly reminded.

"Mr. Wang is careful. Some people, even if they no longer exist, can't be insulted by others at will."

On the surface, Bo Hanye seemed to have come out, but in fact, he was even crazier.

If you let him know that someone has humiliated Marshmallow like this, tsk tsk...

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