Reborn Meow Wife: Husband, don't be too flirtatious

Chapter 272 My Wife Didn't Drink Before

A happy smile suddenly froze on Miaomiao's face, she stared blankly at Shushu who suddenly became enraged, her big eyes were full of confusion and fear.

Immediately afterwards, the tail ring that Xiao Mi gave her was thrown to the ground heavily by Shu Mi.

Bao Hanye pressed again, his eyes were red, and he clenched his teeth, "It's fake again! Tell me! Who ordered you to take it to the garden? And who taught you to lie?!"

In the past, when those cosmetic girls claimed to be Shi Mianmian, he had traveled thousands of miles to find out that they were not. He had never been so angry as he is now.

He has an inexplicable love for the little girl in front of him, and it is precisely because of this love that he developed that he was so angry when he learned that he was deceived.

Bo Hanye's fists were creaking and his face was so sullen that he was very scary, as if he could explode and beat a child at any time.

Miaomiao didn't even know what she had done wrong, and the sorghum in front of her eyes turned into this horrible face.

She looked at Bao Hanye's horrifying face, then at the tail ring left on the carpet, and burst into tears.

"No one ordered me, I didn't lie!"

Miaomiao cried and ran to pick up the ring, then squeezed its calf and ran out, crying as she ran, "I hate you..."

Looking at the direction the little girl left, Bao Hanye felt his chest heaving and he calmed down for a few seconds before sitting down again.

He rested his forehead with his hands, making it hard to see his expression clearly.

I don't know why, seeing the child crying so sadly made him feel a little suffocated inexplicably.

After calming down, Bo Hanye felt a little regretful.

A child is innocent, but the adult who instigates her is the unforgivable crime.He shouldn't be so angry with that girl.

That girl must hate him to death.

Bao Hanye gave Zuo Er a hard look, "This month's salary will be fully deducted."

The second from the left was in a daze, when he was suddenly delivered with bad news, he wailed, "No, I remember there was a switch, did you read it wrong?"

Bo Hanye glanced over, "Deduct two months."

The second from the left raised his hand to zip his mouth, and couldn't help doubting his life.

Damn, how could he question his master?This thing was made by the master himself, he is the one who knows the tail ring best.

But, it's really too dark, didn't he figure it out?
Miaomiao took the elevator alone, crying all the way back to the room.

Shi Hyeok was taken aback while sitting in front of his laptop, he hurriedly closed the computer and jumped off the stool, wiping her tears skillfully with a tissue.

Just after blowing my sister's nose, there was another wave.


Shi He frowned, patted Miaomiao's crying back lightly with his small hands, and asked with concern, "What happened? Who bullied you?"

After asking, he narrowed his phoenix eyes, and his aura suddenly became fierce.

Like a big brother who is ready to fight at any time.

The little guy burst into tears, "He's bad...I hate him...I don't want to talk to him anymore..."

She repeatedly said that the other party was bad, and ignored his words in the future.

When Shi He saw that he couldn't find anything to ask, he pulled Miaomiao's body and didn't see any wounds, so he felt relieved.


It's time to eat.

The tessellation next door was not in the room.

Reluctantly but habitually, Shi He took Miao Miao's hand and went downstairs to order food.

Yinyin's health is not good, the stale air, even the hot sun, and the crowd can make her sick, so she spends most of her time in the ward or the room.

There is a dining area on the first floor of Yuxing Hotel.

The location near the window is relatively quiet, and you can see the well-kept back garden when you look up.

Tang Xin looked at the man in front of him.

Thick and shaped eyebrows, sharp and thin phoenix eyes, a tall nose, light and sexy thin lips...

The facial features are deep and three-dimensional, as perfect as a knife and an axe.This face, crossing racial and national boundaries, is enough to make women in the world fall in love with it.

Tang Xin was no exception.

The surprise in her eyes flashed away, and then she held out her hand reservedly, "You are Mr. Bo? Nice to meet you."

While Tang Xin was looking at Bo Hanye, Bo Hanye was also looking at her.

With just one glance, he could tell that this woman was not someone he wanted to find.

But Tang Xin was undoubtedly the most resembling of the fakes he had seen, with almost no obvious signs of plastic surgery.

He misses Shi Mian very much.

So it's okay to put this woman in front of you and glance at it occasionally.

Thinking of this, Bao Hanye stretched out his hand, and the fingers of both hands separated.

Tang Xin seemed to be very satisfied with her, she lowered her head slightly, and inadvertently tucked her hair behind her ears with her fingers.

She looked at the handsome man in front of her, glanced at his silver-white hair, and smiled slightly.

"Mr. Tang told you that I was rescued by his wife at the seaside six years ago, and I don't remember anything after waking up."

"Mr. Tang said that the person you are looking for is very similar to me. Is it true?"

Seeing the curiosity in Tang Xin's eyes amusedly, Bao Hanye lifted his thin lips, "You are almost exactly the same."

"Oh? Then am I the one you're looking for?"

Tang Xin took a sip of the red wine, and the alcohol made her already beautiful face even more beautiful.

She said, "The world is full of wonders, maybe there are two people who look exactly the same."

Bao Hanye clasped his long fingers on the goblet, swirling the scarlet liquid in the goblet, watching the woman across from him sip the red wine again, his eyes were slightly cool.

I felt irritated for no reason.

A fake is a fake.

No matter how skinny she looks, no one can be like her.

Bao Hanye said meaningfully, "My wife doesn't know how to drink."

" it..."

Hearing this, Tang Xin was at a loss for a moment. She was still holding the wine glass, neither drinking nor letting it go.

For a moment, a slight smile floated on her face, looking calm and generous, "I think wine is a good thing, maybe I'm not the person you're looking for, it's just that I look alike."

Sometimes, it is better to retreat to advance.

Bo Hanye was noncommittal to her words.

At this time, the waiter brought up the steaks ordered by the two, timely resolving the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Thank you." Tang Xin thanked very politely.

The waiter subconsciously looked at the big boss of the hotel, a little flattered.

Tang Xin cut the steak gracefully, "It is said that the steak in your restaurant is airlifted from abroad, and it is very delicious. Is it true?"

Bo Hanye didn't have much appetite, so he drank the red wine and replied in a flat tone, "You will know the truth after eating it."


Tang Xin choked, and couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Bo always speaks so rudely? Uh, I mean you to your fiancée."

Bao Hanye glanced at her, picked up the knife and fork, and the action of cutting the steak was particularly pleasing to the eye, "There is no need to be polite between husband and wife."


Tang Xin didn't know what to say. This well-known president and chairman seemed to have an innate ability to talk to death.

She said dryly, "Then you must have a good relationship."

The two chatted and ate without saltiness.

at the same time.

Shi Hye took Miao Miao's hand and came to the first floor to order food.

Bao Hanye was sitting with his back facing the hall, while Tang Xin, who was opposite him, happened to be facing the ordering counter in the hall.

Shi Hye was negotiating with the waiter, Miao Miao looked around boredly.

Suddenly, when she saw Xiao Mi sitting there eating, her eyes lit up.

Let go of Shi He's hand, rushed over, hugged Tang Xin's leg, raised his face, and smiled sweetly, "Xiao Mi!"

Tang Xin, who was wiping the corners of her mouth, was stunned by the sudden change. She moved her legs and looked at the little girl on top in shock. She forgot to speak for a moment, and turned to Bao Hanye for help.

"Mama, I miss you so much, and hehe also misses you so much, why don't you come up to see us." Saying that, Miaomiao rubbed her body affectionately.

Randomly, he frowned.

It's so strange, did Xiao Mi wear the perfume of tessellation?It tastes weird.

The moment Shi He let go of Miao Miao, he chased after him, saw the familiar face, frowned, and didn't rush to chase, but waited quietly behind the potted plant.

Ma Ma? ! !

Tang Xin was full of doubts.

She was shocked when she saw Bao Hanye's unpredictable face.

He wouldn't think the child was hers, would he?

That's a big misunderstanding!

Tang Xin was anxious, and tried a few tricks to pick up the child, with a very reluctant expression on her face.

"Little friend, you have identified the wrong person. I am not your mother. My name is Tang Xin. Let go..."

"Oh~ I see, you are on a blind date, right?" Miaomiao showed an expression that I understood, and lowered her voice, but Bao Hanye who was opposite could hear it clearly.

"Godmother, are you going to find me a godfather? Let me see who my future godfather is."

Grandpa is always urging Xiaomi to go on a blind date. After watching a few family ethics dramas with Yangshuo, Miaomiao knows the blind date very well.She didn't mind at all that Xiaomi found a stepdad for them.

She puffed out her small chest and looked at the man opposite Xiao Mi arrogantly.

After seeing the iconic gray hair clearly, the smile on Miaomiao's face gradually disappeared, and she pouted angrily.

Tang Xin couldn't see Miaomiao's expression, she just found this child inexplicable and annoying.

In order to avoid Bao Hanye's misunderstanding that there is an unspeakable relationship between her and this child, Tang Xin raised her voice, "You have misunderstood the person, I am not your mother, let alone your godmother!"

After finishing speaking, she pushed Miaomiao away abruptly.

Miaomiao was in the shock and disgust of seeing Bo Hanye, she was unprepared for a moment, she was pushed back by Tang Xin, and bumped into the waiter who was carrying hot soup.

Seeing that the steaming hot soup was about to be splashed on the little girl, Bao Hanye collected his expression, picked up the coat that was on the back of the chair, and slammed it on the porcelain bowl containing the soup.

Being resisted, the hot soup turned in one direction, instead of splashing on Miaomiao's body, most of it was spilled on the jacket.

Looking at the steaming soup on the ground, the waiter apologized repeatedly.

Miaomiao was petrified, with her mouth puckered, as if she could cry at any time.

Tang Xin took a deep breath and stared regretfully at the discarded coat on the ground.

She's not the kind of ignorant person.

Whether it is the workmanship or the unobtrusive logo on the cuffs of this handmade suit, it shows its value.

The down payment for a house in a small town is just that useless.

While Tang Xin inhaled, she was shocked by Bao Hanye's financial resources.

Looking up again, Tang Xin caught a glimpse of the coldness in Bao Hanye's eyes, was slightly surprised, and then touched Miao Miao with a guilty expression.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Before she touched the little girl, she was separated by Bao Hanye's extended arm. The man picked up the frightened little girl and said coldly, "Don't touch her."

Tang Xin shyly withdrew her hand and forced a smile.

"You are all bad people!"

When she came back to her senses, Miaomiao pushed Bao Hanye away, and Sa Yazi ran away.

At the corner, a small hand suddenly stretched out from behind the potted plant and grabbed her arm.

"Miaomiao, who is that man?"

Shi He saw that the man got up and hugged Miao Miao's side face.

Young and very similar to him!

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