Reborn Meow Wife: Husband, don't be too flirtatious

Chapter 252 The Thesis Was Plagiarized

Shi Mianmian didn't intend to hide from her friend, she took out a handful of candy from her pocket with a smile, and stuffed it into Michelle's hand, "Reconciled with my boyfriend."

Hearing this, Mi Xue was startled, "Are you talking about Mr. Bo?" Seeing that the other party nodded, Mi Xue clenched the candy tightly in her hand, and then looked at Shi Mianmian.

"You don't send out wedding candy, do you? Are you getting engaged? When?"

Hearing the voice from the door, Bo Qiqi quickly dropped the mask and rushed over, seeing the spring on her cheeks, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing you're reconciled! Tell me, where's my candy?" Bo Qiqi spread her hands.

Shi Mianmian smiled again and took out a handful of candy, "Don't worry, no one can miss you."

"Speaking of which, shouldn't you accept your boyfriend to us for a formal acquaintance?" Michelle paused, "There are people in other dormitories who are dating, and the boyfriend will treat guests to dinner."

Shi Mianmian never went to college in her previous life, and she spent very little time in school in this life, so she agreed in a daze, "I'll go back and make an appointment with Bao Hanye."

She came back in a hurry this time, took some things and was about to leave. Before leaving, she used a USB flash drive to copy her paper on cancer treatment from her notebook.

Not long after Shi Mianmian came back, she received a call from Bo Hanye, causing Mi Xue and Bo Qiqi to cover their mouths and laugh, saying that she is a strict husband.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Mianmian left the dormitory with her bag on her shoulders, the figure disappeared, and a voice came from outside, "Qiqi, turn off my computer."


Bo Qiqi responded, and at this time, she reapplied a mask, laying on the bed and didn't want to move, so she turned her body and called out to Michelle who was opposite, "Xue'er, please turn off the computer one time."

Hearing this, Michelle stopped playing with the candy wrappers, walked to Shi Mianmian's desk, and asked casually, "This brand of candy is delicious, where can I buy it? I'll buy some and bring it back to me Brother, try it."

Bo Qiqi was busy applying the mask and didn't eat any sugar, but she was familiar with the brand, so she raised her hand to lift the mask, peeled off one and put it in her mouth, and smashed it a few times.

Xiao frowned slightly, "The taste is not much different from the domestic sugar, but this brand is sold every day, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it."

Michelle's face froze, and she blurted out, "Candy is still on sale?!"

She saw that the packaging was foreign, and thought it would be several times more expensive than domestic ones, and she was not like before, so she searched and searched, planning to buy something to eat.

"Of course there is."

Bo Qiqi gave Mi Xue a strange look, with an expression like you don't even know this.Of course, she was simply surprised that Michelle would ask such an obvious question.

This expression turned into contempt and contempt in Michelle's eyes, which deeply hurt her heart.

"Oh, it seems that I'm too ignorant." Michelle walked to the desk with a forced smile.

Shi Mianmian's notebook is on it, and the account number and page have not been returned.

Michelle was about to turn off the computer, and accidentally scanned the title of the thesis that was specially bolded, and her heart beat suddenly became faster.

"Qiqi, your news is better than mine. Do you know that Mr. William has received an apprentice?"

Michelle stared greedily at this paper, the more she read it, the hotter her heart became!

Anyone who has studied medicine knows how valuable this paper is!

She didn't control her hand, she logged into her account silently, and frantically clicked send.

Xu was doing this kind of thing for the first time, and Michelle tried her best to make her voice sound like usual.

"Not yet." Bo Qiqi lazily rested her legs on the stool, "Xu Weilan, that little idiot, went so far as to behave in front of William, but was called a 'rotten wood' by William, didn't you?" It was embarrassing to see Xu Weilan's face, haha."

Saying that, Bo Qiqi laughed out of joy.

Michelle also laughed dryly a few times, then glanced at Bo Qiqi, "Did you recommend yourself to Mr. William? Based on your family background, it should be very..."

"I won't rely on my family background to go through the back door." Bo Qiqi said in a serious voice, "Xue'er, be careful."

Whether it's campus violence or being close to this top0 school, she has never relied on the power of her family, not now, nor in the future.

Michelle shut up embarrassingly.

After turning off the computer, she returned to her bed and carefully read the paper from beginning to end.

Then I found that there were many professional terms in it, which she could not understand, and there were many foreign languages, which she could not translate.

Fearing that Mr. William would accept other apprentices, or go home, Michelle trembled and hurriedly sent this paper to William's mailbox.

After sending out, she took out the M country dictionary, translated all the terms she didn't understand, and looked up the remaining nouns she didn't understand on the Internet one by one.

Such a great opportunity is right in front of her eyes, as long as she seizes it, she will have a bright future, and she must not reveal her secrets!


Repulse Bay Villas.

Shi Mianmian lay crookedly on the tatami, looking at Bao Hanye with her cheeks on her hands.

Man stands in front of the mirror and changes clothes.

This is not the point, the point is that he has changed for half an hour.

Although watching a super handsome guy change clothes in front of me is a kind of visual enjoyment, the problem is——

"If we don't pass, we will be late." Shi Mianmian said quietly.

Isn't it just to meet a friend of hers? As for making it so grand?She is going to be jealous.

After hearing her words, Bao Hanye hung a shirt on the hanger in a good manner, looked at it for a long time, with deep and charming black eyes, "How about this one?"

"……very handsome!"

Seriously, men's shirt styles are pretty much the same.Even Bo Hanye's many shirts, she didn't find any difference at a glance.

Probably women see men wearing shirts in the same way as men see women's lipstick.

"Really? I don't think it's good enough." Bao Hanye frowned, and looked at the other item hesitantly.

Seeing this, Shi Mianmian came down from the tatami with her shoes on, hugged Bao Hanye from behind, and said lazily, "Will you show other women how handsome you are? I don't agree."

Bo Hanye let out a muffled laugh.

He turned around, pinched his tender little face, and his black eyes, like a cold pool, were as bright as stars.

"Stupid woman, having a possessive desire for someone is the beginning of love."

Looking at the man's face, with your finally enlightened eyes, Shi Mian was speechless.

Did she never deny her feelings for him?What kind of trouble is this distrustful look going to do?

Forget it, don't explain, time will prove that she loves him.

The door of the Wisteria Pavilion.

After Bao Hanye straightened his collar, he walked in.

Seeing him pay so much attention to his image, Shi Mianmian felt sour in his heart, and couldn't help but said, "It's not like you haven't seen her before, what's the matter?"

"I've seen it, but I forgot." Bao Hanye walked into the box while holding Shi Mianmian's little hand.

"You introduced me to your friends, which means that you really accept me and let me become a part of your life." The man bit the accent, his voice contained joy, "For me, this is not just a meal .”

Seeing that he had such a deep understanding, Shi Mianmian was too embarrassed to say that it was a tradition in her school to treat guests.

She also heard that some dormitory roommates keep introducing partners to their roommates in order to have a meal every now and then.

Shi Mianmian swallowed the words silently, she was afraid that she would be beaten to death by Bao Hanye if she said it.

Under the leadership of Bo Qiqi, Mi Xue came to the Wisteria Pavilion together.

Looking at the majestic restaurant in front of her, Michelle took a lot of effort to manage her expression.

Although Grandma Liu did not show her expression as she entered the Grand View Garden, the shock in her eyes still poured out unconsciously.

"Is this the place where our president meets foreign leaders?" Michelle was so excited that her fingernails dug into Bo Qiqi's arm.

Bo Qiqi took away her hand in pain, "It's here."

"I really didn't expect that I would still be able to eat here in my life. If I say it, it's enough for me to brag about it for the rest of my life!"

After saying this, realizing that the waiter was nearby, Michelle hurriedly glanced at others.She has a very strong self-esteem, and if others show any strangeness, she will feel uncomfortable for a long time.

The waiters in the Wisteria Pavilion are of high quality, and they smiled at Michelle with a very peaceful and friendly attitude.

The two entered the box.

At a glance, Mi Xue saw the impeccable handsome man sitting in the main seat, the obsession in his eyes was quickly covered up by her.

It was rare for Bao Hanye to stand up with dignity, and nodded at Michelle.

Shi Mianmian also stood up quickly, pointed at Mi Xue and said, "This is Mi Xue, Xiao Xueer, my friend. This is my boyfriend Bao Hanye."

"Hello, Kanno."

Mi Xue stretched out her hand with a smile.

Today, she put on the Chanel dress that she was reluctant to wear at the bottom of the box, and borrowed Bo Qiqi's perfume. When she came out, she put on an extremely delicate makeup.

After being fully prepared, she went out confidently.

However, in front of men, all of this made her feel ashamed.

Bao Hanye looked at her, and replied in a cold voice, "Hello."

Then she sat down as if she didn't see Michelle's extended hand.

Seeing Michelle stretching out her hand, standing there stiffly and awkwardly, even though she felt a little uncomfortable because of that intimate address, she smiled dryly to smooth things over.

"He doesn't like physical contact with women, uh lol."

With the steps down, Michelle withdrew her hand resentfully, and sat down, "So it's like this, it doesn't matter."

She felt a little stuffy here, and wanted to breathe, "I'm going to the bathroom, Qiqi knows what I like to eat, so Qiqi can order it for me."

"oh oh."

Bo Qiqi, who was holding the menu, looked confused.

What does she like to eat?

It seems that I eat all kinds of dishes, and there is no particularly annoying dish.

The Wisteria Pavilion is very large, and at the end of the corridor is the imperial pavilion.

Mi Xue took photos all the way with her mobile phone.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these photos, she can show off to her friends for a lifetime.After all, ordinary people can't come here at all.

She was fascinated by the filming for a moment, and she didn't notice a waiter with a wine glass coming up behind her, she turned around suddenly, and collided with the waiter.

The red liquid in the waiter's wine glass instantly soaked Michelle's Chanel dress, which was sticky and greasy reddish brown, and she slapped the other party angrily.

"You don't have eyes when you walk? Do you know how expensive my dress is? You can't even afford it with a monthly salary!! Hurry up and pay me back!"

The waiter was stunned for a moment, and then realized with humiliation and anger on his face.

The waiters in the Wisteria Pavilion are all highly educated and highly capable. Those who have been working for a long time undoubtedly have a pair of piercing eyes.

And this person, although the skirt is not bad, but his face is powdery, he looks like a commoner who was brought in by the boss.

He suppressed his anger, "It's not my fault alone..."

Mi Xue suddenly saw Bao Hanye walking towards this side, her eyes lit up, she ran over and said softly, "Han Ye, someone bullied me."


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