Reborn Meow Wife: Husband, don't be too flirtatious

Chapter 206 Shi Mianmian, cooperate with our investigation 1 time

This... is too amazing, right? !

Even Counselor Song was not sure that he could stop the bleeding, so Shi Mianmian, a starlet with 1th line, solved it in less than a minute? !

These days, to be a star, you have to have [-] martial arts?
Everyone's face was full of hallucinations, and they felt that the road under their feet did not seem real.

Shi Mianmian held Mrs. Jun's shoulder with one hand, her tone was gentle and reliable.

"The bleeding has stopped temporarily. As long as the needle is not pulled out, there will be no problem. You can sit up and try it, which will help the delivery later."

"Thank you."

The military wife said gratefully.

A word of thanks cannot express her gratitude.

She will always remember this love in her heart.

Jun's Wife followed Shi Mianmian's direction and sat up with her hands propped up, her head resting on Shi Mianmian's body, looking very dependent.

On the other side of her is her mother-in-law.

Instead of leaning on her mother-in-law, she chose Shi Mianmian.

This shows what? !

Everyone's mood was as if they had knocked over a five-flavor bottle, and the five flavors were mixed.

After two seconds of silence, someone said angrily, "Oops, I called the police just now... Is it too late to take it back now?"

"You, you stupid, you! They stopped the bleeding and asked you to meddle in your own business!"

The man rubbed his nose guiltily, "Didn't you encourage me to call the police? If you regret it, it's all on me..."

The noisy sounds from outside could not reach Bao Hanye's ears. He narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and stared at the pregnant woman with extreme displeasure.

Bao Hanye took a few steps forward, and was about to pull the two of them apart when the sound of chaotic footsteps came.

Those who came were several doctors in white robes.

The ambulance they called arrived.

"Where is the patient? Where is the patient?"

The doctor in the lead, who seemed to have the right to speak, gasped when he saw the pregnant woman lying on the shelf with golden needles stuck into her body like a hedgehog.

"What did you do? Do you have common sense? If a pregnant woman is bleeding heavily and is not rushed to the hospital, what kind of needle is it? Isn't this getting more and more messy?"

While chattering, the doctor hurried over here pushing the stretcher.

When I walked in, I saw the place where the golden needle was stuck on the pregnant woman, and I almost fainted from fright!
He murmured, "Tian acupoint, Baihui acupoint, Fengchi acupoint, Qingming acupoint...these are all fatal acupoints!"

The doctor wiped the sweat that fell off his face at some point, his chest heaved violently, and he sighed with both joy and fear.

"Fortunately, the people who perform the needle injection are of low skill, otherwise, if they stab any acupoint, it will kill her. Forget it, just pull it out first."

In the first half of the sentence, everyone was in a fog.

After listening to the doctor's words, Shi Mianmian frowned easily, and looked at the doctor's eyes with something intriguing.

After listening to the doctor's words, the military wife and mother-in-law began to question the doctor's level, and became even more emotional after listening to the second half of the sentence.

The aunt hurriedly waved her hand to stop it, "I can't pull it out, doctor, my daughter-in-law stopped the bleeding by doing this!"

The doctor adjusted his glasses, "How is this possible? After all, he is a person who lives in a medical university. Can you learn some medical knowledge?"

After all, he pulled out a needle very quickly.

Shi Mianmian's hands froze in the air, her body was pulled away by Bao Hanye indiscriminately, so she didn't have time to stop her.

A look of annoyance flashed across the girl's clear starry eyes.

"Come here and help, pull out all these messy needles and carry them to the car—"

The doctor turned his back to the assistant, and waved his hand behind him without turning his head. However, his sight touched the blood soaked from the pants of the pregnant woman's legs, and his voice stopped abruptly.

His staring eyes were full of disbelief.

how can that be!

He simply withdrew a needle and the pregnant woman began to bleed.

The bright red liquid gurgling out from between the pregnant woman's legs seemed to have slapped him loudly on the face.

Seeing this scene, the auntie glared at the doctor viciously, wailed loudly, and beat the doctor while crying, "Look, I told you I can't pull it out, but you don't listen, you have to kill my daughter-in-law and grandson to be satisfied, right?" ?”

The doctor stood there, so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

The golden needle in his hand was as heavy as a thousand gold.

"Benefactor, please save me again..."

The military wife on the shelf looked at Shi Mianmian sadly.

Shi Mianmian nodded without expression, walked over, helped Mrs. Jun to lie down, then glanced at the doctor, and took out the golden needle in his hand.

After simple disinfection, Shi Mianmian held the golden needle, pointed it at Qingming acupoint, and stabbed it quickly and ruthlessly.

The technique is steady, without the slightest hesitation or trembling.

That action, like an experienced expert, made everyone amazed.

What's even more eye-opening is that after the golden needles were inserted, the golden needles on Mrs. Jun's body trembled, as if they had triggered some mechanism and resonated!
"I'm not dazzled. The needle seems to be moving. You can pinch me and try?"

After finishing speaking, the man pinched his companion until he crowed.

"My God, it's not a dream, nor is it dazzled!"

"Bullshit, she thinks she is a master! My mother is not in good health and has seen a lot of Chinese medicine. Acupuncture has some effect, but it has never been so miraculous and the effect is so fast!"

Yes, just when the tremor of the golden needle ended, the bleeding stopped, and the pregnant woman's complexion was rosy, and she let out a sigh of relief.

The doctor blushed and apologized to Shi Mianmian.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, your level is too high, it's my shallow knowledge."

After speaking, he pushed the person into the ambulance with his assistants.

Her gold needles! !
Shi Mianmian raised her foot and was about to follow the car.

It took her a month to find someone to customize it, and it would be troublesome if it was lost.

Just when she was anxious to catch up, Counselor Song blocked her way blankly.

The counselor Zhou Zheng's face was a little embarrassed, but he was very sincere, "Student Shi, I solemnly invite you to come to our clinical department..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Mianmian interrupted impatiently, "I'm not interested, please let me go."

When Counselor Song heard this, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

He has been humbly inviting over and over again, Shi Mianmian is too ignorant of good and bad.

There are many geniuses in this world, and being too arrogant will often make you lose opportunities.

Just as he was about to say something, a pair of extremely strong men and horses suddenly walked over.

The leading man in uniform, handsome and vigorous, took out his police officer's ID card, and scanned it with sharp eyes.

"Someone reported the crime, who is the person involved? Come with us?"

Shi Mian was speechless, raised his eyes lightly, and swept over.

Those who were swept by her lowered their heads guiltyly.

Someone said weakly, "Officer, this is a misunderstanding, he is very nice..."

The police officer turned cold, "Can I call the police casually? No matter if there is any misunderstanding, go to the police station and explain it to me!"

Xu Weilan's face looked a little better, and she said something to her.

"That's right, practicing medicine without a license, why can't you be arrested."

This sentence made the police officer look sideways, "Practice medicine without a license? Who?"

Everyone looked at Shi Mianmian quietly, without saying a word.

Shi Mianmian put her hand in her pocket, and twirled the dorm key in her hand irritably, her cherry lips were slightly pursed, her delicate and beautiful eyebrows were covered with a touch of depression.

She stepped up to keep up with the police officer, her expression was a little cold, but she didn't panic at all, "It's me, let's go."

Such cooperation surprised the police officer a little.

So the police officer brought a few more people over.

No one noticed that behind the police car was a top-spec Maybach.


A group of people gathered on the playground finally dispersed.

Xu Weilan's followers all looked sad.

One of them asked worriedly, "As for Shi Mianmianlu's hand, Teacher Song invited her to the clinical department, and other teachers will rush to get her."

"That's because you want to make a bet with others, what's wrong with us." Someone whispered, not daring to say it out loud, for fear of offending Xu Weilan to death.

"Will she stay?"

As long as they think of their noble clinical department, they want to serve as subordinates to the humble forensic department, and they will feel very overwhelmed.

The little follower drank the nine or nine yuan bottle of mineral water that Xu Weilan bought for her, and it didn't taste like much anymore.

Xu Weilan frowned fiercely, "Isn't it just three months? Just bear with it and it will pass soon."

Not to mention others, she herself is unwilling.

But what can she do.

Every time she thinks that Shi Mianmian is doomed, but in the end, the other party always comes back from a desperate situation. Are you angry? !

The attendants muttered something, with dissatisfaction on their faces.

Xu Weilan looked at it, feeling very indifferent.

If it weren't for the fact that there were not many people in the upper class of the medical university and she couldn't find friends for the time being, she would not bother to be with this group of untouchables.

"It's not certain whether she can get out of the prison."

Xu Weilan snorted, planning to call her father later and ask him to take care of her.

But right now...

"My cousin sent me a lot of foreign skin care products the day before yesterday. I can't use them up. You guys go to the dormitory with me and take what you like."

Xu Weilan raised her chin, and her tone was full of superiority, which was somewhat unpleasant.

"Ah, thank you so much, Sister Lanlan." The little followers were very happy.

Seeing this, the contempt in Xu Weilan's eyes grew stronger.

The untouchables are the untouchables, and they have never used skin care products worth thousands of dollars, which is really pitiful.

Xu Weilan led them towards the dormitory.

While walking, someone found that this was not the way to the dormitory, and asked Xu Weilan if he remembered it wrong.

Xu Weilan was arrogant and impatient, "Just follow me, why are you talking so much?"

The followers did not dare to speak.

All the way silently followed Xu Weilan to the teaching laboratory building.

When they got here, they became more and more strange, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, so they could only hold back their doubts and followed Xu Weilan into one of the rooms.

Pushing open the door, everyone wowed.

I thought it was a laboratory, but I didn't expect it to be a bedroom, or a bedroom full of girls' hearts. The sofa and the cabinet are full of plush toys.

The pink veiled princess bed in the center is as beautiful as a dream, almost a fantasy in the hearts of all girls.

When you open the window, you can see the clear lake water, reflecting the camphor trees on the side of the road, not to mention how wonderful it is.

"I didn't expect this kind of dormitory to exist in the laboratory building."

The girl raised her head and found an inconspicuous mark on the ceiling. In her head, for some reason, what Counselor Song said suddenly sounded.

Laboratory, refitting...

"Xin'er, if you don't come, the fairy water you love will be gone."

"Hey, come right away, leave me a bottle."


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