Xu Weilan's complacent expression froze on her face, and for some reason, a very bad premonition suddenly rose in her heart.

"You... what do you mean by that..." Xu Weilan murmured.

Shi Mianmian looked at her with a half-smile.

In those beautiful black and white eyes, the self-confidence exuded from the bones is clearly reflected!

Xu Weilan felt a little panic for no reason when she watched her so calmly.

Shi Mianmian laughed lightly.

She picked out some food scraps from the dead man's stomach.

It was so black that I couldn't tell what it was.

Xu Weilan looked at the disgusting mess, covered her mouth and nose with disgust on her face, looked at Shi Mian as if nothing had happened, and admiration flashed in her mind.

Facing such a dirty thing and such an unpleasant smell, Shi Mianmian didn't change her face, Xu Weilan admitted that she couldn't do it.

However, this did not change her dislike for Shi Mianmian.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Xu Weilan said with a cold face, "My lady's time is precious, and I have to do simulation experiments later!"

As she said that, she stared at Shi Mianmian contemptuously, and satirized him unceremoniously, "A person like you who only uses filming, singing and dancing to entertain the public will not understand my busyness and the preciousness of time!"

This kind of child-level sarcasm was silent for a long time.

She deeply felt that arguing with someone with low IQ like Xu Weilan would bring her down.

Shi Mianmian didn't care about Xu Weilan's showing off, but those students did.

Especially Xu Weilan's follower, with his nostrils upturned, popularized to everyone, "There is an operating room in our school during the summer vacation, and it was changed into Sister Lan's exclusive simulated operating room.

Some people, no matter how hard they work, they will never get an operating room of their own..."

As the person said, she swept Shimian triumphantly, her tail wishing she could raise her head to the sky, as if she was the one standing on a high position overlooking all living beings.

"Ah, the exclusive operating room... In this way, she won't have to compete with the brothers and sisters of the same school..."

Medical equipment is very expensive, even a medical university can't afford it, so there are not many laboratories, and students usually have to grab it if they want to operate it.

Unexpectedly, Xu Weilan would have her own operating room before they even entered school.

This made the senior seniors feel very uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, the words that praised Xu Weilan became a little sour.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

"Hey, it's true that the same people have different fates."

"It's nothing to be sour about. Xu Weilan has that ability, do you have it?"

Several people shut up unwillingly.

no way.

A person who is more capable than Xu Weilan, does not have a family background like Xu Weilan, and a person who has a family background than Xu Weilan...

Bo Qiqi enthusiastically pulled Mi Xue around Shi Mianmian like a butterfly.

Bo Qiqi stretched out her small paws, gently grabbed the opponent's sterile gown, and asked with sparkling eyes.

"Mianmian, did you notice something? The old man's cause of death wasn't heart disease at all, right?"

As expected of a best friend, she immediately brought her focus back.

Shi Mianmian silently gave Bo Qiqi a thumbs-up, and then cleared her throat under the eager, contemptuous, or entertaining gazes of the crowd.

With her fingers in white rubber gloves, she twirled the blackened, spoiled food that would not be digested in the future.

Seeing the thing that was taken out from the dead man's stomach, everyone shunned it a few steps back.

This just happened to allow Counselor Song, who had hesitated for a long time, to intervene.

He stared at Shi Mianmian's activities with a complicated expression.

Shi Mianmian picked out some tiny crystalline objects from the jet-black food residue.

"Do you know what's on it?"

Wherever Shi Mianmian looked, everyone retreated and dodged. It was obvious that they couldn't answer.

It was Xu Weilan's turn.

When Xu Weilan saw it, she stared at herself with burning eyes, and let out a very noble and cold snort from her nasal cavity.

She was very disdainful to answer the continuous questions.

Xu Weilan thought to herself, who is she?
She is a high-ranking princess, she is willing to treat Shi Mianmian as an enemy, and she is expected to cooperate?
Hmph, go dreaming.


"Student Xu Weilan, what do you think?"

Shi Mianmian turned her head slightly, her black cat pupils stared straight at Xu Weilan.

The beautiful and clear eyes, the small encouraging eyes, are like sea water illuminated by the warm sun, warm and inclusive.

In an instant, Xu Weilan saw her godly little brother in a daze!
She blurted it out in a strange way, containing joy.

"It's salt!"

The air stagnates.

Everyone was stunned.

Immediately, bursts of laughter burst out.

Not to mention old fritters who have studied in medical university for several years, or freshmen who have not yet touched medicine, even if they are a few years old, they wouldn't be so shocking, right? !
The broken promise dissolves quickly, not to mention eating it into the stomach, even when cooking, it is also integrated with the dish.

Listening to the laughter coming from all directions, Xu Weilan's face turned red with green, and his hands were shaking with shame.

Counselor Song looked at her and shook her head.

I thought that the Bai family sent a good seedling, but now it seems that he is thinking too much...

Shi Mianmian held back her laughter, looked at Xu Weilan, and shook her head with a kind of gentleness that was neither flattering nor humiliating.

It is a kind of gentleness that cares for mentally handicapped children.

"No, guess again."

Oh what the hell? !
What's with that doting tone?

Bo Qiqi was sour.

Guess guess!
Guess your mother. A chicken!

Xu Weilan wanted to smash the heart in her hand onto Mianmian's hypocritical face.

Seeing that the other party looked a little bit like her male god, he forcibly resisted this urge.

Xu Weilan was full of impatience, "I don't care what the hell it is."

Her voice paused slightly, "Is it Bingtang...?"

For some reason, everyone wanted to laugh even more.

When they met Xu Weilan's warning gaze, they struggled to hold back their smiles.

The counselor who came over excitedly, his mouth twitched, can he apply for resignation?

This year's students have brain problems, so he can't teach them!

The voice fell.

Shi Mianmian looked at Xu Weilan with more gentle eyes.

The corners of her mouth curled up, her voice was sweet and gentle, "No, it's amanita toxin."

Not seeing Bo Qiqi's jealous and dissatisfied eyes, Shi Mianmian said, "It belongs to the amatoxin-like toxins, a strong toxin that can destroy people's liver and kidneys within a few days."

There was a slight pause in Shi Mianmian's voice, and a hint of coldness flashed through the clear water pupils.

"The eater will clearly feel the extreme pain from the body, until coma and death.

"This kind of toxin needs to be refined, and ordinary people can't touch it at all, and the deceased is an old man, how could he eat this kind of thing?"

Shi Mianmian raised her eyebrows.

The counselor next to him, hearing this, looked a little dignified, put on his gloves, took a little lens, put it under his nose and sniffed gently.

"It does look like amanitin. To be more specific, further testing is needed."

The counselor's words completely blocked Xu Weilan's escape route.

"Call the police, I suspect this is not a natural death but a murder." Someone in the crowd suggested.

While everyone was on the phone, Xu Weilan's face turned pale, she took off her sterile clothes and walked out without saying a word, but Bao Qiqi's sharp eyes quickly grabbed her clothes.

"Miss Xu, where do you want to go?"

Xu Weilan's body froze.

Shi Mianmian stepped briskly and stood in front of Xu Weilan.

The latter's little followers, like roosters who have lost a fight, all shrunk their necks in disgrace, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

Shi Mianmian raised her hand, and was about to pat Xu Weilan's small face lightly, when a flash of fear flashed in the other person's eyes, and she shrank back instinctively.

Shi Mianmian raised her eyebrows amusedly.

Since you are afraid of her, why do you always come to provoke her?Is it not good to live?
Shi Mianmian sighed softly.

It's really boring to compare with people with mental problems, and there is no sense of accomplishment after winning.

"The clinical department will start with the forensic department for three months, don't forget."

Xu Weilan's body stiffened and she didn't speak.

Her followers looked terrified.

Shi Mianmian narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes were not friendly, and her downcast face was frightening, "You want to go back on your word? You can save yourself if you don't have the ability, but you can't be good if you don't believe in your words. It's hopeless."

A few seconds later, Xu Weilan blushed, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and roared, "Isn't it just a strike? What's the big deal! This lady is not a person who backtracks on what she says!"

As she said that, she led a group of small followers and slipped away viciously.

"It's a bet she made with others, so why bring us into it!"

Someone complained quietly.

Who is not a little princess in parents' hearts?Who is willing to work for the lowly forensic department!

Listening to the dissatisfied voices of her followers, Xu Weilan slowly showed a malicious smile, and she took out her mobile phone...

Bo Qiqi snorted and laughed, and Mi Xue's face was also full of joy, and Shi Mianmian's eyes became brighter when she looked at it.

The three walked and talked.

"Was the deceased really murdered?"

"[-]% yes." If it was suicide, why go out of your way to buy poison?
It's still the kind of poison that makes people feel miserable before death.

"That's too vicious, what's the benefit of attacking an old man?" Michelle was puzzled.

Bo Qiqi bit her little finger thoughtfully, "Killing someone's life... murdering someone for money??"

"That's something the police should take care of." Shi Mianmian said helplessly.

"That's right, that counselor is so blind that he didn't accept you. How about I tell my second brother to help him." Bo Qiqi stomped angrily.

Talking about this, Shi Mianmian felt cold all over, "I'll go to the dean to try."

She didn't want to be a dodder flower attached to a man, and she didn't want to find Bao Hanye unless it was a last resort.

As soon as the three of them crossed the playground, they were caught by five security guards from the school.

"The superiors ordered us to throw the idlers out of the campus."

While speaking, the security guard had already grabbed Shi Mianmian's arms.

Bo Qiqi jumped up to argue.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean! What do you mean by idlers? My Mianmian is the number one in the school. Do you understand the provincial number one?! Let her go!"

With her arms imprisoned, Shi Mianmian's eyes flashed a slight mockery. She could have easily thrown off these five people, but she didn't.

She is a civilized person, she speaks reasoningly and tells them that she is officially admitted.

However, it is of no use.

at the same time.

The principal went out in person and led Father Jin to visit the campus.

These days, there are not many chaebols who are willing to donate [-] characters for free to build a laboratory building!
Bo Hanye cherishes words like gold, and his assistants always ask questions.

After returning from Africa, the black second from the left was worried that someone would make trouble for Ms. Mian Mian, so he asked, "Will someone cause trouble?"

"Our style of study is also very good. The students are of high quality... Conflict? It doesn't exist, they are all focused on learning, no..."

When he saw the three little girls who looked like students who were arguing with the security guards and were about to fight, the principal couldn't continue.

Bo Hanye seemed to have noticed something, his black eyes lazily glanced over.

In an instant, the color of his eyes changed!
Author: I'm sorry for feeling unwell, Miaomiao won't give up, don't worry.Next month, I will make more compensation to everyone, I love mud and cuteness more than my heart~
small theater:
Bo Hanye: Call me husband, I will help you crush these rubbish to death.

Mianmian with a shy face: No, no, no.

The man silently pulled out the small iron chain, behind him was the golden birdcage.

Mian Mian: Old...husband!hum.


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