
Michelle didn't expect that Shi Mianmian would agree to compete with Xu Weilan without hesitation.

The price of losing the competition is dropping out of school, such a heavy price, she felt terrified when she heard it.

Immediately shouted anxiously, looking at Shi Mianmian worriedly, "It's not fair! And it's too hasty, you shouldn't agree."

Bo Qiqi next to her was leisurely picking her nails, without any worry on her face.

Knowing Mianmian for so long, she knows very well that Mianmian can't play with things that she is not sure about, so she doesn't need to stop her, she just needs to shout and cheer from the side.

Xu Weilan was still a little hesitant.

She looked at Shi Mianmian's fearless appearance, she didn't seem to have any confidence.

The experience of being cheated by Shi Mianmian for 3000 million at Gambling Stone Square that day is vivid in my memory.

This made her feel a little guilty.

However, after hearing Michelle's dissuading words, the words blurted out without going through the brain, "You promised to compete with me, so hard that you want to go back on your word?!"

Xu Weilan stared at Shi Mianmian provocatively, it probably means that if you don't compare with me, you are a coward.

The followers behind Xu Weilan looked at each other.

They all saw worry in each other's eyes.

Even the vice president's daughters can't just agree on their behalf!What if you lose?
Isn't it going to implicate them and suffer as well?

Until, someone whispered, "Sister Lan's mother is a married woman from the Bai family."

In the entire imperial capital, only one Bai family is famous.

Moreover, it is famous for its medical skills!
As a descendant of the Bai family, his medical skills must be extraordinary.

Thinking about it again, Shi Mianmian's company went bankrupt, and she was just an [-]th-tier star, how could she compare with Xu Weilan, who had huge medical resources?

The freshmen of clinical medicine are all encouraged.

"Shi Mianmian, you agreed, but you're a puppy!"

"Tsk, how old are you, and you're still acting like a puppy? Isn't she naive? Isn't she a starlet? Let's spread the story of her dishonesty..."

"That's a good idea."

The crowd forced Shi Mianmian to go to the battlefield.

And Shi Mian smiled lightly.


That is impossible.

Shi Mianmian calmly flicked the non-existent dust on his body, "I didn't mean that, we can compare now."

When Mi Xue watched Mi Xue hesitated to speak, Bo Qiqi took her hand and shook her head at her with firm eyes.

Michelle didn't speak anymore.

"Compared to what?" Shi Mianmian glanced at Xu Weilan again, asking indifferently.

During the two months, Auntie Tian only taught her to do one thing, so——

"Compared to anatomy!!
Whether clinical or forensic, anatomy is the most basic! "

When Xu Weilan said this, her face was full of contempt. The corners of her eyes drooped slightly, which was a gesture of disdain, and the arc of her lips showed her self-confidence.

Are you confident?
A slight smile flashed across Shi Mianmian's eyes.


She has no other hobbies, but likes to hit the sand sculpture's self-confidence!

After hearing Xu Weilan's words, Bo Qiqi's eyes flashed a light.

She had time to find Mianmian to play with, and she missed it a few times. She heard from her second brother that she was studying in Si Yi's laboratory, and what she studied was anatomy.

This wave is stable!

Nei Li was overjoyed, but Bo Qiqi put on an angry expression on his face, accusing Xu Weilan loudly.

"Aren't you a bully?! Mianmian has a relative who doesn't run a hospital, how could he be able to do an autopsy?!"

Not exactly!

The smile on Xu Weilan's face grew wider, "Shi Mianmian asked me to choose. If she doesn't know how, then it's okay to compare. I'm not an unreasonable person."

As she said that, Xu Weilan glanced meaningfully at Shimian, and said loudly, "As long as she kneels down and kowtows to me three times and tears up the admission notice, I will let her go!"

Hmph, little bitch, you cheated her of so much money, it's time to get her back.

Speaking of the admission notice, Shi Mianmian remembered it.

The notice clearly stated that he was admitted to the clinical department!

Does this count as fraud?
There was endless coldness in Shi Mian's clear eyes.

Does this school treat her as a bully?
She must seek justice for herself no matter what!

"Heh." Shi Mianmian let out a low laugh, "Who says I can't compare? Where is the anatomy room? Is the anatomy model a living thing, or an animal?"

Xu Weilan has never been in contact with living things. In the laboratory, she always uses models to practice.

Once she wanted to dissect a white mouse, but just after cutting the white mouse's belly, the dirty thing made her face bloody.

Xu Weilan has shadows on living creatures.

However, with so many people looking at it, the dissection model is too low.

If you want to cut it open, cut it a big one, so that these little guys can completely convince her!

Thinking of this, Xu Weilan rolled his eyes, and pretended to say, "Models and living things are too challenging. Aren't you a forensic medicine department? Then let's dissect the corpse and let everyone see your professional ability." .”

Before the words fell, the exclamation of everyone became louder and louder.

"Oh my god! The corpse!! It's so powerful when it comes up. Did it explode!"

"As expected of the vice president and the daughter of the Bai family, she has courage!"

"Sister Lan is so cool! I dare not even look at a dead person, but she wants to dissect the corpse..."

Shi Mianmian stood in the corridor, her brows and eyes as quiet as a beautiful ink painting.She nodded, "Yes."

Seeing Shi Mianmian agreed, the group turned their eyes to Counselor Song.

He's the only one here who can give the venue and the props to this game.

A leading medical university in the empire, like Medical University, would buy corpses from cooperative hospitals from time to time and use them for students to practice.

That kind of corpse can be divided into two categories, one is that the rescue is invalid and unclaimed, and the other is that the family members voluntarily sell it.

And in the morning, an old man's corpse was transported from the morgue, and the family members sold it at a low price.

It was originally reserved for outstanding graduates to practice.

However, Xu Weilan's identity was there, and Counselor Song agreed without hesitation.

The senior clinical department seniors happened to have time, so they also followed the past to join in the fun.

So, a group of people went to the dissection room of the Department of Forensic Medicine.

A stretcher bed was parked in the center of the dissection room, and the white cloth covered the entire body of the deceased. Even though everyone couldn't see the face of the corpse, they were all terrified.

In order to preserve the integrity of the corpse, the temperature of the air conditioner in the autopsy room is very low.

As soon as the door was opened, it was wrapped inside, and there were gusts of cold wind with a rancid smell, causing everyone to retreat with pale faces.

They felt that what was blowing inside was gusts of cold wind!
scare sgr!

Xu Weilan's pupils dilated in fright, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

However, when she saw it, Mianmian walked in calmly, gritted her teeth, and walked in with her head held high.

It's just that leg, trembling slightly.

Xu Weilan swallowed hard.

The closer you get, the more obvious the rancid smell!She felt like vomiting!

Shi Mianmian glanced at the other party, seeing the truth but not telling the truth, with a light smile in his eyes.

The counselor said outside, "Just wait outside, you can see through the window."

After speaking, he walked into the dissecting room and closed the door.

The rest of the people crowded around the window to observe.

Mi Xue and Bo Qiqi are two weak women, they are weak alone, they are so crowded that they can't even see the light inside, so they have to poke their little people hatefully.

After the counselor lifted the white cloth, revealing the old man's face covered with large corpse spots, Xu Weilan's desire to vomit became stronger and stronger!
That stench, rushing head-on!
Xu Weilan wanted to die.But in the end, she could only choose to end it all quickly.

"I'll come first!!"

After all, Xu Weilan put on a mask and gloves.

In order to make the rancid smell less strong, she insisted on wearing five masks, risking being stuffy, and started with a scalpel.

Shi Mianmian did not compete with her, but leisurely put on a sterile suit, hat, mask and gloves.

The movement is very leisurely.

The program is very complete.

Xu Weilan, who had already cut a knife through the chest of the deceased, turned around to search, seeing the other's movement, and sneered.

"Hehe, pretending!"

She curled her lips and sneered.

It's not an autopsy, besides, the deceased died normally, so why should he dress neatly?
Usually, the ones that are given to the students to practice are those who died of old age, or accidental deaths such as car accidents, and those with infectious diseases would not be brought over.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you wear sterile clothes or not.

Shi Mianmian ignored Xu Weilan's mockery of her, but calmly turned to the front of the deceased, and whispered a part of the mantra of rebirth.

This is what she saw during the three years she was imprisoned, and she didn't believe it at first.

But she can be reborn herself and become a cat, so let's just believe it.

What's more, she will offend others later.

outside the window.

Everyone looked at Shi Mianmian in bewilderment, the dissecting room has sound insulation effect, if the voice is low, they can't hear what Shi Mianmian is saying at all.

"The shape of her mouth seems to be chanting scriptures." Someone said.

"Hahahahahaha, that's too funny, chanting scriptures? Is she saving corpses?"

Everyone followed the man and laughed together.

Bo Qiqi hit the wall angrily.

Just when Shi Mianmian had just finished chanting the mantra of passing away, Xu Weilan had already dissected and weighed. She was holding a bloody heart that had cooled down in her gloved palm.

Xu Weilan originally felt that performing an autopsy on a dead person was extremely disgusting and frightening.

However, when she finished the autopsy and got the answer, the sense of accomplishment dispelled all other discomforts.

At this moment, she just wants to show her talent and ability in front of everyone!

All eyes of admiration and admiration!

Xu Weilan took off the five-layer mask, held her heart, and came to the window, with a bright smile on her face, like a blooming chrysanthemum, she talked loudly.

"The heart weight of an adult male is about 276g, but his is lower than this value, and the color is dark brown to black, so I conclude that he died of a sudden heart attack!"

The freshmen haven't been exposed to this knowledge yet, but this doesn't stop them from admiring Xu Weilan!
After all, Xu Weilan completed the autopsy in just 10 minutes, and even found out the cause of death!

"Miss Lan is amazing!"

"If only my family ran a hospital."

"Hold Sister Lan's thighs tightly and learn from Xueba!"

"Hey, just after school started, we fell behind Sister Lan by a large margin, and we won't be able to keep up with Sister Lan even if we flatter ourselves."

In addition to the amazement of the freshmen, the senior students also nodded to Xu Weilan in affirmation.

"She is proficient in her technique, quick and ruthless in her strikes, and she is not affected by the smell of corpses. She is a talent."

Hearing the affirmative voices from outside the window, Xu Weilan became more and more elated.

She squinted at Shi Mianmian, already treating the latter as her own defeated opponent.

"You've already lost, our medical university doesn't accept trash like you, get out!"

Xu Weilan smiled maliciously, "Oh yes, don't forget to come back and clean the toilet."

Shi Mianmian and Xu Weilan looked at each other, stretched out their hands to straighten their clothes lightly, and slightly curled their lips, "Really? Where did you get the confidence to think you won?"


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