After turning into a cat, her weak strength is hardly worth mentioning in front of adults.

The veterinarian lady saw the cat's legs together, and said in surprise, "It seems to understand what we say."

These words made Shimian's legs go limp in fright.

The legs that were close together were separated by the little veterinarian.

Shi Mianmian wailed inwardly.

Pray that Jun Yubei didn't see her there.

Nima, can a girl's house be shown to others casually? !

The round cat pupils stared fiercely at Jun Yubei.

Jun Yubei's face was full of bewilderment, he thought he had done something to make the cat unhappy, and racked his brains.

In the blink of an eye, the veterinarian finished reading, put Shi Mianmian back on the operating table, and said with a smile, "It's a female cat."

After a pause, the veterinarian lady continued, "Sterilization of female cats can prevent cats from running away during estrus, prevent infection of many diseases, and prolong the life of cats..."

Shi Mianmian lay on the operating table and listened, the hair all over her body exploded!

Oh, she doesn't want to be sterilized!

The cat body and her human body are interlinked, the head of the human body is injured, and the head of the cat body is also injured, so it means that after the cat body is removed from the uterus, her human body...

Shi Mian shuddered.

"Meow meow meow!"

Jun Yubei, you dare to pick my womb, when I turn back into a human, I will cut your chicken. Chicken! ! !
The cat seemed to be able to understand the words of the veterinarian. Its snow-white hair stood on end, its mouth opened, revealing its sharp teeth, and a low, vicious growl came out of its throat.

It wobbled upright, its back arched, as if ready to strike or flee.

Jun Yubei was stunned. He took off the sunglasses on his face, widened his eyes, and looked at the fried cat curiously.

"How does it seem to understand what we say?"

Shi Mianmian froze.

The flaming fighting spirit was instantly extinguished like cold water poured down on the head!

How could she forget again, she is now a cat with no strength to restrain her.Life and death cannot be in their own hands.

If it's acting too smart, it's never a good thing!
Maybe it will be sent to graduate students for dissection or cloning.

However, she had already blown her hair just now, if she gave in now, it would be even more suspicious.

Looking at the little hamster in the cage, Shi Mianmian rolled his eyes, jumped off the operating table with lightning speed and rushed to the cage, baring his teeth and claws in protest.

"Gee chi... chi chi..."

The little hamster in the cage was so frightened that he hugged his own bread crumbs and stuffed them into his mouth, shivering while eating.

Shi Mianmian paused with a ferocious grin.

Staring at the little hamster with admiration on his face.

There is no one who can eat so fiercely when life is in danger.

"The cat must be hungry."

The veterinarian lady said, smilingly took some cat food from the shelf, then poured some into the small plate, and put the small plate next to the cat.

"Mi, mi, come over for dinner."

The fairy cat's ears moved, and then it rushed over, burying its head in the small plate.

Jun Yubei watched the kitten rush forward impatiently, his face full of surprise.

"No wonder it looks so weird when it sees a hamster."

The veterinarian stared at Jun Yubei's handsome face, her eyes were red, and she said with a smile.

"Kittens, puppies, these animals are very spiritual. Although they can't understand human language, the atmosphere here and our strange instincts can sense danger.

Just now I thought it blew up when it realized that we were going to neuter it, but I didn't expect it to be hungry. "

Shi Mianmian calmly remembered these words in his heart.

She lowered her head and sniffed. If she was a human being at this moment, her brows must be wrinkled.

The last time she became a cat, Bo Hanye didn't allow her to eat human food. At first she refused the cat food she was fed, but after being forced to eat a little bit, she found that the cat food wasn't bad.

However, the smell of this cat food was not pleasant at all, which made her lose her appetite.

When Shi Mianmian stuck out her little tongue and was about to eat a little casually, so as not to make Jun Yubei and the others suspicious, her big eyes froze and stared blankly at the black spots on the small plate.

The hair on his body exploded again, and his white and tender paws moved away from the edge of the small plate.

The cat's face hidden under the fur is full of anger.

Do you want to talk about hygiene? After washing it, take it out and feed it to the cat, okay? !

Cats have cat rights too!
Shi Mianmian didn't expect that she would become a cat again and would be in such a state of despair. For a moment, she couldn't help but think of the days when Bao Hanye took good care of her.

The big round eyes were filled with tears.

Woohoo, smelly man, I miss you.

If your cat is lost, won't you look for someone else?
"Why didn't it move?"

Jun Yubei looked at the cat, its tail swaying slightly in the air, drooping down, and even the furry and cute ears drooping down, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Let me see."

The veterinarian lady didn't expect that the fairy cat would not eat, so she immediately went around to look.

Seeing the water vapor in those round and cute eyes, I was startled, and then I reached out and scratched the cat's chin.

"What's wrong Mi-mi?"

The cat raised its head, narrowed its eyes slightly, and let the veterinarian caress it happily.

"It may not be used to this kind of low-end cat food. Beibei, remember to buy more expensive cat food for it. Also, it seems to be crying."

"Meow..." He didn't cry, he was strong.

Shi Mianmian forced back the tears in his eyes.

"Crying? Let me see!"

Hearing this, Jun Yubei hurried over and squatted down.

Shi Mianmian withdrew her tears, so Jun Yubei didn't see anything moving, but she still felt distressed.

He hesitated and said, "Isn't it because of applying medicine to the wound and crying in pain? My cat's reflex arc is a bit too long."

Shi Mianmian: Hehe.

"Beibei, the kitten has a wound on its head. It's not good for you to bathe it. Let me help it bathe here."

Jun Yubei had bathed the dog at home, and took a brush directly to pick it up. Looking at the beautiful fairy cat in front of him, he naturally did not refuse.

It's better to be bathed by the young lady than to be bathed by Jun Yubei, Shi Mianmian happily cooperated.

Looking at the veterinarian lady bathing the cat, Jun Yubei said with emotion, "The service of your hospital is really good."

That's because they are your fans, idiot, otherwise whoever has time to chat with you and help you do work.Shi Mianmian rolled her eyes, thinking in her heart.

Along the way, Jun Yubei was talking about the things he would buy at the pet store later in the car.

Shi Mianmian nestled in the passenger seat, inexplicably moved.

What I think in my heart is that if I don't move my mi.mi and ass. We can still be a harmonious pair of master and servant.

Of course, she is the master, and the shit-shoveling officer is the servant!

Jun Yubei held the cat in his arms and walked into the pet shop swaggeringly after being fully armed in the same way.

There were relatively few people in the store at this time, and no one recognized Jun Yu Beilai.

Cat food, cat litter, cat toys...

Jun Yubei bought a few big bags, all of which were the most expensive ones, and Shi Mianmian suspected that he liked being taken advantage of with such boldness and vigor when swiping his card.

The trunk was stuffed to the brim, and then, Jun Yubei took Shi Mianmian to the supermarket and bought several fresh ingredients.

When the eyes are round and round, they rotate with the ingredients, and the brain makes up for the deliciousness of the ingredients after they are cooked.


She swallowed.

"Meow!" I want to eat!

Soon, Jun Yubei drove the car back to the apartment.

There were too many things, so he asked the doorman to help carry them into the elevator, and when the doorman left, he stuffed another pack of cigarettes into his hand.

The doorman glanced at the brand of the cigarette and said with a busy smile, "It should be, you are too polite."

The elevator stops on the seventh floor.

Shi Mianmian found out that Jun Yubei lived opposite her.

It's a small world, she thought.

Jun Yubei pressed his finger on the door lock, and after he entered, when he closed the door, he saw the door that was still open on the opposite side, and wrinkled slightly every day.

"Why hasn't this family closed yet?"

Although the law and order in Yunzhiyao is quite good, it is inevitable that people living here have ulterior motives.

It's okay for a man, but it's dangerous for a girl.

But Jun Yubei didn't know who it was, so he didn't mean to remind him.

After arriving home, the first thing Jun Yubei does is wash his hands and dishes, and prepare food for the cat.

He bought cat food of several different flavors, opened a bag of dried fish flavor, and poured it into a clean small bowl.

Staring at the cat with relief like an old father, his eyes encouraged it to eat.

"Eat, Mi. Mi." Jun Yubei said thoughtfully, "I can't always call you Mi. Mi, let me give you a name."

Jun Yubei pondered for a while, Jun face showed a satisfied smile, "Let's call it 'Princess'."

The washed fairy cat has cleaner and purer hair than Chuxue, noble, elegant, and proud.



Shi Mianmian had nothing to disagree with, except that her face was a little red.

She blinked her eyes and smiled at Jun Yubei.

Tilting his head to kill, sprouting Jun Yubei's face full of blood!

Shi Mianmian was too lazy to look at his stupidity, and lowered her head to eat the cat food in the small bowl.

Its stomach was already convulsing with hunger.


This cat food is not good.

It's not as delicious as what Bao Hanye brought her.

Thinking of Bao Hanye, I was stunned for a while.

It took a bite and refused to eat any more.

Jun Yubei looked anxiously, and opened the bags of cat food he bought without saying a word, but the princess was not interested.

Just as Jun Yubei was in a state of desperation for a while, he patted his head, took out his phone and started Baidu.

"Our princess is really delicate, don't eat cat food, can I eat fish sushi made by me?"

Jun Yubei leaned over, raised his hand and rubbed the princess's uninjured head, his tone was rare tenderness and patience.

The princess tilted her head and stared at him.

Jun Yubei can cook? ? ?I'm afraid the sushi will eat dead cats?

However, the sushi made by Jun Yubei is unexpectedly delicious.

Not only that, but the two dishes and one soup he cooked for himself looked very good and smelled delicious.

Shi Mianmian thought to himself, people should not be judged by their appearance.


After leaving Yun Zhiyao, Bao Hanye ran through a few red lights and hurriedly took him to Renxin Hospital.

He personally brought Si Yi to show Si Wu.

When Si Yi came over, he saw the nervous and irritable expression on Bao Hanye's face, and glanced at Si Wu beside him, his eyes darkened.

Bao Hanye glanced at Si Yi, turned around and held Si Wu's hand to prevent her from scratching him.

Si Wu burst into tears, "I'm so uncomfortable, Han, can you scratch me?"

Bao Hanye pursed his lips, looked at Si Yi, his tone was shockingly cold.

"Shi Mianmian gave her something to eat, and she started to itch like this. Quickly see what can be done?"

Si Yi didn't talk nonsense, and checked it, "I'll get the medicine, you take her to the bathtub to soak first, and add it to the bathtub later."

Bao Hanye nodded, carried Si Wu to the bathroom, sat her on the table, and turned on the water.

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