Reborn Meow Wife: Husband, don't be too flirtatious

Chapter 112 He's jealous of even a strand of hair

In the shattered door, the black-haired man stood upright, his falcon-like black eyes stared straight at Shi Mianmian, and then swept across Jin Liang who was opposite her.

That kind of disdain, like looking at lowly ants, made Jin Liang angry!

Isn't that just having a good family?Why is he superior to others? !

Seeing Bao Hanye coming suddenly, feeling the cold breath of death emanating from him, Shi Mianmian's heart stopped beating for a moment, his brain was congested, and his face was red.

She hurriedly stood up, the milk tea on the table was overturned by her action, and fell on the table with a tick.

"Why are you here?" She rushed over, her dark starry eyes were shocked and guilty, she was about to grab Bao Hanye's arm, but the latter avoided him.

Shi Mianmian's heart suddenly turned cold.

It's over, he is really angry...

His long and narrow eyes were narrowed, and Bao Hanye's sexy thin lips were slightly hooked, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Are you having a good chat? It seems that I disturbed you."

He smiled and said, this smile made Shi Mianmian panic.

Shi Mianmian's brain responded quickly.

Bao Hanye was obviously angry that she cheated on him. At this time, no matter how much he resisted, she should insist on getting the other party's forgiveness.

Otherwise, this misunderstanding will become a thorn in their hearts!
Thinking of this, Shi Mianmian raised a flattering smile, ignored Bao Hanye's resistance, and hugged his arm again.

Not surprisingly, Bao Hanye's tall figure nimbly dodged it, leaving Shi Mianmian in the air again.

Gritting her teeth, Shi Mianmian's face remained unchanged, and she tried again, and then, she missed again.

"It's not what you think. I didn't lie on purpose. After we go back, can I explain it to you?"

The girl's soft and coquettish voice, which was already sweet, was as soft as cotton candy at the moment, making people listen to it as if they were in the clouds.

Bao Hanye's thin lips were tightly pressed into a straight line.

He mercilessly avoided Shi Mianmian's pursuit again.

It's over.

It doesn't even work like a baby!

This time he really stabbed his hornet's nest!
Shi Mianmian's face collapsed, very frustrated, and then, with a perfect flattering smile on her face again, she stretched out her soft paws towards Bao Hanye.

Seeing the two running after each other, flirting and cursing, Jin Liang's expression became more and more gloomy.

He picked up the boiled water in front of him, raised his head, and poured it down his throat.

"Cough cough cough..."

As expected of plain boiled water, it was cold for a while, but the temperature was still very high.

Jin Liang's throat seemed to have been roasted in a fire, it was so hot that his tears almost came out.

Facing Bao Hanye's cold and cold eyes, and sometimes his suspicious eyes, Jin Liang suddenly got up from his seat.

"Specially ask you out. I've finished what I have to say. You should think about it carefully. I'm going to the hospital, so I'll go first."

Although these words were spoken to Shi Mianmian, his eyes were fixed on Bao Hanye next to him.

In the eyes, there is a provocation that only men can understand.

After all, he got up and left.

Before leaving, facing the waiter's disdainful gaze, he collected the money for Shi Mianmian's cup of milk tea from his wallet.

The moment the figure disappeared around the corner, Jin Liang heard the contemptuous voice of the waiter behind him.

"The students of Shengde are hypocritical. If you don't have money to drink the ten yuan milk tea next door, you just have to slap your face and pretend to be fat. Come to our shop..."

As the hot sun descended, the orange afterglow of the setting sun shone on this bustling city, leaving Jin Liang's eyes full of sadness and hesitation.

There were rumors in the shopping mall that Bo Hanye acted swiftly and resolutely, decisively, dictatorship, rule, dictatorship, no one can change the decision he made.

It was a surprise to find Shi Mianmian today.

He stood by the back door, watching the picture of the girl slowly tidying up the desk, like a beautiful scroll, pleasing to the eye, he couldn't hold back for a moment, and opened his mouth.

Asking her for help was actually an excuse to see her up close.

The Jin family went bankrupt, and the house and car would be mortgaged by the bank. Before long, his parents would be kicked out of the hospital because they couldn't pay the medical bills, and he...

Although the school would consider granting him a scholarship based on his grades, his dignity and pride did not allow him to appear in front of the girl he liked like a bereaved dog.

The last sentence might anger Bo Hanye and speed up his bankruptcy.

He has no regrets.

It is a foregone conclusion, what does it matter if it is earlier or later.

Smiling, he walked away from the milk tea shop lonely.


At the end, Jin Liang's words nailed Shi Mianmian to the wall!
She originally wanted to find a teacher to finish her lecture, but she was about to go home when she happened to meet Jin's house, so she turned around and came here for a drink as an excuse.

But, now, this excuse is useless.

Bo Hanye is not easy to fool.

Thinking back, when he entered this store, he saw the young couple sitting side by side, drinking the same cup of milk tea sweetly, and Bao Hanye's temples throbbed.

This feels like it's about to explode.

"I made an appointment here to meet you, huh?"

Bao Hanyejun's face was completely gloomy, and Shimian, like a koala, was still hanging on his arm, holding him tightly.

The man's pitch-black pupils were soaked in a tinge of red, like the flames of evil rushing out of a deep pool, making people terrified for no reason!
The fingers with distinct joints, one by one, forcefully opened the thin white and tender fingers tightly wrapped around his arm.

The strength was so great that Shi Mianmian suddenly had the illusion that the other party wanted to draw a clear line with her!
The panic in her heart made her let go of the hand wrapped around Bao Hanye's arm, and jumped up, hooking the other's neck, while her two long legs boldly hooked around his waist.

The man froze.

Before she was thrown out, Shi Mianmian raised her small face, blinked her big black eyes, and said very sincerely and flatteringly.

"Brother, I didn't mean to lie to you. Don't be angry, okay? Lie to you, I feel worse than you. "

The black eyes condensed into frost, stared coldly at the coquettish and obedient girl.

Those wet almond eyes made the man's heart skip a beat.

After a pause, Bao Hanye still ruthlessly pulled the girl off his body.

Looking at Shi Mianmian, he laughed sarcastically, and Bao Hanye sat down on the sofa boldly, leaning back.

With cold eyes, he said indifferently, "Okay, I would like to know why you lied to me."

When the two of them sat and stood, Shi Mianmian was a head taller than Bao Hanye who was sitting on the sofa, but she still felt extremely stressed.

In particular, the other party's aura suddenly exploded, she couldn't stand it at all, and her legs were still a little weak.

When the limbs were limp and slumped, he tried his best to straighten his body, standing in a well-behaved posture, like a primary school student who was called by the teacher to talk.

She explained in a stern tone, "After school, I ran into Jin Liang at the door. He said he wanted to talk to me about something. I didn't want to agree to it. He begged me for a long time. I think he is really embarrassed and pitiful. I agreed with a soft heart."

While talking, she took a peek at Bao Hanye, but the other's face remained unchanged, which made her feel uncertain, so she paused and continued.

"When we arrived at this milk tea shop, I received a call from you. I was afraid that you would be jealous, that you would call me home and let me let others dove, so... I lied."

After finishing speaking, Shi Mianmian opened her eyes wide and looked at Bao Hanye, not daring to breathe for fear that he would be dissatisfied with the explanation again.

After waiting for a while, the man sat there with no expression on his face, motionless.

It made Shi Mianmian's heart flutter.

She really has nothing else to do.

Only the last big move is left!
Cheering himself up, Shi Mianmian smiled like a flower, bent his knees, and rushed towards Bao Hanye like a tiger preying on his prey.

Bao Hanye's body stiffened obviously, and the two long legs that were separated automatically moved together.

Thick sword eyebrows, especially masculine, eagle-like sharp eyes, making people want to disturb the pool of ice water in the eyes, straight nose, especially three-dimensional and beautiful, and sexy, water-thin lips...

In front of this face, which seemed to be carefully carved by God, Shi Mianmian was bewitched, she couldn't help holding Bao Hanye's face, and pressed her cherry lips on the other's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, she moved down inch by inch until she kissed that flirtatious lips.

When the lips met, the soft touch made Bo Hanye no longer suppress his instincts, and when he clasped his big palms on the back of his head, he deepened the kiss.

After the stormy kiss, Shi Mianmian's face was flushed like rouge, and she limply leaned against Bao Hanye's arms.

The latter frowned and looked at her, not missing the obsession in the clear almond eyes.


Bao Hanye was stunned.

Would Shi Mianmian also have this obsessive look towards him?
After being dazed, he suddenly figured it out.

"You like my face?"

The man's voice was hoarse, with some kind of desire in it.

Sitting on him, Shi Mianmian clearly felt it.

Embarrassing, but not annoying.

Shi Mianmian's lips were numb, and after hearing this, she nodded as a response.

People instinctively pursue beautiful things, and looks are no exception, so Shi Mianmian considers herself a layman when the word Yangou is used, and she is no exception.

"I've seen you before. I don't think other boys are handsome anymore. You have raised my aesthetics to the top of the pyramid!"

Her younger brother, who is in the same mother as her, is always surrounded by some nympho girls, and Jin Liang is also known as the school girl, and he is also very handsome.

After watching Bao Hanye for a long time, and looking at them again, I feel that they look like passers-by...

"I promise you will always like it."

Bo Hanye said suddenly.

He stared at a strand of hair on Shilian's cherry lips.

The hair was stained with the liquid after the kiss, and it clinged to the lips, as if the lips were kissed by the hair.

Bao Hanye frowned severely.

I find it very, very annoying.

Jealousy, let him stretch out his hand directly, wrap one finger around the hair, and then ruthlessly tear the hair off with the other hand.

Shi Mianmian, "...why are you talking about it?"

Shi Mianmian asked suspiciously.

It doesn't hurt, it's just weird.

Throwing her hair into the trash can at hand, Bo Hanye reached out and rubbed her lips hard, as if removing some dirt.

It wasn't until he made sure that there was no smell of hair on his lips that Bao Hanye withdrew his hand in satisfaction, his eyes were deep in knowledge.

Can he say that he is jealous of this hair?
Of course not!

So, the man changed the subject without a trace, "It's a bad habit to like the new and dislike the old, and give up halfway, isn't it?"

Shi Mianmian said in a daze, and hurriedly echoed under Bao Hanye's extremely oppressive gaze, "Yes! Bad habits must be corrected!"

You are handsome, and everything you say is right!
Bao Hanye looked down at her and smiled, "So, if you like my face, you have to like it for the rest of your life!"

In the words, there was a strong and domineering atmosphere.

Shi Mianmian, "..." I always feel that I have dug a hole for myself.

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