"Xiao Shuai, come down quickly."

Yuan Liang yelled towards the tree, but the bus driver on the side kept chattering, insisting on finding out what happened.

"I'm asking you something, are you reporting me?"

"It's me!" The Lycra cotton girl stood up.

"Believe it or not, I will slap you to death?"

"How dare you?" Yuan Shuai finally jumped down from the tree and landed on the bus driver's chin.

"This is my sister, and that is my sister's friend. In the future, if you take care of them, if you bully the two of them again, I will beat you back."

"Xiao Shuai, don't mess around."

Yuan Liang reprimanded Yuan Shuai, who was walking in the direction of the bus driver's escape, and finally stopped.

"Sister, this kind of person is just scaring people. I have seen it for a long time. There are students in our class who are like him, and they are subdued by me. I treat them like this. I have a way. Look at my muscles. It's really amazing." Knowing that if I go abroad, sister, you will be bullied again."

"I think you are always like this. Your sister will not be able to marry in the future. There is a powerful brother-in-law. Who would dare to marry her?"

"Let your younger brother go home first, Yuan Liang, there is a stop on the shuttle bus to Xihe County."

"Then you're not going home?" Yuan Liang patted the Lycra cotton girl on the shoulder.

"I want to report them both. I know that man's name is Tian Wei."

"But do you want to listen to Zhan Shuang's explanation? I don't think things are as you imagined."

"Yuan Liang, I used to be as cowardly as you are now, that's why the bus driver bullied us and threw us off the bus halfway, but you saw just now, he threatened me, I didn't hide back, he was not calm Yes, just like the teacher taught me in elementary school, difficulties are like springs, if you are soft, he will be strong."

"Then I'll go back and ask Zhan Shuang what you said, and listen to what she said. It's not a trivial matter to go to the police station to report people. You need to have sufficient evidence. You are just hearsay and lack proof. .By the way, maybe Zhan Shuang will go with you to report that Tian Wei. The two of you prove each other that it is better than one person."

"Yuan Liang, I think you seem to be quite experienced."

"I've been rewarded for catching bad guys before."

"What? Sister." Yuan Shuai didn't know when, he had already boarded the bus between the urban area and the county seat, and looked at Yuan Liang with a blank face, as if he knew that his sister, a girl, was such a hard and dangerous life outside. thing.

"Sister, pay attention to safety, if anyone bullies you, you still tell me."

As the bus drove, Yuan Shuai was getting farther and farther away from Yuan Liang, but Yuan Shuai was still in the last row, waving at his sister through the window, and murmured, "My brother-in-law is so good, who will be my brother-in-law in the future, if Dare to move my sister's finger and break her leg."

Early the next morning, Zhan Shuang left alone. Yuan Liang, who heard the sound of the door, quickly chased him out, only to see Nito and Nima in the barber shop downstairs.

"Miss who plays the dead body, are you looking for the ponytail who came with you for a haircut last time? She went to Zheng's shopping mall. She ran too fast, as if there was something urgent, and the wig on her head almost fell off. "

"Zheng's shopping mall? What is Zhan Shuang doing there?"

Yuan Liang's flip phone was screaming desperately.

"Hello! You are a producer. Have you ever been to a high-end bar to watch me dance? No? Then how do you know me?"

Yuan Liang, who put down the phone, stared at the strange number in doubt. It sounded like it was not the same as the crew of the fireball last time.

Immediately afterwards, a text message was sent to Yuan Liang's phone, and the specific address of the looped playback could be seen without flipping the cover.

"Look at the name. This should be a square. It just so happens that there is nothing else going on today. You can observe it secretly. If you feel something is wrong, run away immediately."


Yuan Liang saw a group of square dancers in floral skirts in the distance, forming a big circle, dancing onions in the middle of the square, kicking their legs and shaking their shoulders, feeling very happy.

The accompaniment played by the stereo and the laughter of the aunts merged into one, creating a jubilant scene, and Yuan Liang's heart also became more at ease. It was a serious place.

As Yuan Liang walked in, she found that inside the colorful "petals" was a working team for filming variety shows.

The man wearing a sun hat reached out and took off the hat on his head, revealing the sparse hair on the top of his head. He wiped the sweat from his head, and the hair was naturally tied into locks. The shape of these three hairs once again provoked the aunt They leaned forward and back together funny.

"Okay, thank you everyone, we are only short of the last shot for today's shooting, all the little fairies, please stand next to us and take a group photo together, okay?"

"Good good..."

I saw that the aunts were called "little fairies", all of them couldn't keep their mouths shut, and walked neatly to the back of the variety show group.

"Hurry up, it's too late, we need to get a good seat, we can see it on TV, my daughter will give me this day off."

The middle-aged woman with curly hair in front of Yuan Liang turned out to be the aunt of the public phone booth.

Unexpectedly, with the apron taken off and the curly hair off her head, she is so radiant. Against the backdrop of the sun, all the wrinkles on her face seem to be stretched by a smile. In addition, the magic of the foundation and concealer does not show any spots , is no different from young people who love beauty.

It turned out that Yuan Liang saw her in several women's group TV interviews, and she never took off the curls on her head. Maybe she was preparing for today's scene.

"There's a girl in a tracksuit standing over there, you come here too."

The three-haired man pointed the big horn in his hand at Yuan Liang.

Yuan Liang hid back shyly, but a big hand grabbed her wrist.

"It's you? Why haven't I seen you calling at Auntie's these days. "

"I have a cell phone, Auntie."

"I still think that a little girl like you is alone without a mobile phone. If something happens, it's not convenient to call the police. If I see you today, I can't let you go. Where's your brother?"

"Auntie, I'm here for an interview, but it seems I'm late again."

"It's not too late, look at my old ladies, all of them are here for an interview. I often watch this entertainment program, entertainment for the elderly, and it's about square dances for us. I came to this square today, which happens to be close to home, so my daughter agreed. Show me the shop for a while, hurry over to play with my aunt, I'm going back soon, I don't feel relieved to leave the shop to her, there will always be boys watching her during puberty."

"Auntie, you are not old."

"You can really talk, and you're still not old at 50?"

"Not old, not old, 50 is a middle-aged person, the new standard, 70 years old, just enter old age."

"Please don't chatter over there, okay, our team will rush to the next square to pick up the mirror soon."

"Here we come!" The aunt at the public phone booth took Yuan Liang's reluctant arm and ran all the way to the front of the line.

Yuan Liang felt that many aunts and uncles beside her were eyeing her position. She wanted to leave the important C position in the center, but she saw that the camera had already slid over from above, and she didn't move any more.

"Everyone shout together, Eggplant!"


Yuan Liang shouted obediently, expecting to hear a larger group force, but it seemed that she was the only one calling.

Other square dancing aunts have long been posing silently with emotion, some pinching their waists and twisting their hips, some stretching out their hands and twisting their necks, and the aunt on the farthest side took out a fluorescent-colored scarf to attract attention, and pulled Waving in hand, singled out each one is like a fashion magazine.

Yuan Liang secretly glanced at the aunt in the public phone booth beside her from the corner of her eye. She had automatically positioned the most beautiful upward curve of her mouth, no more, no less, just right, and it seemed that she didn't need to call "eggplant" to help her lips.

At the moment after taking the photo, the aunts did not applaud happily after hearing the "thank you", but took out their large-screen mobile phones and self-timers, and started more detailed shooting. Gained a lot of insight.

"I'm leaving first!" The aunt at the public phone booth touched Yuan Liang's back and said goodbye to her.

Yuan Liang made the same waving gesture, and found that the auntie in the public phone booth was surrounded by several of her older sisters, who seemed to have endless words and burst into laughter from time to time.

"Hi! I'm the producer, are you here? Where are you?"

"I..." Yuan Liang heard the voice on the phone and formed a stereo sound with the surroundings. She rubbed her ears that were shaken by the "rumble" and saw a man's eyes moving towards her.

"Hello producer."

Yuan Liang quickly put down her phone, because she realized that the man with three hairs should be the producer of the entertainment show she contacted.

"Your name is Yuan Liang?"

"Yes! May I ask how do you know me? Didn't you watch the animated corpse in the hit web drama?"

"We make funny shows, not horror movies, and show them to the elderly. Whoever lives a hard life, I don't want their hearts to be stimulated too much. It's good to laugh."

"Yeah, producer, I agree with your idea very much, just smile at ten years old."

"Seeing that you also have a smiling face, how about this, we will go to another square later, you lead the elderly to dance, you have no experience in participating in the selection of women's groups, then you should be able to sing, it is best to sing while singing Dance, make the atmosphere up, the older people, many children are no longer around, giving them warmth is the core purpose of our sisters."

"Okay, I sing and dance very well, and I can also present a complete collection of photo poses for the elderly as a gift."

Yuan Liang recalled the various shooting actions she saw just now, and it seemed that they had been deeply introduced into her mind and became an indelible memory.

"Okay, then you come with us."

"Wait a minute, producer, I want to ask you, did you find me after watching the TV show of the talent show?"


The producer answered Yuan Liang casually, calling the program team members to bring all their things with their hands, so don't leave anything behind.

"Then how do you know me? Word of mouth? I'm so famous now?"

Yuan Liang muttered to herself, while secretly delighted in her heart, fortunately she did not give up on the road of dreaming.

"Is this important? Someone must have recommended you, so I will rest assured that you will come here. If your quality is not good, and you quarrel with these old people, then we don't need to shoot the show, just wait for the headlines."

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