It was Yuan Liang who hit the back of the spectator.

She felt very sorry for her cousin.

"Actually, my cousin is okay, but she has a bad temper. Yuan Liang, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

A flower-like smile appeared on Yuan Liang's face again.

Everything that followed seemed to gradually clear up with the weather.

"My cousin went to the girl group she was in before, do you want to try it?"

This time, Xiao Tingting didn't stop Yuan Liang's dream. She even felt that the salary she got immediately would be taken away by someone, and what would happen would not happen.

Xiao Tingting took Yuan Liang's hand over, and wrote two words with her finger, "Come on." It was considered as compensation for her inability to pay half of Yuan Liang's salary. She provided Yuan Liang with her address and her cousin's phone number.

However, she found that Yuan Liang was holding the flip phone case in one hand and the battery in the other hand, ready to put it back and record it in the phone.

"Yuan Liang, do you have a mobile phone? Great, then you can save my number as well, so that we can contact each other in the future. If my cousin still dares to bully you, please tell me."

When Xiao Tingting spoke the second half of the sentence, she felt that her confidence was obviously lacking.

Yuan Liang studied the mobile phone, and it was the first time she used it. Xiao Tingting began to use the skills she had learned and educated her.

"Yuan Liang, I have to praise you first. It's right not to make phone calls on rainy days. If lightning strikes, the light one's hand will be electrocuted, and the serious one will be blown to death. Look, there is a small button on the side. It's the power button, and it's also the power button, you keep clicking this, the phone you just turned off, you can turn it on again..."

Yuan Liang kept stretching her fingers, only to realize that she was indeed numb from the electric shock. Fortunately, nothing serious happened to her.

"What's wrong with your phone? Who gave it to you, you can go to him to fix it for you. This flip phone is out of print and won't be guaranteed anymore."

Yuan Liang looked at the mobile phone in front of her, panicked. The mobile phone she finally got had no time to install a calling card, so she didn't want it to break down so soon.

"What are you doing in the bathroom with your phone?"

Xiao Tingting called Yuan Liang from behind, but Yuan Liang pinned all her hopes of joining the girl group in the future on this red flip phone. She knew the importance of a phone call to an artist, and if she missed one, it meant wasting one to realize her dream Opportunity.

She didn't have it before, but now she has a phone, and she has to fix it no matter what.

When Xiao Tingting rushed over, she found that Yuan Liang was using the faucet to "squeak" at the phone. While washing it over and over again, Yuan Liang's body was just like the phone, as if she had just taken a shower.

"Yuan Liang, stop quickly!" Xiao Tingting hurried over and turned off the water outlet switch on the sink, "If you do this, the phone will be completely scrapped!"

"I want to fight poison with fire, the book says..." Yuan Liang said confidently with guilt.

"I told you, not everything in the book is correct, just take our library as an example, it's the same, you have to read the book well, the administrator just..."

Xiao Tingting opened her mouth wide and closed it immediately, because she saw the administrator walking in, questioning why there was no water to wash her hands.

Xiao Tingting took advantage of the gap where the administrator was not paying attention and the peaked cap was down, and turned on the water outlet switch again. Huge water splashed towards the administrator in an instant. Xiao Tingting grabbed Yuan Liang's arm and quickly fled the "severe disaster area" scene.

The rising tone of "I chocolate you" stopped Xiao Tingting's nagging, and after drying the battery and flipping the case, the phone miraculously came back to life, which made Yuan Liang and Xiao Tingting look at each other, and then , the soles of the feet kept leaving the ground, and the hands that jumped up were tightened, cheering happily.

"Hold down, this is the library, you two get out." The administrator, whose cap was wet, saw that Yuan Liang's clothes were similar to his own water marks, but Xiao Tingting's whole body was dry, so he couldn't help staring at her look.

"Sorry, teacher administrator, we are so happy, we are not laughing at the water on your body. Got it, let's go out immediately." Xiao Tingting was so nervous that the weather was so sunny that she even took a transparent umbrella outside, pretending to be calm He walked to an invisible corner of the library and continued to congratulate Yuan Liang.

"You're so lucky. It's rare in a hundred years. It seems that the interview you're waiting for will succeed. Do you want me to accompany you?"

While talking, Xiao Tingting stored her own number in Yuan Liang's cell phone first, then her cousin's phone number, and finally the matters related to the interview location, and set a time, reminding Yuan Liang to go to the interview earlier.

"You must have a bad time going to the bar, right? I always feel that that kind of place is not for a girl like you. If you are deceived, you will have no time to cry. I will call my cousin and ask her to make an appointment. You go as soon as possible. interview."

Yuan Liang was so happy that she didn't know how to express her inner gratitude. From just now to now, she seems to have been in a state of wandering between half dream and half awake.

"Hi! Cousin..."

Before Xiao Tingting could finish the specific content, Zheng Menghanged up the phone viciously.

"I'm busy right now, don't call me!!"

"It's okay, you can answer the call. Is there something at home to ask you?" An interviewer with short ear-length hair pushed back the hair that he couldn't tie back. He seemed not interested in Zheng Meng, but mentioned Zheng Meng several times. family background.

"No, no, I also said just now, I want to rely on myself, I have studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts..."

"I don't care. If you want to apply for a designer, then I'm sorry. Judging from the current development of our company, there is no need for clothing..."

"Then I'll just be a member of the girl group. I don't choose. The key is to have good accommodation."

"Miss Zheng Meng, with all due respect, your previous incident received a very bad response in the circle. Your father spent huge sums of money to make you an ordinary person. Do you think it is boring if you don't become a public figure?"

"Don't mention the past, anyway, my request now is..."

"Miss Zheng Meng, you don't seem to understand me. If your father doesn't invest in our company, it will be difficult for us to build you. Please go back."

The interviewer with short-haired ears brushed her hair back again. This time, Zheng Meng grabbed her hand and helped her comb her hair into a half-ball on top of her head.

"Sister Wang, if you hadn't begged me before, I would have joined your girl group. Some companies rushed to ask for me, but I did disappear for a while in the past few years, but now I want to come back. It has been explained many times in the media, I didn't know it would cause such serious consequences, otherwise, I wouldn't..."

"Miss Zheng Meng, but the way you talked on the phone just now, let me see that you are still domineering and domineering, and there is no sign of changing at all. In addition, didn't your father tell you at the time that you would bite the bullet and deny it? He also admitted it generously It was you who scolded her, and as a result, overwhelming news came one after another, our company has fallen into what it is now, and it is also thanks to you, please!"

The interviewer bent one arm, untied the half-ball head that Zheng Meng had tied to her, shook her hair, and fell it back to her ear, then straightened her arm, with the palm facing up, and moved from Zheng Meng's body to the direction of the door .

"Oh, did you say it earlier, you just saw me getting mad?"

"You are not that simple, inferior artist, how long I can spend time with you, I want to send you away, it is all because of your father's help to our company."

After Zheng Meng rolled her eyes, she turned on the music on her phone as if she was a different person. It was the dance she was best at when she was leading the team, but after years of not practicing, she has slowly degenerated. Many postures are not standard, even worse than new trainees.

"Miss Zheng Meng, after you finished this dance, my mind has been strengthened. Please close the door for me after you go out, thank you."

"Sister Wang, okay, since you dare to treat me like this, I will let you cry and beg me to come back later."


The door was slammed heavily, and it was tightly attached to the door frame.

At this time, Zheng Meng's cell phone rang.


"Excuse me, are you Xiao Tingting's cousin, Ms. Zheng Meng?"

Zheng Meng, who was in a bad mood, wanted to turn off the phone directly, but overheard his cousin's name, paused for a second curiously, and then yelled loudly, "Say!!"

"I'm Yuan Liang..."

Yuan Liang yelled and cursed for no reason. She knew Xiao Tingting was right. Her cousin had a bad temper. After the other party said she was tired, Yuan Liang felt that the time was ripe and wanted to continue talking, but she heard the phone hang up. the sound of.

"You don't have eyes, you, die and stay." Zheng Meng swaggered out from her original girl group company, buttocks swaying from side to side, bumping into Yuan Liang who wanted to join the company.

"Why is it you again? Every time I see you, I will be unlucky. I couldn't make a phone call just now, but now I want to come to the door to look for me. What a haunting ghost!"

"Ms. Zheng Meng."

"Which department do you think you are the spokesperson for? You don't need to talk to me so formally. You can just call me Zheng Mengqian."

At this time, the short-haired interviewer heard a loud quarrel and came out. Seeing that it was Zheng Meng who was cursing, he was not surprised. On the contrary, it was Yuan Liang who attracted her attention. She was dressed in a school uniform, Another time someone came to their company wearing this.

"Who are you looking for here?"

Zheng Meng saw the interviewer who was walking towards her. She had short hair and a white dress underneath. The skirt just reached knee length. The white suit with shoulder pads followed her as she walked. It had the effect of an incandescent lamp. In the lacquered company hall, a beautiful landscape formed, like an elf walking in the dark night, which made Yuan Liang feel overwhelmed for a moment.

"Oh, I'm here for an interview."

"Idiot, with your outfit, why do I feel like my cousin is wearing it? She looks mediocre and short, and I really don't see a little bit of light. If someone like you can be interviewed, my surname will not be Zheng. "

The interviewer with short hair and short ears heard Zheng Meng speaking harshly again, and said, "Then please come in."

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