The proprietress of Dahuashan took Yuan Liang to the corridor in person, and while giving Yuan Liang 40 yuan, she asked her curiously, "How did you know Xiao Jiang?"

"Madam, I don't know her." Yuan Liang followed behind the lady in Dahuashan, and came to the door where she used to live. Yuan Liang stood for a while without stepping in, "Didn't you say that there would be no Is it a bad room? A house worth 20 yuan a day should not be the original one.”

"It's here, the housing price has risen, if you don't live here, you can leave."

The boss lady of Dahuashan had an arrogant voice, as if everything was done after receiving the money.

Yuan Liang was stunned by the layout of the room. When she left in the morning, she cleaned it up. Even though the lights were dim, Yuan Liang also developed the habit of going to bed early.

Now, the sleeping bed is gone, the wall is dark, every corner is full of unused items, and the ash from the wall is falling on it, just like a warehouse.

"Then where do I live?"

"I don't have any room for you, but if you insist on paying for a month at once, then I will force you to live here. Don't worry, if other guests have vacant rooms, I will keep them for you. After all, this place is cheap. , so every day is full, who made you come back so late."

"Miss Boss, there is no place to live there anymore, please give me the money, and I will return it to Miss Jiang."

"Little Sister Jiang? You are so kind. Don't blame me for not reminding you. When they sell you, maybe you have to count the money for her. She can turn her head so fast. You can't play with her. Knowing what she is doing Why pay for it for you? I really thought she was very generous, it was all a routine, as long as I collect the money, it cannot be refunded."

Yuan Liang turned her head and looked at the boss lady in a big flowered shirt who was big and thick. The Pixiu on her chest was the same as her personality, "I can only go in and out."

"How? Live or not? I can help you clean up."

The proprietress of Dahuashan looked at Yuan Liang's clenched fists, and didn't want to cause trouble. After so many days, the proprietress of Dahuashan knew very well that Yuan Liang's actions were suffering from inner torment, as if a wave of pain was simmering in her body. It's so hard, it's like it's not clear when it's going to leak out.

After much deliberation, the proprietress of Dahuashan didn't want to force Yuan Liang too hard, so as not to fail the small hotel during the assessment and scoring, so she took the initiative to go in and tidy up the sundries on the ground.

"Thank you, I'll stay here then."

Yuan Liang looked at the huge proprietress, squatting on the ground to pick up things, holding her belly, like a hillside, rising and falling.

As soon as Yuan Liang's words fell, the proprietress of the big flower shirt did not confirm with Yuan Liang again, but put her hands on her thighs, raised her body, walked out of the room, and closed the door from the outside.

The place where Yuan Liang was standing was the only area where the proprietress of Dahuashan had cleaned up, and it was only enough for her to settle down.

"Are you inside?" A man's voice came from outside the door, accompanied by a knock on the door.

"Who?" Yuan Liang instinctively inserted the door key into the hole, locked it several times, but did not pull it out.

When Yuan Liang was staying at the hotel, the proprietress of Dahuashan gave her a "Risk Notice". Prevent idlers from taking advantage of the opportunity to break into the lock and turn over the cabinet, and those who easily open the door to strangers will be responsible for the consequences if accidents occur.

Yuan Liang stretched her throat to the maximum, making a rough voice like a man.

"I obviously entered this room just now, what's going on, I'm sorry, I found the wrong person."

Yuan Liang heard it more and more familiar, so she looked out from the broken door mirror. Although the figure had been squeezed and completely deformed, Yuan Liang vaguely saw a logo on his sleeve.

"Did you find those two suits?" Yuan Liang happily opened the door, feeling lucky today, many people were willing to help her, otherwise, she wouldn't know where to sleep tonight.

"Thank you so much for coming here to give it to me. Then I can wash clothes in my room later." Yuan Liang was waiting for the two suits to return to her arms with her arms open.

"I haven't found it yet, so I just came to tell you, is this your room?"

"Well, I know, how did you know about this place?" Yuan Liang felt a little strange at first.

"Oh, me, I live here too, and I just heard something moving in the corridor. It feels like you, so I came out to have a look."

The man with the armband's explanation seemed to be seamless, but he hesitated and his eyes were blurred.

"Really? That's great. It feels like you are here, and the whole floor feels safe. If you find those two suits, you can hand them over to me. By the way, which room do you live in? I haven't seen them before." over you."

The man with the armband used the toothpaste and toothbrush tied with a big red bow in his hand, and casually pointed to another block in the corridor, "I live over there, opposite you. I might not have noticed it when I came back."

Yuan Liang didn't speak any more, a black line was drawn across her small face

One night, Yuan Liang slept in fear. The next morning, she got up early. Just after dawn, she quietly dug out what little luggage she had, three coats, and two long johns. A piece of autumn clothes was all on her body, like a swollen packing bag, especially the upper body, as if it was about to take off.

A collarless cardigan knitted outside, a hooded sweater with a hooded cardigan, and a cropped jacket on the outside.

In the season when spring is coming to an end, there is an aspect of winter approaching.

Inside the room, Yuan Liang had already cleaned it fairly clean, and the things that were not used in the hotel were neatly stacked in the corners and piled up very high.

Yuan Liang once again looked at the room where she had lived for more than half a month. She didn't seem to have the slightest nostalgia, but she never stepped out. She didn't know where she could go if she left here, but she knew clearly that she had been stared at. on.

The room that the man with the armband mentioned yesterday was the room of the deceased daughter of the proprietress of the big flower shirt. Because of this, the small hotel keeps the price to a minimum, so that only guests who are temporarily short of money can stay.

But no matter how full the customers are, she will not vacate the things left by her daughter in the blocked room, let alone let other guests live there.

At the beginning, Yuan Liang only heard some rumors about this small hotel, but when she was sorting out the sundries in the room, Yuan Liang accidentally found a diary written by the proprietress of the big flowered shirt, which was full of water stains. It should be crying while writing. What's more, there is a small note written by the proprietress's daughter in the big flower shirt before her death, but it was torn into pieces.

This made Yuan Liang more certain that the man with the armband was lying, and Yuan Liang could guess as to why.

"You came back, went out so early, and took me as the gatekeeper? Sleep a little longer, I don't remember now."

The proprietress of Dahua heard the movement, looked up at Yuan Liang, and fell asleep on the small single bed set up in the front desk.

Yuan Liang squeezed the small piece of paper that she had pasted under the dark green safe, exposing a small side. She knew that the big lace proprietress would be sure whether to accept money or not. She will often check the safe, so she will see the message her daughter left for her.

When Yuan Liang was walking through the back door, she heard the unbridled cry of the proprietress of the big flower shirt inside. Maybe it was a way to vent her love for her daughter for many years, but she had to pretend to be strong, or it was because she felt sorry for her daughter, but she didn't care about her anymore. I regret not being able to take care of my daughter.

"Mom, I know I'm going to die. Dad passed away early. You used so much money for me to study, but I can't continue to repay you. After I go with dad, I will give you my room. Don't be reluctant, always stay at the front desk Small bed, my waist will be uncomfortable, you don’t have to work hard to save money for me, I don’t want an expensive tomb, I have lived in the most luxurious villa, it is my mother’s belly..."

Yuan Liang raised her head, facing 45 degrees, so as to prevent tears from staying.

"Are you crying?"

"I don't. I've grown up so much that I don't understand what crying is." Yuan Liang regained her composure and found that the person she answered casually was a woman in suspenders.

She changed into suspenders of different colors today, yesterday it was red lace, today it is purple, and there is a big flower full of lace in the middle of her chest.

Yuan Liang sniffled back.

"Money, I will return it to you in the future. I don't like to owe favors. If it's a few dollars, it's fine, but it's hundreds of dollars. I have to return it to you."

"Then why don't you ask the proprietress any more?"

"I want it, but she doesn't give it to me. I learned something yesterday, so I don't want it anymore."

"Ah cut!" The woman in suspenders sneezed.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Liang struggled to take off the outer jacket she was wearing, "You put this on, it's a bit cold in the morning, I wear a lot, and I'm wearing long johns inside."

The woman in suspenders was a little surprised, looking at the small dark purple jacket that Yuan Liang was handing her.

"Put it on quickly. I always wash it. It's not dirty. Don't catch a cold. A cold is very uncomfortable."

The woman with suspenders finally took the small jacket under Yuan Liang's constant persuasion, smelled it with her nose, then deliberately put it on backwards, put one sleeve in first, paused for a second, and then stretched out the other arm Into the sleeves, the back becomes a zipper and the front resembles a bib.

"Am I dressed well? This color just matches my clothes, but I don't like ordinary ways of dressing, and I don't like ordinary days. Don't you wonder what I do?"

Yuan Liangquan pretended not to hear, and interrupted, "By the way, I have two long johns, do you want to wear one?"

"No, I never wear that, what old people wear, don't pretend, I can see through it at a glance, you are very smart, sometimes, you just pretend to be stupid, you have things you want to do, outside the hotel yesterday, I You can see clearly."

The woman in suspenders was circling around Yuan Liang, "Why don't you faint?"

"I just woke up, quite awake, and, looking at my feet on the ground, I won't feel dizzy."

"You are very smart, you know what you want to do, you can endure humiliation, and you will work hard for that goal, no matter how many obstacles are around you, you will not give up until you reach your goal. I am not mistaken, you are suitable for this kind of career."

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