Yuan Shuai ran forward a few steps and caught up with a girl dressed as a student.

"Xiao Tingting? Is this cat yours?"

"Is Yuan Liang okay?"

Xiao Tingting hugged the cat and asked timidly.

"My sister is fine, it's Brother Mu who is in trouble, he is the president of Zixiao Entertainment Company, your cat will probably make him burp."

"Cousin? Why are you here?"

From the end of the corridor, Zheng Meng walked in the direction of Xiao Tingting, taking "da da" steps with high heels.

"Sister, I bought a new kitten and wanted to raise it in the dormitory, but the school didn't allow it. I thought I just had no class, so I went out to take it for a stroll and see how your show was filmed, so I wanted to find a cat for it. Pet boarding office, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Don't talk about it, throw the cat away quickly, otherwise, you will get into big trouble."

Yuan Shuai heard Zheng Meng's whispered words.

"Zheng Meng, are you teaching your cousin to give false testimony?"

"Not big or small, who told you to call me by my first name?"

"Sister Zheng Meng, would you be happy to be called that? What do you think Aunt Gou will think if I tell this, and she will stop targeting my sister. You have made my sister miserable, Sister Zheng Meng."

"Forget it, you still call me Zheng Meng, to look younger."

Zheng Meng pinched his cousin's arm.

"This time you've made a big mess for me."

"Cousin, what should I do? It really wasn't intentional."

Zheng Meng snatched the kitten from Xiao Tingting's arms and put it on the ground.

The high heels raised to scare it, "Go!"

"Don't do that, it will be scared."

When Xiao Tingting squatted down, the little cat panicked even her, and ran away quickly in order to survive.

"Now your sister, I'm afraid, do you care? It's not good to provoke anyone. I have to mess with the difficult Gou Yuhong. You must know that she will be my mother-in-law in the future. Although it is difficult to get along with, but now we have to lay the foundation. When asked, he said he didn’t know whose cat it was.”

"Zheng Meng, do you think I'm air?"

"Then you go and talk about it. It's not that you don't know the status of you and your sister in Gou Yuhong's heart. There is no gap between the two of you. If there is, it is all hatred. Do you think that at this time, you go and tell Gou Yuhong that the cat belongs to my cousin?" , will it be easier for you to blame it on our family? Will she trust you? "

"That's right. Anyway, you and your producer's father have no status in front of Aunt Gou. Even if you tell the truth, it will only make her annoying you and become even more annoying. In this way, Zheng Meng, let's talk a condition"

"I'm not your goddess? Talk to me about what conditions."

"The goddess will step down from the altar one day, and she will be more confident, just like the divine song you sang today, Little Apple."

Xiao Tingting hid behind Zheng Meng, as if she only realized the benefits of having a sister at this time.

"Don't worry, he is my fan. He likes me more than her sister. If he hadn't saved me, I guess the one lying on the hospital bed is not Zi Xiao, but me. So, even if you measure him, he won't be a moth." .”

"Let my sister be in the women's team, and stand in the middle C position."

"It's so funny, and I don't even laugh quietly. There are a few and a half people in Entertainment, and they all ran to the eight or eight people. Now the company will not survive, and they all disappeared. Gou Yuhong won't let them come back. Do you think me and you There are two sisters, can she stand in the middle? She can only choose left or right."

"Xiao Die came here just now, and she also wants to join our company, can you help to say something nice in front of Aunt Gou? Then you two can help my sister by the side. It is her dream to become a star."

"You little brother is really good at what you did. If your sister has you, you still need to make her debut now? Let me guess, based on what you did to my sister, did you tell Xiaodie , only she jumped over it, and your sister and I both fell down, and we suspected that the cat had something to do with her."

"That's right, it's not easy for my sister to support a family, and I want to help her."

"It's really a brother and sister. She helped you in the past, and now you repay her. I almost cried when I heard it, but don't forget, the important evidence is gone. Do you still think I will help you realize your dream?"

Zheng Meng grabbed Xiao Tingting who was frightened, "Sister, if they really find out, the cat belongs to me. What should I do if their president is hopeless? They won't appoint another cat to kill me." The crime of human life?"

"I told you to stop talking."

Zheng Meng covered Xiao Tingting's mouth with her tender palm, telling her to close it, and then touched her shoulder to stop her body shaking.

When Zheng Meng turned around, he heard Yuan Shuai's words behind him, and sighed softly.

"I believe you."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. If you want to join the women's team, the C captain is the ultimate dream of every girl, and so do I."

"No, you are not an ordinary person. You used to be in the girl group company with my sister, and it is the same now. Then you will understand that it is not easy for my sister to work hard in other places. You have a father who can give you a helping hand, but my sister only has Herself."

"Hmph! Then speak with your strength. For the sake of saving me, at 8 o'clock tonight, we will compete in dancing and singing in Zheng's shopping mall. If your sister has the guts, come."

"Thank you! I will tell my sister that she must go back, and you can set up the stage and wait for her."

"Hey, your sister's show is really big. I will decide the rules of the competition. Everyone sings a song, dances a dance, and dances with a song. After three songs, the one with the most votes in the mall wins. If your sister wins, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, as you said, to give up the C position, but if she loses, you all leave Zixiao Entertainment immediately, and don't appear in front of me again."

Yuan Shuai waved his arm goodbye and let it go.

"Cousin, can I go to your evening show?"

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and go back to school, reflect on yourself, that's all, let's go."

Xiao Tingting was sent to the hospital gate by Zheng Meng, for fear that she would turn back and look for the polka-dot cat.


Zheng Meng heard a cry, and immediately turned her head to stare at Xiao Tingting, while she covered her mouth with her hand, making a groove, and gently meowed like a cat.

"You called me just now?"

"Yes, sister, I miss that kitten so much, can't I really go find it? I'm worried that after thinking about it day and night, I won't be able to sleep all day, and the next time you talk to me, you will become meow Meow meow."

"Don't talk nonsense, if I say no, I won't. If I find out that you keep pets again, you will deal with this mess yourself."

"Okay, cousin, I promise you will never find out."

Zheng Meng's steps forward were still as light as before, and when she turned around suddenly, she found that Xiao Tingting was hugging the little tabby cat, rubbing her mouth, making fun of it.

"give me!"

Zheng Meng snatched the kitten again, but this time he did not release it immediately.

"Hurry up, you have to miss this cat again, believe it or not, I'll sell it to a restaurant."

"No, no, cousin, I promise you, I'm going back to school now."

Xiao Tingting pretended to look at her watch, "At this point, our teacher is about to start class, I have to go back quickly, and I will hand over the kitten to you. I know you are kind, and you will definitely not do that. Goodbye, cousin. .”

Xiao Tingting knew Zheng Meng very well, and her words raised Zheng Meng's image even more, so she was holding the kitten and looking at it with disgust.

"You troublemaker..."

Zheng Meng pointed at the face of the little cat. It was overly frightened and was about to scratch Zheng Meng with its paws. A pair of big hands appeared between the faces of the little cat and Zheng Meng.

Blood flowed out.

"Are you following me? You said you will compete with your sister at 8 p.m., can't you?"

"Leave it to me, it thinks you are unfriendly, don't catch you in a bad face later, I am very responsible for the important position of the company, and I always have to be responsible to the artists."

"I think you are worried about the destruction of the evidence. I didn't expect you to have so many thoughts at such a young age. If you grow up, it will be terrible. Prison is your way out."

"Zheng Meng, in fact, I don't have much in mind. I only have one goal. I want to live a good life. Is this wrong? I just told my sister that she is very happy to participate in the game tonight. I already knew that my sister You are courageous, but you are Zheng's shopping mall, who can guarantee that the voting is absolutely fair, and who are the judges?"

"Why are there so many things? The judges are security guards in the mall, okay?"

"After all, it's still your insiders."

"You newcomers don't know. The two of them used to be Muzixiao's personal bodyguards. They were dismissed because they didn't notice the bad guys. It happened that there were two security guards in our mall. They took a broken electric baton all day long. I told Gou Yuhong, The two were swapped, and now they are said to be doing well."

Zheng Meng became proud.

"It turns out that this is the case, then you are indeed quite talented in human resources."

"What? You mean I'm not worthy to compete with your sister for the C position?"

"I think that since the professional experience of these four security guards is so bizarre, they should be the judges together. Also, if the audience votes to tie and the judges vote for a tie, what should we do?"

"There's no such thing as a coincidence."

"Yes, a very small cat can make four people go to the end at the same time. What else do you think is impossible to happen?"

"Don't you think it's fair if the judge is Gou Yuhong? Do you think her son is lying in the operating room and she is in the mood to participate?"

"Of course I'm not talking about Aunt Gou, but you didn't think that there was another girl in position C, Xiaodie. She said that as long as she can come to Zixiao Entertainment, she is willing to be a supporting role. So, how about letting her be the judge?"

"That's not good. I heard that she worked in a high-end bar before. I started to know your sister for a long time. Will you be biased towards her?"

"Absolutely not. They don't have a good relationship. Xiaodie also liked Brother Mu before. Strictly speaking, she is your rival in love and will not favor either side. It would be perfect to invite her to be a judge."

"Rival in love? Does your sister also like to smile? Let him stop thinking about it. Even if you marry someone who is not in the right family, you can only be humiliated. There is no benefit. You might as well rely on yourself and marry someone who is similar in the future. Ann Living a stable life is the best way out for your sister."

Yuan Shuai only asked tentative questions, but it elicited Zheng Meng's eagerness to arrange the rest of Yuan Liang's life, and he further confirmed the fact that Zheng Meng liked Mu Zixiao.

"Xiaoshuai, go back and get that luck bottle."

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