Yuan Liang first looked down at the colorful shawls on the ground, then picked them up and put them on at random, took out the hat of the sportswear, twirled it around, and the shawls would be thrown into a beautiful circle, which lined her head Like a brilliant stamen.

Yuan Liang opened her arms and swayed left and right, like a scarecrow. The special gold thread material of the shawl increases the friction, so that it will not scurry back and forth. It is perfect for performing on the stage.

She picked up another small accessory, and rolled up the leg of the sweatpants until it reached the knee and pinned it to the fold, and the cropped trousers were instantly formed.

Although it was pretty, Yuan Liang unconsciously glanced at the scar, it was still very long, but after years of erosion, the scar faded.

Yuan Liang has never dared to show her legs. Apart from being conservative, it has something to do with the scar she left in elementary school.

"Come on, as long as you hide from the camera a little, you won't be photographed."

She stood upright, walked back to her bedroom, raised her head slightly, enjoying the hot sunshine, and when she opened her eyes, she seemed to see a rainbow.

Thumb forward, fingers bent just enough to hold the vial of "luck".

"It turned out to be you! My current good luck is brought to me by you, right?"

Yuan Liang lifted it up, pointed it at the sun, closed one eye, and felt the illusory splendor.

"Tomorrow will be fine."

Yuan Liang's elbow was bent, her forearm was naturally perpendicular to her big arm, and she exerted force from top to bottom to give herself courage.

Afterwards, preparations began for tomorrow's opening appearance.

As soon as she turned on her phone, a piece of hot news popped up on the page, but it disappeared quickly. Yuan Liang didn't know where to find it, so she ignored it and started learning the latest popular dances on the Internet.

When I turned to a video from the same city on the live broadcast software, what I saw was a girl dancing with her in a high-end bar. Obviously, she was much more proficient in all aspects of skills than when she first came here.

"Water dance? This is interesting, I can learn it."

Every time Yuan Liang dances, although the movements are all the same, she always feels that there is a little less charm.

"Hi! Sister Wei, are you busy now? Can I go over and see you?"

Taking advantage of the fact that her younger brother was not at home today, Yuan Liang finally had no parental responsibilities, so she flew towards the woman with the afro like a free bird.

The decoration inside the bar has not changed at all, the only difference is that the hip-hop woman with long ribbons on her sleeves has gone to work in another place. According to Miss Wei, she was poached by a scout who came last time.

"He only looked at my sisters the whole time, they were very sweet, didn't you notice?"

Yuan Liang shook her head. With a concentrated expression, she was staring at the girl's water dance on the steps above, and then, she started to wriggle along with the music.

"No, when the shoulders sink, the mouth is a little crooked."

Sunset and sunrise, a cycle, life continues, but for Yuan Liang, it is the moment to change her destiny.

"Sister, don't be nervous, it's just an opening, believe in yourself, it will definitely work."

At the order of the host, the reality show of the girl group is now starting, and the outside of the sales center is extremely lively.

The female team members from other companies performed one after another, all of which were nervous for Yuan Liang. She was wearing a suit designed by her younger brother for Zixiao Entertainment, with a colorful shawl around her shoulders. Every step at the top becomes a ladder leading to the highest hall.

Whether you can leave a deep impression on the audience friends on the first day is all in one fell swoop.

"It's almost time for you, sister, why hasn't Zheng Meng come here? Is it because of what happened yesterday?"

Yuan Shuai muttered in a low voice, in order not to affect his sister's performance, he suppressed the expression of concern for Zheng Meng.

"Sister, she's done, it's you, I'll withdraw first, don't wait to record my behind-the-scenes into the frame, and then let so many of you do it again, it's not good, I saw the camera once. "

Yuan Shuai patted his sister on the shoulder, gave her strength, and ran away in small steps.

Yuan Liang is adjusting her breathing, trying to calm her heart, her throat will not be too tight, if the music suddenly stops, she can hum the tune by herself.

In order not to be the same as others, she thought of hundreds of ways to appear on the stage, but unexpectedly, the woman in front of her broke all her fantasies.

For a fat woman, even if there are no long straps floating on her sleeves, it doesn't prevent Yuan Liang from seeing at a glance that she is a hip-hop woman.

"My name is Xiaodie, and I come from Eight Eight People Wei Entertainment. Recently, the affairs of our company have been fired. As an artist under our company, I am very sad. I don't know where my future is. In order to become a rapper, I have worked together for many years. The bar, withdrew its shares, and devoted itself to the cause of the women's group, hoping to have a good result, next, I will bring my original water dance."

Xiaodie unscrewed the bottle cap of a bottle of mineral water that had been prepared, and under the attention of everyone, she poured it all over her head. With every drop of water, her colorful braids appeared like a faucet. The "tick tick" became a drain pipe.

The audience and the owner of the real estate were all surprised. They finally saw the live version of the water dance. Every one of them was extremely excited, including the scout who went to the high-end bar before. Ren Wei, the company is now in ruins, whether it can be revived or not, the restart of the Jedi depends on this fight.

If the sky is a funnel, I'm afraid everyone will be applauded by now, calling out a big hole.

After the performance, the few who sighed and the majority who breathed a sigh of relief, seemed to finish the performance in front of Xiaodie without so much pressure.

Yuan Liang looked in the direction of the girl group group, and they all looked at Yuan Liang with sympathetic eyes, as if they were focused on a point that could catch fire at any time.

Yuan Liang wiped the sweat from the top of her head. The hot weather was a blessing to her. She wanted to get rid of the sweat on her head, and she was extremely handsome in the coolness.

But now, she was so baked by the sun that she was close to fainting, vaguely, she looked at the blurry figure in front of her, it seemed that it was not Xiaodie, but Miss Wei, with her afro, she couldn't shake any water droplets at all, it completely penetrated into her hair Li, just wet the hair.

Yuan Liang was so teased that she shook her body and suppressed a smile. When she stopped smiling, the music stopped instantly.

As expected, Xiaodie has practiced dancing for many years, and she can see her strong skills in every move and style, especially her own choreography.

"Sister, come on!"

Yuan Liang is about to play, and her younger brother seems to be a member of the cheerleading team.

Her feet were trembling unconsciously. She danced all night without resting for a few hours, so how could she play tricks in front of the original Xiaodie.

"If the applause is not warm enough, the artists of Zixiao Entertainment Company cannot perform. This is a well-known big company in Shanya City. There have been some problems these days, but it does not prevent the female team members from appearing in front of our cameras with a brand new look. , I believe that the fog will eventually pass, and the clear sky is waiting..."

The host tried his best to look sloppy for Yuan Liang, turned his head from time to time, glanced at Yuan Liang, and told her that it was time to go on stage.

"Hi everyone, my name is Yuan Liang, and I'm a signed artist of Zixiao Entertainment Company. I believe that 8 years will pass quickly."

"What the hell is my sister talking about? Isn't this ruining the company's reputation?"

Yuan Shuai was in the crowd and heard rumors about what happened to Zixiao Entertainment recently, and he also said that Tian Wei was not to blame, because Zixiao Entertainment was too short on artists, which made the employees resist as they should.

Doubts are rising one after another.

Gou Yuhong was at the bottom, frowning tightly, her nose hair blowing outwards, the burning gas in her body was like a powerful engine, she wished she could rush over immediately and reverse the camera.

"Aunt Gou, I'm late."

Zheng Meng was behind Gou Yuhong, and her voice pierced into her ears, making Gou Yuhong sound particularly pleasant.

"Meng'er, you came at the right time. As long as you behave well this time, we will fully cooperate with your father and come up with a solution to the rumors on the Internet."

"Look, she is my sister, isn't she amazing?"

Yuan Shuai's volume was enough to shock Gou Yuhong. She dug out her pierced ears, as if bouncing on the ground, as if the inside was swallowed up by the hysterical Yuan Shuai's saliva.

When Yuan Liang heard her younger brother's voice, she worked even harder to perform.

Before that, she actually had the idea of ​​retreating, but when the moving steps led her to stand at the top of the steps, in the middle of the stage, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she thought of a coup.

The very friendly and appealing action transformed the outside of the huge sales center into a large square in an instant, and Yuan Liang danced at her normal speed for all the mosaic shots.

Unexpectedly, the sales ladies who were watching the fun followed Yuan Liang and started exercising like morning exercises.

The accompaniment music was changed temporarily, so Yuan Liang had no choice but to perform on the spot and hum a pop ditty with her mouth. After the down-to-earth performance, she won thunderous applause from the queue.

Even Gou Yuhong couldn't help moving her feet, beating the beat, being stared at by Zheng Meng, clearing her throat, tugging at her clothes, and returning to her original dignified state, with her head raised high and her chin pointing Zheng Meng.

"it's your turn!"

Gou Yuhong was expressionless, like a robot, and said these three words coldly, as if Zheng Meng's outstanding performance was no longer needed. Zixiao Entertainment, as a big brand, has returned to the public eye through outstanding artists.

In Yuan Liang's end, the crowd with her as the apex spread out in a triangle. They didn't seem to have much expectation for Zheng Meng's performance, but felt that the dance just now was full of meaning.

It goes without saying that the magic of square dance is extraordinary.

"You are my little apple, I can never love you too much, red..."

Zheng Meng originally prepared a tall song, but a gesture made the sound engineer stop playing it.In the same way, he performed the performance with laughter and joy just now, but no one joined him.

Yuan Liang's younger brother wanted to exaggerate the atmosphere again. He opened his mouth, but closed it instantly. He also wanted to see what kind of singing and dancing partner Zheng Meng would bring, so he always looked down on the two siblings and shouted redneck.

The scene was terribly silent, without singing a few words, Zheng Meng lost her interest.

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