The more she said, the angrier Wen Wan felt.

"Li Chen, where is your ingenuity? Where is your rationality? Where is your ability to analyze things? Have you been eaten by dogs? There are clearly so many things wrong with the whole thing, why do you want to Believe that the problem lies with me?"

Because she was too excited, her gentle smiling face was flushed red, and it looked faintly like a Bana flower blooming under the moonlight.

"Why should I kill her?" Wen Wan yelled angrily, "If you kill her, you will only hate me, which means that I have blocked the way to be with you. Do you think I, Wen Wan, would be so stupid? This kind of loss-making business?"

"say no more."

Li Chen sneered, and interrupted her with a ruthless wave of his hand, "Why do you do this, probably only you know best in your heart."

Seeing that he is still unwilling to believe in himself, it is really difficult for Wen Wan to control her emotions.

"Okay," she yelled.

After shouting this, she suddenly closed her eyes, trying to calm down her emotions.

When she opened her eyes again, she had regained her usual calmness.

"Okay." She said hello to you again. "In this case, I don't need to waste my words anymore. Li Chen, since you have identified me as a murderer, you can avenge her today. Whether you kill me, or use the same method to push me to Go down, or call the police to catch me and let me go to jail, I don't have any objections, it's all up to you."

"Do you really think I will forgive you so easily?" Li Chen sneered.

Suddenly, he rushed to Wen Wan in a few strides.

Before she could react, he grabbed her waist and pulled her tightly into his arms.

"Whether it's death or imprisonment, this is too light a punishment for you."

Looking at the constantly cold eyes of the man opposite, he asked with a gentle smile: "Then how do you want to punish me? Didn't you bring me here to repay him with the same way?"

"I said it!" Li Chen interrupted her again, "Death is definitely not the most terrible punishment for you."

Wen Wan frowned, as if she was not sure what the man in front of her was thinking.

Didn't he bring himself here to use the same method to kill her and avenge Li Xinxin?
Even before, she had clearly felt the killing intent emanating from Li Chen, could it be her illusion?
Just as she was thinking about it, Wen Wan suddenly saw in shock that the man in front of her slipped, tilted her body, and fell directly to the bottom of the dark cliff.

All this happened so fast that Wen Wan had no time to recover.When she realized it, Li Chen had already fallen.

"Li Chen, what are you doing?" Wen Wan yelled like crazy, and subconsciously stretched out her two hands, almost grabbing Li Chen's arm.

But Li Chen's weight was not something she could hold, as his weight dropped, Wen Wan was carried forward by him, stepping forward step by step.

Wen Wan was in a hurry, so she could only hold Li Chen's arm firmly while stepping on the ground with both feet, using the friction of small stones to slow down the falling trend of herself and Li Chen.

Because of too much force, both feet were quickly cut.

The blood flowed out, leaving two deep marks as she walked forward.

"Li Chen." Wen Wan screamed, "Come up quickly."

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