Gently pointing at the dark cliff, she said in that emotionless, cold voice like a mountain breeze: "At the beginning, Xinxin jumped from a place that was about this high. If I jumped from here today Going on, it's the same as her situation back then."

"Enough." Li Chen said coldly, interrupting her abruptly.

The cold breath, accompanied by the cold mountain wind, enveloped the gentleness.

He stretched out his hand, strangled Wen Wan's neck, and grabbed towards himself viciously.

Almost instantly, the two stuck together.

Those who are so close seem to be able to feel each other's breath spraying directly on their faces.

"Don't challenge my tolerance again and again, Wen Wan, do you really think I won't kill you?" Li Chen's right hand viciously strangled the woman's neck, exerting a little force.

The veins on Wen Wan's neck protruded one by one, and in the end, even some redness began to appear in her eyes.

But she didn't show any nervous expression, she just smiled, and the smile on her calm face was like a beautiful flower from the other side.

She said softly: "You brought me here today, didn't you just want to make a break?"

"Whether that's the case, that's my business, without my permission, no nonsense is allowed."

Wen Wan ignored him, but turned her head with difficulty, and looked towards the dark place below.A faint smile appeared on the poignant face, "But actually, there is still some difference between Xinxin's cliff jumping and my cliff jumping today."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Li Chen said coldly, "Don't think that saying these meaningless words can make me change my mind."

"You are wrong." Wen Wan directly interrupted him, "I never intended to make you change your mind. When you brought me here, I was already mentally prepared. Fate dictates that there is nothing to say .”

Twisting the corners of her mouth with difficulty, she then said: "Li Chen, do you know what is the difference between what happened today and when Xinxin jumped off the cliff? The difference is that the place where Xinxin jumped is the sea, and here Below are rocks."

After a pause, she followed up and said: "Xinxin may still be alive if she jumps down, but I..."

Turning his eyebrows, his eyes fell on the face of the man in front of him.

"Li Chen, I can die, but I don't want to die for no apparent reason."

Li Chen snorted coldly, his handsome face was full of unconcealable anger, "Xinxin is also dead for no apparent reason. Back then, when did you ever give her a chance to make a choice?"

"You really are like this, why can't you give me a chance to tell me what happened back then?"

She looked at the man in front of her with a smile on her face, "Since you want to make a break with me, why don't you let me talk about what happened back then?"

Li Chen remained silent, but the condensed look on his face had already revealed his true emotions.

In anger, he grabbed her by the shoulder and clasped it hard, "I've said it, but you are not allowed to say it."

"Why bother?" Wen Wan twitched the corners of her mouth, "Since I've been brought here, what else can I say? If we make a decision earlier, both you and I can relax. This is the best choice for us. Li Chen, your choice is not wrong. Or do you not want to find out how Xinxin died back then? What are you running away from?"

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