Regarding the gentle request, Li Chen just snorted coldly. "Changing orders overnight is not something I would do."

"Okay." Wen Wan nodded coldly. "Li Chen, you are indeed ruthless."

She closed her eyes slowly, and when she opened them again, those normally indifferent pupils had been covered by frost.

She turned around and faced Li Chen directly.

Staring at him for a while, he suddenly sneered, "Li Chen, you are so ridiculous."

"What do you want to say?" Li Chen snorted coldly, his eyes like cold pools were filled with deep anger, "You have done something wrong, but you can be justified."

"I'm not wrong." Wen Wan said coldly. "It's you who is wrong, it's you!"

Li Chen sneered coldly, and didn't even bother to answer.

"You target me everywhere, torture me, and even do not hesitate to attack Wen Xin, all because in your heart you believe that I am the opponent who will kill Li Xinxin." Wen Wan said coldly.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Li Chen frowned and asked in a low voice. "I told you more than once that you are not qualified to mention Xinxin."

"Not qualified? Why am I not qualified?" Wen Wan smiled coldly. "Li Chen, I really think you are very sad and pitiful. You have done so many things for what you believe in. If you know that everything you have done is wrong in the future, I don't know what you will think. You will regret it What have you done to me over the years?"

"At this moment, you are still justifying yourself." Li Chen said coldly, "How dare you, how dare you say such a thing?"

He suddenly stretched out his hand, strangled Wen Wan's neck again, and grabbed it slightly in front of himself. Those eyes, like a deep pool, stared at her coldly, "You killed Xinxin, this is a fact, Facts that cannot be changed. Maybe I had no evidence before, but now I have witnesses."

"Witness?" Wen Wan sneered, "Your so-called witness is Cheng Yinger, right?"

She pushed away his hand strangling her neck with a look of disdain.

"So in your mind, Cheng Yinger already has such a big weight. What she said is the truth, but you don't believe what I said. If that's the case, then sue me." Wen Wan said coldly.

Li Chen frowned, staring fixedly at the woman in front of him, trying to see something from her face.

What is this woman crazy about?

"Haven't you been unable to let go of Xinxin's matter? Haven't you always wanted to avenge her? Now the opportunity has come, and with witnesses, then you can sue me for killing someone. Whether it's in jail or shot, you You can give Xinxin an explanation."

"You really think I don't dare," Li Chen was agitated by her.

"Why don't you dare? Young Master Li, what do you want to do? Is there anyone else who dares to stop it?" The gentle voice became sharper, "Young Master Li, please call the police and arrest me."

Facing the stimulation of Wen Wan, Li Chen almost couldn't control his emotions. At that moment, he really wanted to just strangle this woman to death.

But on second thought, wouldn't it be too cheap for her to just let her die?

He stared at the woman in front of him with a gloomy face, and his cold voice cut her body like a knife, "Want to die? Want to go to jail? It's not that easy. You can't live, you can't die, this is what you should have." fate."

Wen Wan sneered coldly, "Dead or not, it doesn't make any sense to me anymore."

While speaking, her whole body returned to the lifelessness of the past, and no waves could be seen in those eyes that were full of anger and firmness before, as calm as a wooden man.

Such gentleness made Li Chen very irritable, and he always had the thought of strangling her to death like this.

The big cold palm clasped her neck, and the thumb gently pressed the blood vessels on her neck, as if looking for a suitable angle.

After staring at her for half the price, he pushed the woman in front of him away, and raised his voice to the driver in front of him, "Go to the Bold Mountain in the suburbs."

There are some things that must be done today.

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