When the man finished saying this sentence, Wenxin didn't say anything more.

She raised her head and looked at the man opposite her seriously.

From brow to eye, sweep down a little bit.

At this moment, her eyes are like radar, not letting go of any part of the face of the man opposite.

She should be familiar with this face.Even if she went to jail because of this man's frame, she still never forgot this face.

In the past few years in prison, Wenxin has been thinking of him.It's not that she really wants to think about it, it's just that sometimes, the human brain can't be controlled at all.

His face would always appear in his mind unconsciously, and the bit by bit of the two of them getting along with each other slowly climbed up from the depths of their hearts.

In her heart, Wen Xin hated him, but these hatreds could not expel the existence of this man from her heart.

Therefore, even though several years have passed, Wenxin feels that she has never been separated from this man.

But at this time, it was obviously still the familiar face, but it felt very strange, as if she no longer knew him.

Just like a few years ago, when she was wronged and murdered.

At that time, his expression was so indifferent and indifferent.Looking at her eyes is like looking at a stranger, or an enemy.

At that time, Wenxin felt that she had never known this man, or that she had never really known this man.

And now, that feeling came up again.

"I really feel like I've never known you. Why do you treat me like this? Is it to deal with the Wen family, or just to deal with me?" Wen Xin asked.

"What do you say?" The man showed a nice smile, "I'm your boyfriend, why would you say such a thing? Didn't you once say that you knew me very well, and that I was like your lover in a previous life? "

The numbness on Wen Xin's face was slowly corroded by his words, like a piece of glass smashed by someone's hard punch.

At this moment, she really regretted that she had said such a thing.

She felt stupid, incomparably stupid.

Why couldn't she see clearly the evil hidden behind this man's smile?

If she could see the true face of this man clearly earlier, then the Wen family would be safe from accidents.

"Please answer my question." Wenxin asked again earnestly, "This question is very important to me, no matter what you have done to me, it has passed, and I don't want to pursue any more responsibilities .Now, I just want to know an answer, you can't keep me confused like this, can you?"

"In this day and age, it's actually a good thing to be a little confused. Haven't you heard a sentence? It's rare to be confused?"

The expression on the man's face was very serious and sincere, as if he was really serious about this question.

Unable to control her inner emotions anymore, Wen Xin slapped the table angrily, "What on earth do you want? If you don't want to tell me the truth, why did you take me out of the hospital?"

The man smiled softly again, "Actually, you have already guessed it, haven't you? Why do you need to pursue this answer? Do you know what I liked about you before? I just liked your naive nature. So, it's not good to continue to be naive ?"

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