Trying Love After Marriage: Emperor Shao spoils his wife and becomes addicted

Chapter 41 A Complicated Relationship Involving Human Lives

Facing the gentle roar, Li Chen originally wanted to shout back.

This woman is getting bolder, how can I not teach her a lesson.

But who knows, before he even opened his mouth, he felt dizzy, and then he didn't know anything.

"Li Chen!" Wen Wan exclaimed, and hurriedly hugged his body that was about to fall. "Big Brother, Second Brother!"

"Go to the hospital." Wu Yu didn't say a word, just bent down to pick up Li Chen, turned around and left.

Such a thing happened suddenly, which was not expected by everyone.

Even Ouyang Moyuan felt it was weird, how could such a thing happen all of a sudden.

Moyuan, this is Moyuan, how could such a strange thing happen?

Before leaving, he glanced at the strangely dressed woman, but saw that she had a ghostly face, and he couldn't make out her appearance at all.

I don't know if she was overly frightened, but after the woman let out a vague scream, she turned around and ran away.

Ouyang Moyuan had a headache from watching it.

But he is not in a hurry, this woman is so special, he should be an extremely special existence in the ink garden, and he will not worry about not being able to find her.

A group of people ran excitedly and hurried back.

Rushing to the nearest hospital, Li Chen was immediately sent to the emergency room.

Wen Wan sat on the bench outside without saying a word, her soul was about to float away.

The two hands were clenched together, trembling all the time.

Until now, she has not been able to recover from the shocking scene before.

To be honest, when the accident happened before, she really thought she was going to die, but this time she was going to die.

But she didn't expect that Li Chen would rush over and protect her with his own life.

But it was this that made her not understand, she thought Li Chen hated her.

"Xiao Wan'er, are you alright?" Mo Chen walked to her side and sat down, and asked softly.

"Why would he do this?" Wen Wan murmured. "It shouldn't, it shouldn't. He shouldn't be the one who had the accident."

Mo Chen smiled wryly, he raised his hand, and rubbed her head carelessly, "Little fool, it shouldn't be the third child who caused the accident, should it be you? Whether it's you or the third child, it doesn't matter if it's you or the third child." Nothing should happen. Not to mention..."

"What's more?" Wen Wan turned her head suddenly, staring at him with two big soft eyes.

"What's more, you are his wife. It's only natural for a man to protect his own woman. Don't worry about it, okay?"

"But...he, he hates..." I said.

Mo Chen raised his hand and patted her on the head again, "What are you thinking? Xiao Wan'er, sometimes you are smart, but sometimes you are stupid. Love and hate are two sides to each other. If there is no love, how can there be hatred? "

Wen Wan wryly smiled.

How could Li Chen love her?
He hated her so much that it was too late, wishing she could die.

But today...why didn't he just let her die like this?
Seeing her like this, Mo Chen knew that she couldn't figure it out for a while, and didn't dare to force her.

The matter between Wen Wan and Li Chen is too complicated, involving a human life, it's really not that easy to deal with.

Take your time and let time slowly heal all wounds.

"The doctor is here." Wu Yu's voice suddenly sounded, waking up the two Wen Wan who were in deep thought.

Wen Wan immediately got up to meet her, but her legs became numb from sitting for a long time, and she almost didn't fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Ouyang Moyuan followed behind and reached out to support her in time.

Wen Wan didn't bother to thank her, she rushed over tremblingly and asked, "Doctor, how is my husband?"

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